The son of heaven

"Get up kid, time for work." A fully armed man in silver shining armor ruthlessly kicked a boy in his stomach, the young boy couldn't take the impact of the kick and coughed up blood, he fainted soon after and his heart stopped moving. The man who kicked the child sighed slightly then carried the corpse of the boy as if he was holding a bag of manure, lifting only the clothes of the boy, leaving the corpse to be hung with his dirty clothes. The guard left with another guard to dispose of the corpse of the boy away.

"Another one bites the dust huh? Dude, calm yourself man, this is the 23th this month."

"I can't help it man~ I just got to wake these kids up, I feel reluctant to do this too you know?"

"You might say so, but you smile happily every time you kick em."

"Haha. Very funny."

The guard had a grin that stretched out and almost seemingly reached his ears. The other guard just sighed but he himself seemed to enjoy torturing children as well, he is actually a hypocritical bastard who killed even more innocent children than the first guard who now had a horrible smile patched on his face. The two discussed creepily about different torture methods, whereby any one of these methods would make one shiver in fear and vomit should they ever try to imagine experiencing them. However, it was a this moment that the two guards didn't notice that the body of the boy seemed to heat up and his finger twitched ever so slightly.

The two guards threw the body away into the forest and left his corpse to be eaten by the monsters in the forest as they laughed and walked away.

"Where am I…?"

The boy soon awoke from his unconscious state as he blurrily opened his little eyes before noticing that he was in an unfamiliar place. The boy's eyes were azure blue and his scarlet red hair seemed to flow gently in the wind. He was handsome and his looks are unrivaled under the heavens but now, his good looks were ruined by the dust and dirt on his face, making him look no different than a beggar on the streets. The boy rubbed his head and inspected his body, only to find out it was the body of a seven year old boy.

"Why am I in such a young body? I'm supposed to be 25… Wait... was I reborn?"

The boy seemed to have understood what had happened. Before reincarnating into the present world he is in, he was a genius doctor from Earth and had no patients he was unable to save. He created many medicine to cure diseases that were fatal and terminal. However, he died from overworking; He had spent countless hours researching on medicine, sacrificing hours and hours of sleep plus he skipped meals very oftenly. As such, his body could no longer hold on as he drew his last breath… leaving Earth with many people mourning his death while countries prayed for his soul to move on as they lament for the loss of a genius doctor. Most of the time when the boy was free and had nothing to do, he would read chinese novels, as such, he came to learn about reincarnation. Understanding the situation he was in, the boy tried to move about when he realised that his body had some serious injuries- 4 rib bones broken, internal bleeding and a few other injuries. He struggled to sit up and started to search around for herbs that could prevent his injuries from worsening.

"F*ck!! This daddy has just been reborn and now he has to die once more?! I won't accept this! I will survive!"

Plop, the boy fell onto the ground while cursing inwardly in his heart. He struggled to get up again, but alas, the pain was simply just too much for him to bear as he soon fainted shortly after with many lingering regrets remaining in his heart.

A few hours later…

"Martial uncle. Are we going to reach home soon?"

"Hmm… as long as we fly for a few more hours we should reach home soon."

"Ehh? I'm already tired though…"

"Hahaha… well, let's rest in the forest then."


Two figures flew down and landed in the area where the boy fainted in. The old man and the girl soon noticed the unconscious boy before walking up to check on the boy's condition.

"Uncle, is he dead?"

"No… this is very weird… how is he still alive even with such severe injuries?"

The uncle's face was plastered with confusion and was wondering if the boy was a demon or monster. The girl on the other hand, was interested in the boy and wanted to learn more about him.

"Then martial uncle, let's carry him back with us!"

"Carry him back with us? We have no space for a random stranger. Who knows if he is human.."

"He can be my friend and helper! Besides, how can such a frail boy be a demon or a monster?"

"This… haiz… since it's your wish then…"

"I knew you were the best Martial uncle!"

Beaming brightly, the girl could not conceal her excitement and happiness as she gratefully hugged her martial uncle lovingly. The old man sighed deeply but looking closely, his eyes were filled with doting love for the little girl. The old man then lifted the boy up with his inner Qi while shaking his head helplessly before instructing the girl to feed the boy a Vitality pill. Upon completing these tasks did they continue their journey rushing back to their homeland.

"Ugh… wait… I didn't die?"

Awaking to notice that he was in an unfamiliar but luxurious room, the boy slowly sat up on the bed. Inspecting his body, he saw that his wounds were tended and they were wrapped in gauzes. Suddenly, the door in the room opened up and a small girl entered carrying a basin of water. The little loli girl looked to be around his age, her beautiful black long hair flew in the wind like a small fluid and smooth river in the air, her calm and collected azure blue eyes seemed to be unperturbed even when facing the greatest if disasters, one could obviously tell that she would grow up to become a heaven defying beauty that would make kings of countries wage war over.

The boy's heart was battered with waves of shock as he forcefully calmed his heart from beating furiously. She looks like her... That girl from his previous life. Back on Earth, since the boy was young, this was the girl that he had sacrificed all his time and his youth for to become a doctor, all just to cure her.

The little loli girl looked at him with confusion apparent in her eyes before speaking to him.

"Are you okay?"

Quickly, the boy snapped back into reality as he swiftly shot her a smile.

"Yes, I am. Are you the one who saved me?"

Bursting into a cute smile, the loli girl replied sweetly, "Yep~ My name is Feng Hanyan! This is my house, we found you while resting in the forest! What is your name?"

"My name huh?… I don't know…"

It was true, he didn't have a name in this world so he did not know what to call himself.

"Hm… well, then I shall give you a name! How about… Liu Yun! 'Liu' for flowing and 'Yun' for Clouds!"

Hearing this, the boy was stunned for a moment before he embraced the girl tightly, as if never to let her go, she was just way too similar, her appearance, her character and of all things, she even gave him the same nickname the girl from his previous life did. She even gave him the same explanation for the name, with every word for a word being the same. Her face merged with the image in his memories and the desire to protect her once again sparked within him even though he had already lost the desire a long time ago.

The girl in his memories was his childhood friend and he deeply loved her. She had an incurable disease that had struck her for a long time, he promised to become a doctor and cure her of her disease, but… before he could formulate the cure for her disease, she passed away…

Her name was Li Yuyuan…