Who are you?

The girl in his memories was his childhood friend and he deeply loved her. She had an incurable disease that had struck her for a long time, he promised to become a doctor and cure her of her disease, but… before he could formulate the cure for her disease, she passed away…

Her name was Li Yuyuan…

Feng Hanyan was shocked, she was about to shake him off when she felt a tears dripping onto her shoulders. She saw that the strong and sturdy expression on the young boy's face turn into a crying and miserable face. She quickly calmed herself down and embraced the crying little boy who appeared a little older than her gently, seemingly afraid to hurt the fragile feelings of the boy's, no… of Liuyun's.

Moments later, someone knocked on the door before an old man emerged into the room, noticing the boy was embracing the little princess that he doted on, his eyes turned sharp and an aura of bloodlust coated his body as he reached out to repel the boy away from hugging her. Feng Hanyan quickly raised her left hand to signal the old man to not do anything. Being forced to stop at close range, the old man inevitably got angry and frustrated seeing the precious treasure of the family embracing the boy gently.

"Yan-er, it's time for your lessons, your teacher has already arrived."

"Okay! Martial uncle!"

"As for this kid… hmph, he dares touches our treasure and even hug her…"

"Martial Uncle!!"

"Okay okay… I was just joking, anyways the head has decided that that the boy would also join you in your studies once he is at your level of studies. So for now he will be in another class until he is able to keep up with your lesson."

"Martial uncle! That is quite hard you know, he probably doesn't even know how to write!"

"Hmph! He needs to be at your level to be able to serve you well as a servant!"

"Its okay, uh… Miss Feng, I will learn as much as I can as soon as possible to join you in your class…"

"Muu, muu"

Feng hanyan looks a little displeased at the decisions made by the family while Liuyun seemed to be unbothered by the turns of events. To him, as long as he can have a chance to be with Hanyan, it would be more than enough.

"Hmph, as least you know your limits, anyways, your teacher would be Yan-er's language teacher."


Upon hearing Feng Hanyan's shocked voice and seeing her astonished face made Liuyun wonder who it could be that could possibly make her so shocked. It was finally time for Feng Hanyan to leave for her studies, so she quickly wrote something on a piece of paper before handing it over to Liuyun and being dragged off to her study room by her martial uncle.

Just as Liuyun was about to read the note, he was suddenly dragged off by servants to his living quarters before changing into his given set of attire then he rushed to his study room to begin his lessons.

Entering the room, there was a female teacher who is elegant and beautiful standing in the middle, staring through the window while looking into the wilderness, admiring the mystical scenery of the green luster from the familiar plants and herbs… she slowly turned her head and saw Liuyun at the door. Gesturing for him to sit down, Liuyun,obediently obliged. He quickly found a seat and sat down slowly and elegantly, shocking the woman ever so slightly.

Back in Liuyun's old life, he had learnt a variety of different things from academics to medicine and to tea drinking. Sitting down elegantly was just one of the many things he learnt from his etiquette class.

"I take it that you are the boy that fainted in the woods. What's your name?"

"Yes. I had no name from the start, but the mistress was kind enough to bestow upon me the name 'Liuyun' "

"Oh ho? I see that girl did? Then, let's begin our first official lesson."

Books upon books were stacked on top of the table as the teacher said

"Look through these books and find out what you will be learning."

"Yes, teacher."

When the Liuyun opened up the book, it was filled with chinese words all over, luckily for him chinese was his main language back in his previous life so reading was still simple for him. Soon, he was able to read through and learn everything in the book quickly. The boy had a photographic memory and easily memorised everything in the book. Anxious to be in the same class as Feng Hanyan, he quickly dropped the book that he had already finished memorising and went on to arithmetics then history. Once done, the boy dropped his book and called for his teacher.

"I'm done, teacher."

"Done? Okay let's start lesson."

"I memorised everything already. Let's move on to something harder."

"So quickly?"

The teacher did not seem believe Liuyun's claim as she had a face plastered with disbelief. She thought for sure that Liuyun was talking big and lying to her.

Knowing that the teacher did not believe him, he sighed as he began to recite out everything from the textbook she was about to teach.

"From the time people are born, ying and yang coexist as they canceled each other out…" he splendidly read out everything in the book word by word and once he was done, Liuyun smirked while the female teacher was astounded for a few moments before regaining her clarity back.

She was quite pleased with her new student being so talented. Soon after, she walked out of the room for a before returning shortly after with more heaps of books. This time, the difficulty of the concepts taught within books were significantly higher. Teacher smiled deviously at Liuyun, making the him shiver ever so slightly.

"Um… teacher?"


"Are we supposed to learn everything here?"


Hearing her acknowledgement made Liuyun bang his head endlessly on the table as he thought to himself: "I shouldn't have been so anxious to show off…" He quickly snapped back into reality and realized one critical point.



"You have yet to introduce yourself…"

"Oh is that so? Well then…"

The female teacher placed the books down and she elegantly sat on the cushion below, her every movement was so enchanting that it even mesmerized Liuyun for a few moments. She casually picked up a lying fan next to the books and opened it up to cover her mouth before replying.

"My name is Feng Huaxue, I am your teacher and also Feng Hanyan's mother."