Trouble arrives

"What the f*ck..." Was what Liu Yun could think at that time. He was so shocked that his soul almost came out and his sweat was cold. He never imagined that the lady before him was one of the members of the Feng clan, much less her being Feng Han yan's mother. His composure was lost and his poker face was broken down completely.

Seeing Liu yun's shocked expression made Feng HuaXue smile and giggle slightly, ever since stepping into the room, Liu yun maintained his composure and was like an adult, very calm and it seemed that nothing could ever break his composure, until he figured out the identity of her.

Finally he is acting like the kid he is supposed to be… In Feng Hua Xue's heart, although she understood that Liuyun suffered ever since he was born, she still had a motherly instinct to want to help him relieve his pain and suffering. Seeing his expression made her happy to know that Liuyun has yet become a cold blooded person.

Liu Yun quickly regained his composure as he apologized to her about the unseemingly sight he has displayed before her. He hurriedly took up one of the new books that were brought in by Feng Hua Xue and started to immerse himself in the books in order for him to forget about the scene that had occurred earlier, well… at least he tried to. Feng Hua Xue still noticed his ears perking and it was slightly reddish, she immediately understood that he was just acting and his actions made him all the more cuter, she couldn't help but suddenly giggle. The giggle just made Liu Yun all the more embarrassed as he wish to bury his head into a hole.

After the lesson was over, it was already 7pm in the night, they started studying at 2pm.

Liuyun was very tired from all the of the work given and once Feng Hua xue left, he lied down on the bamboo mat and closed his eyes. Suddenly, he remembered about the note that Feng Hanyan had written to him. He opened it up and read the contents, only to laugh and giggle about her note.

My mom is your tutor!

A few months later…

"Liuyun! Hurry up!"

"I'll be right there Miss Feng."

"Muu Muu you promised me…"

"... Yan er…"


The two were strolling in the market and were walking around the city to tour around. The world they are in is called Huo Fei, the world is wide and there are over trillions of people here. In this world there are people called cultivators, they train inner energy and strong cultivators are said to be able to destroy the world with a flick of their fingers.

The strength levels for each cultivator can be divided into different tiers. Origin stage, Profound stage, Spirit stage, Ascended stage, , Rebirth stage, Fate Stage and lastly the immortal stage. Each stage has a low, middle and high level to it.

In the world, very few people have reached the Fate stage, and in the last few thousand years there has been no one in the world to ever reach the immortal stage.The Feng family, where Feng Hanyan was born, and where Liuyun is staying current is the strongest family ever in the world of Huo Fei, in their blood runs the bloodline of the holy phoenix god. But even their family head, who is also their strongest fighter, was only at the fate stage middle level, although it is only a level difference from immortal stage, to break through from one stage to another was a huge ordeal to do. But his high stage allows him to be the strongest fighter in the world and very few are his equal.

Currently Liuyun was the only male servant serving the only daughter of the Feng family's head, which was none other than Feng Hanyan. Feng Hanyan was the same age as Liuyun, 7 and had a playful personality. She loves to play pranks on Liuyun, though Liuyun would normally see through her pranks. One cannot say that she is only energetic, she is also very intelligent, whenever her home tutor gives her a quiz or test, she would score higher than 90%, never less than that.

Today, they were given a time off from a break and Feng Hanyan wanted to play around in the city. They snuck out from the house secretly and started to explore the city.

"Liuyun! That looks very delicious can you buy it for me please?"

"Okay, but don't eat too many sweets alright? It's bad for your health."


The two stopped by a sweets store and a friendly looking old man walked out to greet them.

"Hello, you kids want to buy anything?"

The old man was very amiable and smiled towards the two of them. Liuyun held Feng hanyan's hand as he brought her into the store. Feng Hanyan's curious eyes looked around as she excitedly walked around to look at the different variety of sweets. She looked at a package of a sugary like sweet and her eyes glowed brightly at Liuyun, Liuyun sighed and understood as he went forward and tried to take the package away.

But as he reached out for the package, someone pushed him away and took the sweets away.

"This is mine, go away before someone gets hurt."

The boy who pushed Liuyun away looked to be around 10 years old, Liuyun in this world was 8 years old, slightly younger than the boy and older than Feng Hanyan by 1 year old and he was pretty robust for his age. Dressed in a luxurious black robe that most could never hope to afford, the boy's ferocious and crude face creates a huge contrast from his outfit. Alongside him were a few boys who seemed to be his underling.