Bloodline of Death(1)

The two hugged each other for 15 minutes, time seemed to stop for the both of them as they showed no signs of ever letting go each other, as if afraid that the other would suddenly just disappear into thin air. It seemed that they would be hugging each other for eternity but it was suddenly broken by a cough of someone.

"Uh, hum**"

Hearing that cough, the two of them quickly released each other and they blushed so heavily that their faces were bright red. They turned to look at the entrance and saw Feng Hanyan's Uncle walking in slightly embarrassed. Liuyun tried to keep up a poker face as usual but alas, his bright red ears gave him off while Feng Hanyan simply covered her face with the blanket that Liuyun was using. Seeing this scene, Martial uncle once again felt as if his heart was being pierced by millions of arrows, he wanted to cry badly yet he couldn't.

"Liuyun how are you?"

Surprised that Martial Uncle's tone was not one of anger but rather a tone of caring.

"I am fine Sir Martial Lord."

"Don't bother with all the formalities, just call me by my name, I am Feng Yang Zhe, this little brat's uncle."

Saying so, he lightly knocked on the little girl's head leaving her a cute bump on there. "Owwie…Meanie Martial uncle, Yan'er don't want to be nice to uncle anymore!"

"Hmph! That will teach you a lesson to sneak out of the house if Liuyun wasn't there to save you who

knows how you would have been!"

Needless to say, when Feng Yang Zhe remembers about the incident at the little candy store, he will start to get angry. Feng Hanyan would show signs of fear from the incident and a despondent look will show one her face, Liuyun saw that and started to pat her forehead.


Doing this seems to make Feng Hanyan happy as he patted more gently and carefully.

Feng Hanyan was slightly embarrassed and turned her head up to look at his face, but then she suddenly burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, that is a funny face you have there Liuyun!"

"Face? Oh, you're right… Hahaha, I am pretty dumb huh mistress…"

Liuyun was wondering what Feng hanyan was talking about and he looked around and saw his reflection on the mirror that his room had. Indeed it was pretty funny, one of his eyes was swollen and black, it looked as if he had panda eyes, his lips were swollen red as well and he looked like he ate too many chilies for dinner. Seeing his slightly disfigured yet interesting looking face, Liuyun couldn't help but laugh at it. He then noticed that he was showing more emotions than his previous life.

In his previous life, he was completely emotionless, not that he no emotions or anything, but it was just due to the fact that Li Yuyuan wasn't by his side anymore. When she died, Liuyun sealed up his emotions and did not bother with life often anymore. He just mostly focused on creating and researching new medicines, only sometimes taking off some free time off to read novels, even so, he did not show his emotions at all. Now that Feng Hanyan is right beside him now, his locked up emotions are released and he started to act more like the age he is supposed to be.

"Yan'er, please exit the room for a while, let me talk to Liuyun for a moment."

Feng Hanyan wanted to refuse but then she saw a serious face on her Martial Uncle. Knowing that it was going to be something important, she left the room.

"Brat. I wanted to talk about your powers… That power you used, it felt as if it was a withering demon's aura."

"A Withering Demon?"

"They were long extinct and none has appeared for a few thousand years now. They are people who have the bloodline of the death god. Whenever one appears, they will instantly crush a city or an entire continent with just their abilities alone. Even a Fate stage cultivator will have some problems going up against a Withering Demon. Their powers are so terrifying that people just gave those who have the Death god's bloodline the name Withering demon, since everywhere they go, everything will wither…"

Cold sweat started to form on the top of Liuyun's forehead. Never did he think that his bloodline would be so terrifying, he understood why Feng Yang Zhe would tell this to him. Withering Demons were hated throughout the entire world. If anyone manages to find out about his powers, he will surely be hunted down everywhere and there will no longer be peace for him ever again. Unless he manages to cultivate to a stage where no one would be able to harm him he will truly have to suffer.

"... Please, teach me the ways of a cultivator… That is my only way if I want to ever survive in this world."

Liuyun stood up and bent his body 90 degrees as he asked to seek instruction from Feng Yang Zhe.

Feng Yang Zhe looked at Liuyun for a moment as he smiled happily, his countenance turned gentle before he spoke out.

"Alright, I will take you as my disciple. But, if I see that you are about to lose control of your bloodline powers I will immediately kill you, understand?"

"Yes! Disciple greets master!"

Hearing that Feng Yang Zhe is willing to take him in as a disciple, Liuyun's eyes gleamed with happiness and he kowtowed 3 times to Feng Yang Zhe.