Liuyun's first patient (II)

The room was silent when Feng Hanyan said her words. Liuyun was stunned and he was looking at Feng Hanyan with shock and a slight trace of happiness in his eyes, Feng Hua Xue couldn't help grinning and giggling, while Feng Yang Zhe was petrified and it was as if he turned into stone, he did not even budge even an inch.

Seeing how the atmosphere in the room was so awkward, Feng Hanyan realized something was off and she thought about the words she said. "But, as long as you will not put yourself in such danger anymore, and agree to stay by my side forever and ever I will forgive you!" Finally remembering the words she said, she blushed heavily and realized what was going on… the words she said, wasn't it as if she was confessing her love for Liuyun?!

"Wawawa… It's not like that Liuyun! I only said that because I was afraid that you will start to be more reckless in the future! I..It's not like I was confessing to you or anything!"

Feng Hanyan started to become more and more flustered and her words became even more jumbled up, meanwhile, Feng Hua Xue only started to giggle and laugh more while Feng Yang Zhe crumbled down into ashes and floated away with the wind, leaving behind tears and heartache.

...Tsun...Tsundere… was all Liuyun could think of and he started to laugh.

"Ha Ha Ha!"

He laughed so hard he knocked on the floor and clutched his stomach in pain, His laughter only made Feng Hanyan blush even harder, so much so that she mysterious found some strength and covered her entire body with the blanket.

Her rolling up in her blankets made her look like a small fishball that if Liuyun could, he would gobble it up in one bite. Feng Hua Xue sighed a little and she used her nature power to immobilize Feng Hanyan and forced her to sit up straight. Feng Hanyan was still very embarrassed by her earlier actions and her reddish ears prove it all. Seeing this, Liuyun no longer teased her and took the bowl of porridge besides the bed. He blew on it a few times before slowly and carefully bringing it to the mouth of his mistress.

"Here Mistress, say ahh…"

"Muu muu."

Feng Hanyan was still slightly awkward. She kept her head lowered, but from time to time, she would raise her eyes to sneak a peek at Liuyun before swiftly lowering her gaze once more. All Liuyun could think at that moment was that she was simply too cute. He dazed off by looking at her, so much so that Feng Hua Xue had to cough lightly in order to bring him back to his senses.

"Uh… Mistress, please let me feed you…"

Seeing Liuyun so serious in spoon-feeding her, Feng Hanyan squealed slightly and nervously opened her mouth.

The closer Liuyun brought the spoon to her mouth, the faster her heart beat. Her attention was only on the spoon and she couldn't focus on anything else. Finally, when the spoon was at her lips, she hesitated for a few moments before mustering her courage, closing her eyes tightly before she ate the food Liuyun fed to her.

The instant she took a bite, Feng Hanyan tasted the thick porridge actually evaporate in her mouth with a burst of flavors. The rice had its sweetness completely preserved within each grain, while the stock was refreshing and light. The tender, juicy chicken meat melted in her mouth while leaving only the intrinsic flavor of poultry. She opened her eyes and stared at Liuyan with both surprise and delight

"This is delicious! I never had anything this good before!"

Feng Hanyan excited proclaimed as she hurriedly asked Liuyun to quickly feed her. If not for the fact that she couldn't eat by herself, she would probably snatch the entire bowl and devour the entire thing.

"Oh my, is it that good? Let mom have a taste."

Curiously, Feng Hua Xue asked to try some as well. Liuyun wanted to go to the kitchen to get another bowl for her instead, but she scooped some of the porridge up and ate it as well. When the food entered her mouth, her normally calm eyes opened up and surprise but it reverted back into normal in an instant.

"Liuyun do you mind getting me a bowl as well? I am rather starved."

"Oh, yes Ma'am"

Hearing her words, Liuyun quickly rushed into the kitchen to get another serving for Feng Hua Xue. In a few minutes time, he was back with more and he passed it to Feng Hua Xue. Picking it up, Feng Hua Xue ate the food elegantly and seemingly enjoyed the food very much. In a few moments, she was done. Stunning Liuyun as he thought to himself, she must have been hungry…

He quickly snapped out of his thinking and slowly began to feed the pouting mistress who suddenly got angry at Liuyun for god know reasons.

In this time, everyone seemed to forget about the other person in the room. Feng Yang Zhe was in the room the entire time and watching the whole scene. He was as if a shadow, forgotten by all as he silently wept in the corner of the room.

"Everyone was so heartless… They completely forgot about my presence here huh…"

Though he was the strongest in the room currently, his presence seemed to be gone and overtaken by Feng Hua Xue. The said person was busy wiping her mouth as she proclaimed.

"I missed breakfast today, no wonder I was so hungry."

Hearing this Feng Yang Zhe stumbled and felt like he was going to vomit blood. You are a Rebirth Low-level cultivator! Even if you went years without food you will still be okay, how can you be so hungry just by missing breakfast?! Was the food really so delicious?!

Thinking about it, it must be true. How else was Feng Hua Xue, someone who experienced all the world's goodness in life, act like so when it came to a bowl of porridge! Feng Yang Zhe suddenly thought of an idea and flaunted his aura off in front of everyone.

"Liuyun, please get master a bowl as well, I want to try it too."

Cold sweat started to form on Liuyun's head before he replied back to him.

"Um… Master… Sorry, I gave Ma'am the last bowl…"

Hearing his words, Feng Yang Zhe once again turned to stone and finally, he crumbled down into pieces on the ground… He thought, Damn I am this guy's master why the hell did I not get any food… IT'S SO UNFAIR!!!