Doctor Liuyun first patient (I)

Feng Yang Zhe bit his own hand and used his own blood to create a small formation on the ground. Once he was done, he weaved a few hand signs and injected some nature energy into the formation, as he was doing so, the formation started to move around, it floated up and gradually grew brighter and brighter.

All of a sudden, the formation started to turn into a bunch of words, though Liuyun could not read even a single word from it as he has completely no knowledge of formations and such. It was then, Feng Yang zhe whipped out his sword and canceled some parts of the sentences, this seemed to take a toll on Feng Yang Zhe's body as he was sweating profusely and his breathing was uneven.


"Keep quiet disciple, once I am done we will talk."

Concentration was needed in order to maintain the formation, though it was only a few words Feng Yang Zhe spoke, it almost seemed to broke the formation as it started to turn translucent as he spoke. Liuyun knew he should no longer talk and just went outside to reflect on his actions.

He sat down on the grass field and recounted what has happened, when suddenly, a voice rang out in his head.

"Brat, you were lucky this time to survive…"

"Jia yi? You woke up?"

Hearing that familiar voice once more, Liuyun turned agitated as he excited talked to her. Ever since that incident, he never heard from her anymore, this entire time he was rather worried of her since she can be said to be his life saviour.

"I woke up when you were attempting to open up all your meridians."

Jia yi nonchalantly replied him, her tone seemingly uncaring as she did so. But this did not matter to Liuyun as he finally completely relaxed down and smiled gently. Suddenly he thought of something as he curiously asked her.

"Was it you who helped me out during the meridian opening process? I felt a familiar yet warm energy flowing through my body at the end of the process."

Jia yi did not say anything, Liuyun took her silence as an acknowledgement.

"Thank you…If it wasn't for your help, we would all have died."

His voice was gentle and sincere, he truly thanked Jia yi from the bottom of his heart. There was no reply from Jia yi at all but somehow, Liuyun can feel it, that Jia yi was pouting and was even slightly embarrassed. This made Liuyun chuckle softly.

*In Liuyun's Conscious*

Indeed, Jia yi was rather embarrassed, her bright white face was reddish pink and her entire face was slightly hot.Though Jia yi can be said to be a thousand-year-old demon, she was asleep for the majority of her time, even her own memories were fuzzy. So though she was smart and wise, she wasn't used to praises at all.

Back in the real world…

"Liuyun, get some water and food, I am done and Yan'er is about to wake up."

Hearing his master's words, Liuyun sprang up excitedly and rushed into the kitchen like a madman and began to cook some food for Yan'er.

His cooking skills were top notch as he lived by himself from a young age and he learnt cooking all for the sake of Li Yuyuan who was constantly sick her entire life. He wanted her to be able to enjoy her life even if its only the simplest little things. He chopped up some herbs together which can rejuvenate a sick person's body. After undergoing and completing Feng Hua Xue's lessons, he was well prepared for almost anything. One of the lessons he took from Feng Hua Xue was about herbs and medicines, this interested Liuyun and he found out that the herbs in this world was the same as his own world. It was just that there was even extinct herbs that existed here.

"Ji Hua grass, Relaxing sun daisy, Wild Astragalus Root and 100 year old ginseng. Grinded together and you get a sweet tasting and aromatic herbal medicine, mix them into the cougee and done."

Liuyun's cooking craft was top notch and with the addition of his improved physical and flexibility, he finished cooking up the meal in 10 minutes and with a jug of water, he quickly and carefully carried the things to Feng Hanyan's room.

Feng Hanyan was already awake and chatting joyfully with Feng Yang Zhe and even Feng Hua Xue was in the room, looking at Feng Hanyan with doting eyes.

"Mistress, Master, Madam Feng, I have brought over the food and water."

"Liuyun! You are okay!"

Liuyun respectfully bowed and gently placed the things he brought onto the table beside the bed of Feng Hanyan. Seeing him, Feng Hanyan opened her eyes widely and wanted to rush up to him and hug him, but her body was still slightly fatigued and she could not even stand up. The pitiful Feng Hanyan needed her mother's help to even sit up properly.

Seeing the current state of Feng Hanyan, a sense of anger started to grow within Liuyun and he bit his lips so hard that it started to bleed. He walked up to the front of Feng Hanyan's bed and slapped himself hard before kneeling down to her.

"Mistress...I am so sorry, you had to go through such torture because of me. I swear with my life and soul, I will never betray you nor put you in such a danger anymore!"

He said every single word as if he was about to cry, this time he almost killed him and Feng Hanyan, someone he truly loved with all his heart.

Seeing this, Feng Hanyan, who was initially slightly embarrassed at the sight of Liuyun, lost her initial awkwardness and with a reproachful tone she spoke.

"That's right, you indeed put me through a lot of pain, don't forget that."

Her words were as if millions of needles pierced into his body and it made him more remorseful than ever.

"But, as long as you will not put yourself in such danger anymore, and agree to stay by my side forever and ever I will forgive you!"