Phoenix soul bind technique(II)

Liuyun tasted a metallic taste from his mouth, his eyes which was initially shut closed, immediately opened up and for a moment his sense of pain seemed to disappear as he saw Feng Hanyan's lips touching his. It was as if an electric shock passed into his body, he was temporarily stunned. It did not last for long before Liuyun's sense of pain returned and he unintentionally pushed Feng Hanyan away. This caused her to fall to the ground and she looked at Liuyun and saw a sense of pleading within them.

"Yan…er… Run...I can't...con...rol."

Though his words seemed to be in a mess, somehow it got through to Feng Hanyan. She understood Liuyun no longer had the confidence to control himself and wanted her to run away.

But this time Feng Hanyan did not want to do so, she wanted to be someone Liuyun can depend on, fight with and not be a burden to him anymore. She will not let herself be Liuyun's weakness. With tears in her eyes, she stood up once more and she, more determined than ever, was going to save Liuyun. Feng Hanyan formed a few hand signs and closed her eyes as she chanted a spell. One that will be the starting point of the two.

"Yan'er?! You are casting it?! STOP!"

Unfortunately, Feng Hanyan shut off all her 6 senses as she solely focus on chanting her spell. Feng Yang Zhe wanted to stop her but he was already channeling nature energy into Liuyun, if he stopped forcibly, both him and Liuyun as well as Feng Hanyan will die so he could not move at all.

"Noble one casting all forms of rebirth as we bind our fate as one, never leaving whether be it death or life…"

Finally Feng Hanyan stopped casting and suddenly began to scream in pain as well.


Hearing her screaming voice, made Liuyun forcibly open his eyes to see what happened and he blanked out from what he saw. Wounds started appearing on Feng Hanyan's body and her facial expression of that of pain. He then suddenly realized that the pain he is feeling is gradually starting to lessen, Liuyun wasn't dumb as he understood what Feng Hanyan was doing, he wanted to stop her so badly, to prevent her from suffering through this pain with him.

He bit hard on his lips, to the point where blood can be seen dripping down, he made a conviction. He will survive this and will not let this kind of pain to ever be inflicted on Feng Hanyan. As the pain lessen, he was able to better endure the torture he was going through and he bravely faced all of it together with Feng Hanyan and his master.

Time seemed to flow very slowly for all of them and more wounds appeared on Feng Hanyan and Liuyun's body but soon everything was about to end. Liuyun was at the last point were just one more step and he will open all his meridian points, but things went haywire when he suddenly felt as if like the energy being gathered suddenly started to rampage in his body and no one could stop it.

Liuyun and Feng Hanyan both coughed out blood as they were sharing the pain together, seeing this the originally tensed Feng Yang Zhe became even more tensed as he used his divine sense to search out what was happening and wanted to spit blood as well. All their hard work was going down the drain and Liuyun is unable to control the huge amount of nature energy in his body. They were all going to die.

In his mind Liuyun was regretful to ever try this and wished so much to turn back time once more but he knew, in this world there was no such thing as a cure for regret. He desperately pleaded to someone, hoping his prayers would be answers. But suddenly, a calming energy entered his body and calmed the powers he was unable to control and in an instant. Bam! Liuyun opened up all his meridian points.

The energy started to fuse within in quickly and reinforced his body and soul. All the pain that once tortured his body disappeared as if they were never there in the first place, and his wounds healed at a tremendous pace. This included Feng Hanyan as well as a portion of her meridian points opened up as well and her wounds were slowly being healed naturally though not as fast as Liuyun. Liuyun and Feng Hanyan both fainted after the pain was gone and they laid down on the ground with a relaxed face.

The scene made Feng Yang Zhe heaved a sigh of relief as he knew everything was all over and that they were all save, he retrieved his nature energy and carried the two unconscious kids into their rooms to let them recover.

5 days has passed since the two fainted and Liuyun tiredly opened up his eyes and saw the familiar ceiling of his room. His body was fully healed and no scars remained on his body, even the previous scars and wounds he used to had was gone.

He pondered in thoughts and circulated his energy and found out that he broke through to the Profound stage middle level.

"What the fuck… I broke through 3 stages and even a single realm just through opening all my meridians, the pain was worth… FUCK, YAN'ER! DAMMIT, I FUCKING MADE HER SUFFER WITH ME! I'M A BITCH!"

Suddenly he remembered everything and how he shared the immense pain with Feng Hanyan, despite his body being fatigued, he forced himself to stand up and rush to Feng Hanyan's room.


He rushed into Feng Hanyan's room and saw her lying unconscious on her bed and his master beside her tending to her wounds.

"Master! How is…"

Before Liuyun even managed to complete his sentence, he was slapped by his master. With rage in his eyes, Feng Yang zhe clutched his hands to the point where it even started bleeding.

"Great… You still have the face to call me master huh… You fucker! You almost killed yourself and even implicated Yan'er!"

When Liuyun was slapped, he got angry for being slapped for no reason, but after hearing say such words, he forgot about his initial rage and just questioned his master worriedly.

"What do you mean?! What is going to happen to Yan'er?!"

"Idiot disciple! She used the Phoenix soul bind technique on you! Once a family of our bloodline uses it, their lives will be bonded together for eternity and they will suffer the same pain as each other feels!"

"...Means that if I die…. Yan'er will die as well?!"

"You still have your brains huh! Why the fuck did you not use it when you were going to open your meridians?!"

"I admit my mistake, but I will say this, I will face the consequences of my mistakes! But remember, I will never let Feng Hanyan suffer with me any longer, please help me, master!"

Every word he said was straight out from Liuyun's heart, determination and sincerity were in it as he bowed down to his master in order to beg him to help him.

Feng Yang Zhe did not say anything, nor did he not do anything, he just silently turned his back to Feng Hanyan and watched as his little princess continued her journey in dreamland.

Minutes later he opened his mouth, his voice seemed to have aged slightly as he replied Liuyun.

"Fine… But I will change the contract type you two share into a life bind rather than a pain to life bind, understood?"

"I wouldn't have it any other way!"