Phoenix Soul bind technique (I)

Liuyun was still wincing in pain as thoughts of suicide suddenly started to appear within his mind and he was starting to blank out and collapse onto the ground.

"This pain is unbearable… Why am I even trying to endure, I should… just...die…"

Finally, the light in Liuyun eyes was gone as he fainted on the ground with a thud sound. His body was slowly being eradicated by the seemingly endless amount of nature energy that was flowing into his body non-stop, without a care in this world whether Liuyun's body could handle it or not.

In his own conscious, Liuyun was floating and roaming about in the darkness, his dead eyes held no light and an aura of melancholy could be felt covering his spiritual body. Once again, Liuyun was brought back into his world of nothingness as he moved around to find a destination to go to.

Suddenly, a warm light shined upon him and his eyes regained the light and vigor that he once had as he remembered about his duty and he vows towards Feng Hanyan.

"Fucking hell! What is going on with me recently?! I almost broke my promise to Yan'er!"

Liuyun eyes sharpened up, a fierce will and intensity to live began burning in him as he forcefully brought himself back to reality. His immediately forced himself to sit crossed leg despite the immense pain that it brought to him and he calmed his mind.

Currently, in his body, Liuyun's meridian points are halfway opened and if he can endure the pain, he can unlock all his acupuncture points. Damn it! I am almost there! Just endure the pain!

Seconds felt like minutes, minutes felt like hours. Liuyun lost track of the amount of time that had passed as he endured the excruciating pain of his body, currently, there were wounds everywhere, Liuyun was bruised and bloodied all over.

"What happened here Liuyun?!"

Suddenly, Feng Yang Zhe appeared from the sky and landed next to Liuyun. He sensed a strange and powerful aura coming from the backyard, he was curious and came on to check on Liuyun knowing he was in the backyard training. Never did he imagine though he would see such a scene occurring. With blurry eyes, Liuyun did not manage to see who it was but he knew from the voice itself and the concerned tone it must be his master.


His voice filled with pain and weariness resounded out to his master as Feng Yang Zhe panic-strikingly scanned the body to find out what was wrong with Liuyun, only to find the horror of Liuyun's meridian points on the verge of exploding.

"What did you do?! Did you try to unlock all your meridian points?! Fuck! Wait until I settle this problem then see how I will punish you!"

Feng Yang Zhe's face was filled with anxiety as he slowly thought of an idea to save Liuyun. As he was thinking, the pain suddenly became intolerable for Liuyun as his eyes started to bleed out as well.


His voice filled with desperation and pain made Feng Yang Zhe's heart arch and he suddenly thought of something. But his plan had a high chance of Liuyun dying so he did not dare to risk it. Seeing his disciple crying out in desperation harden his resolve as he revolved the nature energy in his body as he explained his plan to Liuyun.

"Liuyun! I will start injecting a huge amount of Nature energy in your body in order to open up all your meridians! But you will suffer even more pain than what you are going through now are you willing to take the risk?!"

Liuyun did not reply but shut his mouth as he gave a brave and confident smile to his teacher and nodded. He was willing to take the risk.

Without speaking much further, Feng Yang Zhe gathered up all the energy in his body and forcefully injected them into Liuyun's meridian points. The sudden increased flow of energy cause the breakdown in Liuyun's body to speed up even faster and the pain increased by several hundred folds. There was even more scars and tears on Liuyun body and he himself could barely endure it as he screamed in agony.


Soon after Feng Yang Zhe began his plan, Feng Hanyan rushed to the backyard and saw Liuyun in such a terrible state and she cried out. She heard his scream and suddenly, her heart started to beat faster as it began to feel heavy and worries of Liuyun gradually appeared within her. She could no longer contain herself and she rushed out to be by the side of Liuyun. When she arrived and saw Liuyun's current state, she ran even faster and immediately went by his side.

"Martial uncle! What is going on?!"

"Later! I need to concentrate on saving this idiot!"

Seeing Liuyun suffering in pain, her martial uncle desperately doing his best to save him. Yet she could only stay by the sidelines and watch as once again Liuyun was being tortured.

No! I want to be by his side fighting with him! Not to let him save me every time!

She quickly bit her arm and blood started to flow out of it. Then she sucked some of the blood and let it rest in her mouth before she started to cast an incantation

"Yan'er?! Wait for Sto...!"

Ignoring his pleas, She walked up to Liuyun and kissed him on the lips as she let him drink her blood that was in her mouth.