Unnatural way to naturally train

Gathering nature energy within his Taiyi point, Liuyun found that although he is absorbing the energy fairly quickly, he is unable to make the energy his since he needed to circulate it to his energy body everytime he gathers the energy. Throughout the circulating process, he loses a large portion of the gathered energy which was dispersed back into the environment, forcing Liuyun to stop his circulating process and regather the lost energy and more in order to continue cycling the energy throughout his body.

This made Liuyun frustrated and he stopped cultivating after an hour. In this one hour he circulated the energy around him about 100 times, if anyone ever knew of Liuyun's cultivation speed, they would surely vomit blood, an average person would require 1 hour in order to just cycle the energy around 10 times, but this f*cker did it almost 100 times yet the bastard was still unsatisfied about it?! Does he want everyone to be jealous to death or something! Luckily this was kept secret from the rest of the world and only Liuyun would know about this

After breaking through to the Origin stage realm, he was able to gather and cycle the nature energy around him faster but as expected every breakthrough required a certain amount of energy and insight, the amount of energy he cycled barely filled his Taiyi point to 1/10 of its full capacity.

"Ugh, although I somehow managed to cycle the energy around me close to 100 times, it is still rather inefficient."

After saying so, an idea popped into Liuyun's brain as he excitedly realized something. Maybe I should try to open up the rest of my Acupuncture points so that I can gather the energy in more areas… Though if people ever knew about his idea they would laugh at him.

Opening up acupuncture points to absorb energy, this idea was tested out in the past. One person thought of the same idea as Liuyun and he died trying. Opening up acupuncture points did not seem as easy as how Liuyun said it to be, it required a boundless amount of energy to do so and it might damage the meridians of cultivator these injuries lead to the death of the expert and since then no one else ever tried doing so.

Liuyun stood up and headed into his master's room to ask for 2000 needles, though the amount shocked Feng Yang Zhe, he still ordered a maidservant to prepare the needles for him. After doing so, sat down with curiosity in his eyes as he looked at Liyun.

"What are you planning to do with the needles?"

Liuyun did not say anything but just giggled mischievously.

Though he did not receive a reply from his disciple, he just sighed helplessly after seeing him giggle. Well, he might have his own idea for the needles…

Within 30 mins, the needles were brought into the backyard where Liuyun cultivated and Liuyun floated all the needles onto each and every single acupuncture points. As he was doing so, beads of sweat started to form on the top of Liuyun's forehead as he maintained control over the needles. A single needle did not require much energy for Liuyun to maintain control but over 2000 of them was challenging, especially when he still an origin stage low-level cultivator.

Suddenly he steeled his heart as he controlled the needles to pierce his points. Once the needles were in his body, he felt an extreme pain coming from all the acupuncture points.

He felt as if his body was burning in lava and soul-freezing in frost. The pain felt like a sharp-toothed creature eating him from the inside, it sheeted through him with a terrible intensity that was indescribable. Every single point in his body which was pierced by the needles had blood oozing out from them. Liuyun was wincing in pain as he did his best to endure the torture he was undergoing.

Meanwhile, as he was on the verge of death, Jia Yi woke up from her slumber as she looked through the conscious of Liuyun to see what he was doing and she was shocked. She can be considered an old monster with a incredibly high cultivation and intellect so she instantly knew that Liuyun was trying to unlock his acupuncture points.

She inspected his memory to see what was going on to force him to do such a thing and after doing so, she started to laugh and roll on the floor in tears until her stomach started cramping. She couldn't believe that Liuyun just tried it cause it was a faster way and he thought that it was a smart idea.

"This kid… is he a moron? Well, he might be a genius but idiot, kinda cute… I will help him out I guess… If he dies then I will too."

Closing her eyes for a brief moment, Jia Yi sent a small portion of her energy to him. She re-opened her eyes as in her hand she held a small floating energy wisp, her reddish lips came into contact with it as she lightly kissed it and blew the energy wisp, letting it dissipate out into Liuyun's conscious. she continued to look on for Liuyun, not intending to interfere any longer.

In her mind she thought, in the future things will start to become more interesting...