Dual Polarity of Life

"Holy hell, this kid is absorbing the Qi energy so quickly, this absorption speed is comparable to the current Clan leader who is now a fate stage expert."

In two hours, Liuyun had circulated the Qi energy that he gathered in his body a over a dozen times and his body was reinforced by it. When he finished mediating, he opened his eyes and a slight hint of excitement could be seen in his eyes.

Liuyun could feel it, his body has become stronger and his kinetic vision has become much stronger, everything that he used perceived as normal speed in the past now feel as if they are moving in slow motion.

"Good, your body has now officially broken through to the Origin low-level stage, congratulations Liuyun, you have become a cultivator."

With a smile on his face, Feng Yang Zhe congratulated his disciple.

"Thank you master! I feel so much more stronger and now I finally can start cultivating to protect mistress!"

"Un, continue to do so, now let us go to the cultivation method room to pick a cultivating method for you."


Feng Yang Zhe lifted his disciple with his Qi energy and they flew to the cultivating room, as they were flying, Liuyun asked questions with his master and learnt a lot.

Feng Yang Zhe is a Rebirth Middle-stage cultivator and is the 2nd strongest in the entire clan, after one breaks through to the spirit realm, they can start to use Qi energy to fly. He is in charge of taking care of Feng Hanyan since he didn't really like to do clan activities and preferred to be free.

"We have arrived at the cultivating room, once you enter, quickly find one cultivation method that suits you the most. I can't help you with it, you need to rely on yourself to find one that you feel is the best for you."


Liuyun looked towards the door that gave off an intimidating aura. He did not get overwhelmed by the aura but just looked towards it excitedly due to his anxiety to enter it in order to start cultivating.

He opened the door and walked into the room, the room was dimly lit and dust was everywhere, it appears that no one has cleaned the room in a very long time. Walking to one of the shelves, he took off a manual and blew off the dust. After flipping through it, he places it back onto the shelf. Repeating these actions, Liuyun began flipping through all the manuals in an orderly fashion.

After 3 hours, he was still searching and had yet to find a suitable cultivation technique. Whenever he found a technique that piques his interest, his instincts would tell him that the technique was not suitable for him. Placing back another manual onto the shelf, Liuyun sighed deeply to himself and with a listless look in his eyes, he began flipping through another manual.

"Recently I feel that I am getting depressed too easily… Am I going to be unable to find a suitable technique for myself? Muu… this really sucks…"

Despondent over how he had yet to find a suitable cultivation technique after 3 hours, he sat down onto the ground and hugged his knees while using his fingers to draw circles on the floor, this time Liuyun was seriously depressed. If Feng Yang Zhe saw the current depressed Liuyun, he would probably be in shock with his jaws hanging and black lines will form on his face. What the f*ck, where was that gusto and confidence that you had when you were dealing with the Hei family's minions… idiot disciple.

As Liuyun was drawing circles on the ground and pouting, he noticed a manual on the floor, although it was very worn out and looked especially dirty, for some reason, it felt as if that manual was calling out to him. He picked up the book and read the title: Dual Polarity of Life.

"The Dual Polarity of Life cultivation manual… It must be fate that you caught my eyes. I can't seem to let you go. I have decided!"

Seemingly satisfied with his choices, Liuyun walked out of the room and saw his teacher enjoying a tea break on the stone chairs and table. He walked towards him and kneeled down as he cupped his hands towards his master.

"Master, I've returned."

"Un. Did you find one that you wanted to cultivate?"

"I found one and I don't know why but I felt like it suited me the most."

"Ho? I see… show me the method."

Without question, Liuyun passed on his manual to his teacher. Seeing the manual and its title, Feng Yang Zhe eye's glistened for a moment before returning back to its originally black and cool eyes, it happened so quickly that Liuyun did not managed to catch it at all.

"This is a good manual to practice, cultivate well. Remember this… I cannot help you when it comes to your own understanding and comprehension ability, I can only help you in being your shelter until the day you can soar on your own."

His master's words made his adrenaline rush and his blood started to boil in excitement. In this life, he has a teacher to teach and protect him, and he also has someone to protect. This made him happy and he wanted to enjoy this bittersweet moment for all it can last.

"Yes! Disciple won't disappoint!"

"Good! Now go in the backyard and cultivate."

Speaking no further, Liuyun walked into the backyard and started to cultivate as he begins absorbing Qi energy.

Seeing this, Feng Yang zhe smiled and flew back towards his room while muttering something.

"No wonder he was so much like him… He is your son, huh?… Shi Quan. I promise you and your wife that I will protect him until he can grow up to become as dominating as you…"