New strengths

Liuyun and Feng Hanyan eyes opened widely seeing that familiar figure that had yet appeared for over a month, suddenly seeing him jump out in front of them in excitement, they were shocked by him.

Originally they thought it was an enemy trying to steal their prey but since it was Feng Yang Zhe that showed up, they dropped their guard and slowly relaxed their tensed body. Liuyun sheathed his sword in and scabbard and Feng Hanyan dissolved the energy in her Heavenly Phoenix Blade and kept it back in her conscious.

"Heavenly Phoenix Blade...Yan'er you managed to unleash the sword?"

Feng Yang Zhe noticed that Feng Hanyan managed to unlock the Heavenly Phoenix Blade. The sword was a family heirloom that was inherited from the Patriarch to the young successor of the family. It was passed down to Feng Hanyan when she left the house for training. Although it was a weapon, it required a ridiculous amount of nature energy to maintain its form.

"Master… I am back from hunting… Who is this senior master?"

Ming Lang slowly trodded out of the forest, his appearance was clean and a few fishes were floating in the air, obviously being carried by the nature energy of Ming Lang. He noticed Feng Yang Zhe standing beside his two masters and they were engaging in a warm conversation between themselves. Ever since he made the mistake of almost gobbling up Feng Hanyan, Ming Lang learnt to always check who is he trying to kill before doing it.

Feng Yang Zhe noticed the appearance of Ming lang but in his eyes, it was a crystal wolf with no real threat to him or the brats he was with so initially he ignored it. Hearing the wolf speak, Feng Yang Zhe's guard sharpened up and his bloodlust was released, showing off the aura of a rebirth stage cultivator. Ming Lang was overwhelmed by his strength and his instinct told him to run away.

"Master wait! He is my contracted beast!"


The words of Liuyun immediately made Feng Yang Zhe baffled and he immediately stopped his aura, he turned to look at Liuyun with questioning eyes obviously telling him to give him an explanation. It was no surprise that he was astonished by Liuyun's statement, after all, although it was a crystal beast, as long as a beast manages to speak, It meant that it was at least a cultivator of the ascended stage in human terms. Such a fierce beast was a horrible opponent for Liuyun and Feng Hanyan if they were to get attacked by it.

Liuyun sighed in relief and started to explain about the circumstances of Ming Lang, he did not bother hiding anything as Feng Yang Zhe was someone who knew everything about him and was even a father figure to Liuyun. He did not want to hide anything from him.

As Liuyun was explaining the entire situation to Feng Yang Zhe. Feng Hanyan walked up to Ming Lang and helped him up, cleaning his body, as well as patted his fur. Ming Lang enjoyed this sensation and even unconsciously licked the her face, he felt that on this earth, Feng Hanyan was the one that treated him the best. She helped to brush his fur, washed his body and even fed him more food when he was hungry. She was an angel in his eyes.

Though if it was mentioned that she only did that cause she treated him like a pet, how would Ming Lang feel? After explaining the whole experience to Feng Yang Zhe, his face had a slightly weird expression. He seriously thought in his mind that these two's luck are simply unmatched under the heavens, god damn, a random forest and they managed to find Jia Yi's subordinate, they even managed to let his contract to Liuyun.

Realising he was at fault, Feng Yang Zhe walked up to Ming Lang and fed him a pill of vitality. Ming Lang recovered from his originally pale expression and was filled with strength. Feng Yang Zhe patted his head and was completely filled with remorse, he attacked a beast that had protected his disciple and niece without even giving him a chance to explain himself.

"Sorry about that, I thank you in my disciple and niece's stead, for protecting them for all this time…"

Originally Ming Lang still had some ill-feeling about Feng Yang Zhe, hearing his sincere apologies, it was dissipated almost immediately and hurriedly tried to stop him from apologizing.

"Ah, senior! You were in the right to be wary against me, I don't blame you for that. Instead, I hope you will allow me to continue serving master and mistress."

"Yes, I hope you will continue to do so."

Feng Yang Zhe was completely satisfied from the result of the tempering training, he saw that Feng Hanyan no longer held any feelings towards taking the lives of others and Liuyun grew, even more, stronger, he even managed to obtain a companion beast with him.

"Hahahaha! This is a good day! Come let us continue our journey to the Azure Country and the Imperial arms sect, Liuyun continues to talk more about your journey today."


"Ming Lang, can you enter Liuyun's conscious? You should be able to now that you are an ascended high-stage realm beast."


Ming Lang, after saying so, he turned into a ball of energy and entered's Liuyun's body, this was the first time that Liuyun even knew he could do that and was slightly shocked. As expected from his wise master, he knows a lot of things that he doesn't.