Treatment revived

Feng Yang Zhe carried Liuyun and Feng Hanyan with his nature energy and they continued their journey to Azure City.

"That's right I almost forgot… Liuyun, how did you manage to help Ming Lang breakthrough to the Ascended stage-high level."

Gathering from what Liuyun had told him, Ming Lang was an ascended middle stage beast before he met Liuyun. He was curious how did his disciple, manage to help a beast in his breakthrough.

"Master, it was like this… Ming Lang is actually a Heavenly Wolf King, not a crystal wolf."

"What?! A heavenly wolf king?!"

The bombshell that Liuyun dropped on Feng Yang Zhe was too surprising. Cultivators of his level knew about the Heavenly Wolf King, after all, they were a beast that belonged to the top of the food chain in the entire beast world. One Heavenly wolf king was born every 10000 years and every time they were born, they were already an ascended beast stage. Their growth potential is huge and they will naturally break through to the rebirth stage in just 4000 years. 4000 years to a cultivator was a very short time to break through to the rebirth stage, Even if one spent thousands or even tens of thousands of time on training, they might not even breakthrough to the ascended stage.

This is even more surprising for Feng Yang Zhe as Ming Lang even submitted to Liuyun, Heavenly wolf kings are said to bow to no one, the only one that can make them submit was the dragon races or their own family. This was the first ever for a human to have a heavenly wolf king to serve under them.

Liuyun knew how shocking of a news this was to Feng Yang Zhe but he ignored all of that and continued on with his explanation.

"That day, I noticed that Ming Lang's dantian and acupoints were injured, that prevented him from breaking through and might even kill him if I wasn't there to save him. I opened up his acupoints like how I did with mine but this time I used help external force to open it up for him."

"My Nature energy has the attribute of death, but the dual polarity of life manual allowed me to convert it into healing energy, so I inserted that healing energy instead of my death energy. The healing energy resonated with the acupoints and started to open up faster and more naturally. Although there is some pain, it was not as painful by what we felt, it was 100 times diluted probably."


"I opened his points in 2 days and his injuries started to heal, I also provided him with medicine and now Ming Lang is just focusing on his foundation and trying to stabilize his cultivation. His wounds are gone already."

"You did all that…"

Liuyun's words made Feng Yang Zhe's face grow dimmer by the minute and eventually a stern face appeared on him. It was filled with seriousness and everyone knew he wasn't kidding around anymore. Liuyun understood why he was so serious.

Breaking all the acupoints with almost no backlash like what Liuyun experienced. It was not something easily done like how Liuyun explained it to be. If word of this ever got out, Liuyun would be confined and will be forced to open up everyone's acupoints. Adding to the fact that he has the bloodline of a withering demon, someone who knows Liuyun well can use that excuse to capture him and force him to do his bidding. The Feng clan would also be implicated for saving Liuyun and even teaching him the Dual polarity of life, the whole world would be against the Feng clan and they might no longer exist in the world.

"I understand your intentions master, I won't do anything to implicate the Feng Clan who has been so generous to me and mistress who is my everything, my life."

"Liuyun…"(Feng Hanyan)

"Hmph… Just call Yan'er how you call her normally, don't need the mistress title. I already accepted your marriage in my heart."

The tense mood was broken by Feng Yang Zhe, Feng Hanyan heard his teasing words and immediately flushed with embarrassment. Liuyun's eyes gleamed with happiness, he did not expect his master to actually be in agreement with his love for Feng Hanyan. He cupped his arms and joyfully exclaimed.

"All hail kind master! Don't worry! I will take care of Yan'er for eternity!"


"Hmph, well I am not the one you should convince, do your best in this 10 years."


In Liuyun's consciousness,

"Master Jia Yi, why are you so perfect in everywhere, if I could I want to stare and admire your beauty forever."

"Quiet you! How many times have this majesty said that you are disgusting! Go away!"

"Please master! Don't desert this Ming Lang! Here I will lick your feet in honor of your beauty!"

"Screw off! Liuyun! Why did you allow this guy to come in here!!!!"