The recruitment test

"Liuyun, how strong are you guys now. You two defeated a 7 poison Gold serpent without anyone's help."

Liuyun and Feng Hanyan proudly smiled at him at both announced with pride.

"Profound high stage!"

"The fuck?! You two are so strong already? But still how did you defeat the 7 poison gold serpent?"

"Hehe… It was like this master."

Liuyun sneered and was grinning like a madman, his face was so irritating that even Feng Hanyan wanted to just punch the lights out of him. Liuyun began to recount the fight.

They encountered the monster and Liuyun wanted to try and test their limits, Liuyun charged out first and acted as a decoy, he jumped onto the head of the serpent and slashed its two eyes. He hid his presence with his death attribute Qi before lunging out, they surprise attack was successful and the serpent was blinded. But the serpent still had other sharp senses and shook Liuyun off its head.

Feng Hanyan conjured a few fireballs and fired it at the snake as she tried to buy time for Liuyun to recuperate and escape from the serpent. Liuyun jumped backwards and stood right beside Feng Hanyan. They looked at the serpent who was currently rampaging in pain and then the serpent spat poison out.

Feng Hanyan conjured up a flame barrier while Liuyun coated himself with an armor of Death energy. This prevented them from taking any damage, Liuyun attacked the snake head on with the sword techniques that Feng Yang Zhe taught him and parried its attack. This continued for a while and Feng Hanyan attacked from a far as she charged up her energy. The rest was what Feng Yang Zhe saw, Liuyun found an opening and Feng Hanyan pierced the brains of the serpent and exploded its head.


Feng Yang Zhe was completely speechless, the defensive abilities of Liuyun and the offensive abilities of Feng Hanyan, it was a perfect match. Especially how their teamwork must have been flawless, what Liuyun and Feng Hanyan did, was something that required the full trust of each other's abilities and they left their back to each other. Feng Yang Zhe understood this and just sighed in helplessness… As expected, one cannot keep a girl forever in their house, they will be married off someday.

3 hours later...

They have been travelling for a few hours now, in this few hours, their total distance covered was around 19200km. This speed was ridiculously fast and they saw the sighting of Azure city's entrance. They descended down and walked towards the guards, the guards were wary of this unknown cultivator and raised their weapons to intimidate Feng Yang Zhe.



"No one without a pass are allowed to enter the city, show your passes!"

"Hais… Troublesome but oh well, Liuyun, show him our passes."


Liuyun walked up the guard and passed the letter that Feng Yi He handed to him. He told him that it served as a recommendation letter, as well as a pass to enter the city. The guard read through the pass, seeing that there was no problems with it, the guards allowed them to enter the city.

"Alright you may pass, but don't cause any problems. Or else the Azure Garrison will come after your life."

Although they knew that Feng Yang Zhe was a cultivator of a higher level, they still showed very little respect and even had a tone of arrogance.

Feng Yang Zhe ignored them and just continued walking without a care in the world with Liuyun and Feng Hanyan. He was at a high stage where to him, the guards were just insects to him, he normally didn't care about worldly views and just cared on becoming stronger for his family, his clan.

Liuyun did the same as well but the only one who was angry was Feng Hanyan, she wanted to pick a fight with them but Liuyun stopped her from doing so. They flew to the gates of the Imperial arms sect, while Feng Hanyan long stopped resisting since she was in the embrace of Liuyun.

As they flew, they saw the magnificent beauty of the Azure city. The city was even larger than Xiangyu by at least a few dozen times, but considering how strong their entire city was, it was normal. If not for the fact that the feng clan resided in Xiangyu, Xiangyu would probably be considered the weakest city ever, the overall city size was the smallest of the rest.



"This is a nice place to live."

"I guess…"

"But, when we grow up, I want to live back in Xiangyu city with my family and you."

Feng Hanyan's words warmed the heart of Liuyun and he gently flicked the forehead of Feng Hanyan. Seriously… This girl sure loves to throw in random bombshells.

They arrived at the entrance of the gate and they saw a disciple recruiting for members.

"Hello you are recruiting for the Imperial Arms sect right? I want to register two people. Get Shui Tian Ji out for me please."