Reverse scale of Liuyun touched

The disciple at the recruitment counter was dumbfounded, Shui tian Ji, wasn't he the current sect leader of the sect?! He was one of the top few most powerful people in the entire country, yet this man so easily asked for their sect master to appear before him. How can he not be shocked.

"Ah… Might I know senior's reason to call out the sect master?"

'Sect master?!'

Liuyun and Feng Hanyan's eyes opened widely and they were genuinely surprised by what the disciple was saying. Azure city was one of the strongest cities, the Imperial arms sect was also of one the top powers in the city, yet, Feng Yang Zhe so brazenly called out the sect leader with no regardes at all.

Feng Yang Zhe paid no heed to the reactions of Liuyun and Feng Hanyan, he knew this would completely shock them. They were underestimating the power of the Feng Clan, the clan had the pure bloodline of the divine phoenix and was the strongest clan in the entire world. The clan had many powerful cultivators and no lack of resources to train up more fighters.

"Tell him, his brother Feng Yang Zhe came to visit him and also to apply for this two to enter the sect."

Brother...Feng Yang Zhe… Sect leader's… The mind of the disciple completely exploded and cold sweat formed on the top of his head. Someone called himself the brother of the sect leader, moreover he did so in front of the sect.

"Uh… I'm sorry but I do not have the authority to call out the sect leader, please wait as I get an elder out."


After saying so, he quickly ran back into the sect buildings and returned in a few minutes. This time, he brought along a young woman and an elderly man. They floated towards Liuyun, Feng Hanyan and Feng Yang Zhe. The female elder looked very friendly while the disciple was very nervous in front of all the major powers in the sect gathering in front of him, but, the only one who seemed to be displeased was the male elder.

"Hmph, just a bunch of imbeciles trying to curry favor with our sect through the sect leader… Get lost before this elder personally take actions."

The elderly man looked at the trio and his eyes contained disdain towards them, his words was full of arrogance and he held contempt in them.

"Now now… They are here for the sect master and to register as a disciple for our sect, why don't you treat them better."

"Hmph! With their powers? Ha! They are more suited to be our cleaners instead!"

The elderly man was unable to detect the powers of Feng Yang Zhe, Liuyun and Feng Hanyan. It was not a surprise, after all, Feng Yang Zhe was intentionally hiding their own strength.

They currently fluctuated an aura that was weaker than what it seemed to be. Feng Yang Zhe lowered his aura level to be of a spirit stage cultivator, Feng Hanyan and Liuyun's strength was around origin low level.

Eleven year old kids to have broken through to the origin stage low level, it was considered to be fairly normal. A spirit stage old man was seen to be trash in the city of Azure. It was no wonder why that elderly man thought that they were just trying to trick them into entering the sect through the fake news of the sect master.

Hearing the words of the elderly man, the eyes of Feng Yang Zhe squinted and a dangerous feeling started to creep up onto the elderly man. The elderly man was shocked but immediately shook it off thinking that it was just a fake sense, after all, he was an ascended stage middle-level cultivator yet he was intimidated by the likes of a spirit stage.

Oh how would he react if he ever knew that the man before him was a rebirth stage cultivator, he would probably vomit out blood, immediately regrets his words and will probably prostrate in front of Feng Yang Zhe.

"Seems that elder is not happy with us being here."

Feng Yang Zhe did not want to cause a commotion here and wanted to settle this peacefully in order to give face to the Sect leader of the Imperial arms sect. He was his brother after all.

"Ha! You can just go home… eh, leave this little lady here though. She can be my disciple's concubine, be thankful that I am even giving this lady a chance to be here as my disciple's concubine hahahaha!"

Liuyun was emotionless up until now, he knew that Feng Yang Zhe did this in order to show them the bad things about society, since the elderly man told them to get lost he was about to leave. But, hearing how he wanted to betroth Feng Hanyan to a disciple for absolutely no reason, his mind blanked out and his reasoning was lost.

He had to just touch someone precious to him huh… Liuyun began to wonder whether the world was actually filled with Lolicons. Why the fuck are there so many people wanting to get Feng Hanyan for themselves.