Battle Genius of the mouth canon

A dragon can be touched anywhere except its reverse scale, This elderly man must have nothing to do and decided to end his fate today.

"Might I ask you, how old is your disciple."

Liuyun stepped forward, face completely black but he still held a smile on his face. A smile that was not a smile, Feng Hanyan saw his face and sighed.

'Looks like someone is about to suffer… But, his face when he is angry for me is so cute!'

Feng Yang Zhe was about to stop him, but he remembered about how he shut the words up of the Young Master of the Hei's clan years ago and decided to just sit back and watch. One must not be a battle moron, instead, he must be a battle genius who can use his mouth as a canon.

"Who are you, scram off with your grandpa or something."

Being interrupted so abruptly by Liuyun, who is currently around 12 years old. The elderly man was displeased.

"This one is called Liuyun, and I just want to ask you about your disciple's age. Can't you tell me even this simple thing? Don't tell me you actually don't have a disciple and only wanted my mistress to serve you in bed?. How dirty are you to actually have your eyes set on such a frail little girl… I know she is pretty and all but, where are your morals, sir?"

Feng Hanyan was completely satisfied with the words of Liuyun and a large smile appeared on her face, meanwhile, Feng Yang Zhe just rolled his eyes and thought to himself.

'A frail young pretty girl that can kill a 7 poison gold serpent so easily with you, can that even be considered frail?"

"Y-you! You are putting words in my mouth!"

"But. All I wanted to know was your disciple's age and you immediately told me to scram without telling me his age. My mom told me that this is the action of someone trying to hide something."

The elderly man wanted to strangle Liuyun dead now, but he can't since there were others around him. If he took action against this unknown boy from nowhere, his reputation will be ruined and his authority will start to fade. He grudgingly, with an expression of discomfort and anger replied Liuyun.

"My disciple's name is Yu Wang Chao, my name is Wo Zhao Ni. My disciple's age is 23 this year"

"Wo cao ni??"

'Pfft! Fucking hell, your parents sure knew how to name you. Wo cao ni.. Who did you screw!'

(Wo Cao Ni, is a Chinese curse slang. Basically, Wo means I, Cao means screw/fuck, ni means you. Full-term I screw/fuck you)


"She doesn't like old and ugly bastards like you, go make yourself 1 million years younger and change your face. But still, I think you will stand no chance against father."

At this point, the face-slapping already made Wo Zhao Ni face fume with anger, it was so red and hot steam could be seen billowing out from his ears. Feng Hanyan was already on the ground laughing, Feng Yang Zhe and the Female Elder was still standing upright, but they were doing their best to contain the laughter, while the disciple was sweating all over his body.

In the disciple's mind, This new guy has so many guts… Everyone in the sect already knows about Wo Zhao Ni's nickname but no one ever dared to speak it out in front of him like that.

The main culprit of them was still standing upright as if he was just preaching about the purest things in the world. Liuyun did not stop there and continue to talk.

"23 and you want to betroth my mistress to your disciple, who is only 11? Although it may be normal here my mistress is still a child. Yet you are pairing up a child and an adult together… You sure have a sick mind."

"Enough of this nonsense! Shut the hell up now you insolent brat! Do you think I can't end you right here right now?!"

The elderly man couldn't take the insults and roast that Liuyun was doing to him, he immediately unleashed the aura of an ascended stage cultivator. The disciple nearby was already suffocating under the pressure of the elder and was about to faint, the female elder formed a barrier around him and it allowed him to breathe properly.

She was about to do the same for Liuyun and Feng Hanyan, but when she turned to look at them, she was shocked. Liuyun was standing upright still and had no signs of being pressured by the aura, Feng Hanyan's breathing slightly discoursed but she was still okay.

Her eyes looked at them in a mysterious luster, origin stage realm cultivators shouldn't have such capabilities… Interesting.

Too bad, the elderly man was in such a rage that he did not notice this at all, he laughed madly and cursed at Liuyun.

"Hahahaha! Brat! How does my aura feel, you should be honored that I even bothered to kill you!"

"Hey I say, your aura is so weak. Are you really an ascended cultivator? Why are you like made of fart."


The elderly man finally realized that Liuyun was completely fine under his aura and was shocked, how is this kid still able to talk?! He should be on the ground groveling by now!

"Stop this 2nd elder… Or else be ready to suffer the consequences."