Sect master's domination

A domineering voice sounded out, commanding the arrogant elder to stop. Hearing that nostalgic voice, Feng Yang Zhe smiled, while the others were in complete disarray.

Liuyun and Feng Hanyan were curious as to whose voice spoke, the arrogant elder Wo Zhao ni and the disciple's face turned white pale, while the female elder had a face of admiration on her.

"When did you find the balls to actually tell my brother to get the fuck out huh? Do you want me to end your life!"

It was at this moment, Wo Zhao Ni's face seemed as if it lost all the blood it had and his forehead was covered in sweat. He was obviously afraid of the voice which was full of authority and confidence. He immediately prostrated and begged with all his might to the owner of the voice.

"This elder doesn't dare please give this elder one last chance!"

Suddenly, a whirlwind formed in front of Feng Yang Zhe's group, from within an unknown man appeared. Feng Hanyan and Liuyun were dazed by the looks of this man, his black long hair flowed in the wind, every strand of hair seemed to beautify his entire figure. His frame was slightly petite and it even seemed feminine, but what made him seem like a powerful expert was the feeling of dominance he leaked.

Liuyun quickly snapped back into reality his face seemed to be recollected but, in his mind, he was calming himself, 'you are straight not homo, you are straight not homo…This daddy lived through 2 lifetimes and fell in love with the same one girl, I am not going to in a trance just for a guy!!!'

He turned to look at Feng Hanyan and saw that her eyes were still stuck on that proud figure, a sense of jealousy appeared within him and he quickly turned Feng Hanyan to his direction, hugging her tightly. He wanted to prevent Feng Hanyan from continuing to watch that figure, which even he thinks that he might not be able to match, and only let her watch him with such eyes.

" Are you jealous?"

Normally if a person was discovered to be jealous of another person, they will be embarrassed to death and they would do their best to deny it. Liuyun was not normal, so obviously his words were not what one would expect.

"Yes… Your eyes should only be for me, no other man should ever allow you to be in a trance."


Such possessive words, a woman would be angered to death normally, it seemed to be too restricting for someone. This did not apply to Feng Hanyan as well, Feng Hanyan's heart fluttered completely and her eyes turned into heart shapes.

She was so elated that Liuyun was so possessive of her, to her, it proved that Liuyun loved her to the very bone. She thought to herself… So Liuyun can be very possessive huh, hehe a new side discovered.

While the two idiot couples were off in their entire world, the unfortunate arrogant elder was begging on his knees for forgiveness. He lost all his arrogance and only a pitiful sight of an elderly man prostrating could be seen, it was truly something.

"Hmph! For the sake of my brother here, I will let you off leniently… If you dare to ever make another mistake…"

"I won't! I swear on my honor!":


Immediately afterward, the sect leader turned his head around, his countenance was completely different and his words were so gentle as he spoke.

"I am so sorry you had to endure such a meaningless trouble brother."

Feng Yang Zhe laughed slightly and waved his hands, obviously he was not angry whatsoever.

"Let me lead the way in brother, you and your niece, as well as your disciple."

"Hahaha! All right then."

Feng Yang Zhe and the sect master flew and brought along Liuyun and Feng hanyan. They flew towards the Sect leader's room and entered it.

"This is far enough then…"

"You grew a lot as a sect leader after so long… Brother is proud!"

"Big brother… Wahh!!! I missed you!"

Suddenly, the sect master, Shui Tian Ji, lost his domineering look and immediately jumped onto Feng Yang Zhe. Hugging him very tightly like how a pair of lovers does.

This scene made Liuyun's and Feng Hanyan's eyes opened widely, they couldn't believe what they were looking at… Motherfucker! Master/Martial uncle actually leaned that way?! No wonder after so long he didn't get married!

Feng Hanyan was the one who was most shocked, it was not surprising. She lived with him for years and been together with him the longest, seeing how suddenly he was acting like this, her mouth opened so much that even a chicken egg can be fitted inside it.

"Um… Uncle… Who is this person exactly?"

"Hm? Oh, I forgot to introduce you properly… This here is my sworn sister… People call her Shui Tian Ji here but her real name is Shui Yu Lan…"