Shocking the world silent


Looking at the small yet seemingly proud back of Liuyun, Feng Hanyan felt a sense of familiarity. But it was not the happy one, rather… It was one that was a stain on her life.

Years ago, something similar happened to them. But, at that time she only stood and did not have the power to fight alongside him, she was a burden to him. So much time had passed, she underwent intensive training and her strength finally caught up to Liuyun… Yet, this dreadful feeling of weakness and fear once again appeared.

She was going to be useless once more, again she was going to let Liuyun fight for her, hurt himself for her. 'Was this what I trained for? Just to prevent myself from being his burden, only to step aside and watch him fight as I stand safe from harm… No! I wanted his partner! I don't want to be a burden anymore, this time, I will fight with him!'

Feng Hanyan's aura slowly covered her body, she jumped and landed right beside Liuyun. Liuyun was shocked at her appearance now and anxiety appeared in him.

"Yan'er?! No! Stand back and wait! I will settle this so you just wait for fo…"

"NO! I am not the Feng Hanyan from the past. I have grown stronger since then and I can fight by your side! I am your partner…"

Liuyun was shocked, this was the first time she ever did something like this. When it came to battles, she always listened to him and trusted him but this time she didn't. Liuyun wasn't angry but a strange feeling from within his heart appeared and he replayed the word Feng Hanyan said.


Partner was an unknown concept to Liuyun, he lived his life mostly alone and did everything by himself. He only just recently started to fight with Feng Hanyan and had yet completely relied on her help, now that she was standing by his side fighting alongside him. He was happy from the bottom of his heart. Power surged within him and adrenaline flowed throughout his blood vein.

'How long has it been since I felt like this... That's right, I am no longer alone and Yan'er will be my partner forever…'

Liuyun clutched his sword hilt hard and an excited expression appeared on his face. He hid Feng Hanyan behind him and whispered in a voice so soft that only Feng Hanyan could hear it.

"Okay then… I will protect your back, you will protect mine. We are partners and will fight together for life."

His words made Feng Hanyan blush slightly but she shook it off since they were about to enter a battle.

Liuyun knew that Feng Hanyan was ready, Liuyun took out his sword and Feng Hanyan entered a battle stance. Liuyun turned to look at some of the disciples and his eyes contained battle intent. He raised the sword at the two Profound high-realm cultivators and proclaimed loudly for all to hear.

"Sorry, my mistress here wants to partake in the battle after all. Since we are fighting together, you can fight us in groups of 50… There are 200 of you right. Come, let us experience the teachings of the Imperial arms sect!"


That was the only thing that came up to all the disciple's mind. Yes, what they were saying was arrogant. 200 disciples in a round-robin battle but with only themselves, it was tantamount to suicide.

The first 50 disciples walked out and looked at Feng Hanyan with a dangerous glint in their eyes. Feng Hanyan was beautiful and attractive, her bosom was still blooming but it added a sexy appeal to her looks, her skin was white and a healthy color.

"Liuyun, you need our help?"

At this moment, Jia Yi's voice rang out from within Liuyun's conscious. He was truly thankful that Jia Yi and Ming Lang can act as their insurance.

"No, not now… Your existence will be leaked out and by then we will have a lot of trouble in coming."

"Hm… Fine, This majesty will assist you personally when you are going to die so don't worry and fight."

"Ahaha… You are worried about me huh."

"Hmph, don't act too cocky. I will kick you later…"


Liuyun and Feng Hanyan unleashed their battle aura and the 50 disciples as well.

"You ready senior?... If you are then here we come!"

Feng Hanyan and Liuyun's bodies disappear, no it didn't… They were just moving at a speed that even the 50 profound stage cultivators couldn't even catch up.

"Phoenix Searing rend!"

Feng Hanyan used her hands and slashed out, she used the Phoenix searing rend to take down the numbers to disciples. Most of the disciples were burnt by the flames and knocked out cold, there were some stragglers but Liuyun took care of them and defeated by kicking them in the stomach.

The stomach was a vital point and the disciples who were kicked crashed into the wall, fainting in the process.

The mood in the room was weird and everyone's other than the two idiot couples mouths was opened up so much that it practically reached the floor.

'What the fuck?! How did they do that! Oh my god… What kind of beings are we actually fucking facing…"