Mercy to none

Everyone was in disbelief when Liuyun and Feng Hanyan actually defeated all 50 disciples, and in such a ridiculously quick time as well.

Ten seconds… It actually took them just ten seconds to defeat all these outer disciples… This wasn't a funny joke, they were all older then Liuyun and Feng Hanyan by at least 2 years yet they were so easily defeated by them.

2 years worth of extra training, it might not mean much for a cultivator in the ascended stage but for those below the spirit realm stage, It means an entire realm difference of talent. To be able to train up to their level while still being younger than them by 2 years, how monstrous is Liuyun and Feng Hanyan.

The disciples were all respected geniuses from the countries, yet they couldn't even hold a single fart's worth of time against their opponent. It was also a 2 versus 50 situation, how can they not be embarrassed and ashamed!

"Argh!!! Everyone attack them! This two bastards must be supreme cultivators that just hid their age! Shameless bastards! We need to redeem our faces against this experts!"

One of the disciple's shouted out in anger, hoping to rally the disciples to attack Liuyun and Feng Hanyan altogether. 'Fuck it! We all lost our faces already! We still need to redeem ourselves! Let's all attack together!'

Anger and disbelief clouded their judgment, all of the disciple's mind could not take the shame of being humiliated like this and decided to all attack at once. They have completely forgotten that it was their fault in the first place for even being greedy and wanted to earn free Spirit Recovery pills.

"Yan'er this might be bad, they are all going to attack at once."

Liuyun saw the expression of rage within all the surrounding disciples and knew that their initial plan to diminish their fighting power slowly failed. But, it was all still within expectations, Liuyun and Feng Hanyan already took down 50 disciples. It was already ¼ of the enemies battle ability.

"Liuyun, do you have a plan?"

"Yeah I do, but it all relies on you…"

"Hmph! Don't worry, I can do whatever you are planning to ask me to do. Trust me, isn't that what partners are for?"

Feng Hanyan smiled in happiness even at the brink of danger, she was going to be Liuyun's help and partner, something she truly wished for from the bottom of her heart ever since she started to work hard. Liuyun saw that expression and giggled slightly. 'Even though this is such a dangerous situation she can still smile like that huh, Haiz… Well, she is my mistress after all.'

Liuyun passed his sword over to Feng Hanyan and silently whispered in her ear the battle plan he thought up of.

"...Liuyun? This is the battle plan?"


"Hahahaha!! Okay! Let's do this!"

After they finished, the disciples all charged together at them. Raising their weapons they all wanted to cut down the figures which were Feng Hanyan and Liuyun, they roared a battle cry and attacked them.

Liuyun and Feng Hanyan once again moved at a ridiculously high speed and ended up quite far back behind all the disciples.

The disciples were all gathered at the spot where Liuyun and Feng Hanyan used to stand.

Raising the sword that Liuyun gave her, Feng Hanyan fluently condensed Nature power within the sword, but she charged the blade with all her strength. The blade could not hold the powers of Feng Hanyan and started to crack, but it managed to hold on until the full strength was in the sword.

She slashed her sword horizontally and a sea of fire burst out within the slash she cut. The sea of fire was much bigger than whatever Feng Hanyan used to make in the past, her strength dramatically improved from the past when she attacked the Red Eagle Bandits with her sword.

"Phoenix Searing Rend!"

The flames engulfed the disciples, all of the disciples indeed had quick reactions. They all banded together and created a protective barrier with all the strength of the 150 disciples. But it was not strong enough, after all, The flames of the divine Phoenix carried a fiery destruction within every single flame. It wasn't so easy extinguished and required a lot of effort in order to just contain it.

The disciples all felt their nature energy depleting quickly, their energy wasn't enough to even with all 150 disciples using all their might.

It was not really too surprising though, they only focused on breaking through fast and did not bother with reinforcing their foundations. The total amount of Nature energy contained within each disciple was much much lesser than even 1/100 of Feng Hanyan's total energy pool, adding in that Feng Hanyan also opened up a majority of her acupoints, allowing for more energy to be absorbed quicker and more energy storage space.

"Ahh!!!! Help me!"

"Ugh! This burns! Curse that fucking moron that made us attack those monsters!"