Nothing to Me

Screams of anguish reverberated throughout the whole room, every one of the disciples was crying and begging for help. Liuyun and Feng Hanyan just watched on without batting an eye, they held no pity for them at all. If they didn't attack them back, they would have been the one heavily injured or even killed.

Liuyun looked at the remaining disciples who still had the strength to spare, but their entire body was shivering in fear. How can they not be afraid, all 150 of them, within the profound stage realm, was taken down by just Feng Hanyan alone.

"Who… Who are you two!"

The Spirit stage disciple did not get involved in the fight at all, but still, the monstrous strength that Liuyun and Feng Hanyan was completely terrifying for him. In fear, he asked for the identity of the idiot couple.

Liuyun and Feng Hanyan did not bother replying, but they walked up to him and stared at him in hatred. 'This guy almost got us killed, if not for Liuyun rilling the anger of the disciples, they would all be dead!'

Feng Hanyan wanted to rush up and beat the disciple up but was stopped by Liuyun, he held her shoulders and exerted some force to prevent her from escaping his grasps.

Liuyun walked up to him and his eyes were cold, the disciple was completely frightened by the lifeless and condescending look on Liuyun's face.

"D-don't you dare hurt me! I am the disciple of the 2nd elder, Wo Zhao Ni! My name is Yu Wang Chao!"

'Yu Wang Chao... '

This name was triggered something in Liuyun's memory... Yu Wang Chao, Wo Zhao Ni, Second Elder… Who was the second elder again?

All of a sudden, an angry voice appeared and hollered at Liuyun.

"Damnable bastard who dares to hurt my disciple? I let you go once and you dare to infuriate me once more huh!"

Wo Zhao Ni appeared and landed from the skies. He was fuming, eyes shot and hands clenched together tightly, to the point where his nails pierced his skin. Gritting his teeth, Wo Zhao Ni held back his urge to slap Liuyun. He had no choice but to contain himself.

He looked towards Liuyun and Feng Hanyan with those bloodshot eyes. Just the sight of Liuyun and Feng Hanyan made him remember about the humiliating experience with the sect leader.

"For no reason, you walked up and bully my disciple, do you want to die?! Even if the sect leader is here, I will punish you two!"

Liuyun disdainful look turned to Wo Zhao Ni and he spits at him.

Seeing such disrespectful actions toward him, Wo Zhao was about to burst into a rage after doing his best to calm down.

"Ha! For no reason? Then why don't you ask your disciple about how he was about to kill us then! Is that still considered no reason? When we were being attacked, weren't you hiding and just watching! You think I did not notice you?!"

That's right, Wo Zhao Ni noticed the fight ongoing a long time ago. When Feng Hanyan used her first Phoenix Searing Rend, he arrived in mere moments and just hid as he watched, thinking that his disciple can take revenge for him.

If his disciple manages to punish Liuyun and Feng Hanyan, Shui Tian Ji(Shui Yu Lan) won't have an excuse to step in, after all, it will be as if an elder is bullying a younger generation. But, his expectations were broken as Feng Hanyan and Liuyun managed to defeat all of the disciples and even managed to inflict fear within his own disciple

Being busted by a younger generation, Wo Zhao Ni was filled with shame. He death-stared Liuyun as if wanting him to immediately stop exposing him. Liuyun ignored his stares and continued to talk.

"Your disciple tried to sell us a fake Spirit Dragon Fire Fruit for 5000 gold but it was just a small Fire-bird Pea fruit. It's worth only around 50 gold and your disciple tried to scam us with it."

"Hmph! So what if he tries to scam you! Obediently be scammed then! You are nothing in front of this elder!"

Such arrogant and selfish words shameless came out from the long rotten mouth of Wo Zhao Ni, It made Liuyun and Feng Hanyan laugh out loud.

'Nothing in front of this elder? Hahaha! The Feng Clan's mistress and her servant are considered nothing? Then what is the Feng Clan to him?'

"Then… If these two are nothing, so this elder is also nothing to you huh…"