When things went wrong

The scream of terror and desperation resounded out loudly, it was a woman's voice. It continued on for a few more seconds before it faded away, the voice no longer sounded out anymore. Liuyun and Feng Hanyan immediately put their guards up and took out their weapons, they hurriedly rushed over to see the commotion.

When the arrived, they felt a sense of disgust appearing within them. Corpses littered the area, most of them being monster's caress but there are quite a few human corpses. The human corpses were badly mutilated, showing signs of them being eaten. Feng Hanyan had never seen anything like this before, her heartbeat quicken and she desperately held in the urge to vomit.

"This is cruel… What on earth happened here?"

"Looks like a group of cultivators met a monster herd… Monster herd appears quite rarely and there are usually over 1000 monsters that attacked together, these people are unlucky…"

Feng Hanyan felt a sense of pity for the cultivators who unluckily entered the forest when there was a monster herd. Liuyun scanned the area with his nature energy and found traces of living being much further ahead, a sense of seriousness appeared and Liuyun knew that there were people headed their way.

"Yan'er, run! People are heading our way, bringing the monster herd with them!"


They turned around and broke into a dash, they ran and ran as fast as they could, hoping that the people that brought the monster herd with them will turn direction, but life does not turn out the way one would expect.

The group of cultivators caught up with them, bringing along the monster herd as well. They noticed Feng Hanyan and Liuyun right in front of them, the leader of the group made a decision and shouted out to his entire team.

"Guys! We will die at the rate this is going! Let's use the kids in front as bait!"

"B-but! They are just kids!"

"So?! Since they entered they were prepared to die. The world is cruel, the strong feed on the weak… They were unlucky."

Everyone in the group did not refute any longer, they felt horrible doing so but when their own life was threatened. They did not hesitate too much before deciding to sacrifice someone else to save their own skin, it was morally wrong but what good does moral do in survival.

The group rushed to Liuyun and Feng Hanyan. Seeing how the group of cultivators was rushing to them, Liuyun immediately understood what they were trying to do.

'Damn! They are going to use us as bait!'

The group's speed was faster than Liuyun and Feng Hanyan, instantly they overtook them.

"Rising Earth Wall!"

The leader of the group used a confinement skill on the duo and trapped them within the grasps of the herd, he did not use it before since it was not strong enough to even deter the monster herd and he would just waste precious nature energy.

"Ah! Liuyun! What should we do?! We are trapped by those guys!"

Liuyun looked at the monster herd fiercely, he did not mind fighting the herd at all, but Feng Hanyan was here with him, he couldn't afford to die here!

"Liuyun, its time for us to step in huh…"

"Hahaha! Master we have been waiting for a long time now."

At this crucial moment, the voices of Jia Yi and Ming Lang appeared within Liuyun's head. Liuyun couldn't help but smile and feel touched within his heart, normally one would get abandoned in a time of crisis by friends. But, they did not leave him be and instead offered him help in the time of need.

"Please help me, this time we truly kicked an iron plate."

"Hehehe… Finally been a long time that this majesty has some decent opponents, come at me."

"Awoooo!! This Ming Lang will fight by master's side!"

Immediately after, they went to work.

Ming Lang with his sharp claws and deadly fangs cut down enemies swiftly and ferociously. His wolf body was not even tainted with a single drop of blood as he did so, clearing the enemies out as if he was cutting down weed.

Jia Yi was completely different though, she was mowing them down even faster than what Ming Lang was, instantly killing tens or hundreds in a large energy wave. The monster herd they were facing was a rather weak one, although there were over 1000 monsters, most of them were only at the spirit realm. It was not enough to take down 2 beings like Jia Yi and Ming Lang, who were above the spirit realm and in the ascended realm.


A sudden roar reverberated throughout the forest, it contained killing intent and even some traces of battle spirit.