
"Damn this roaring power! Liuyun! We are in trouble this is an intelligent beast at the Rebirth High-level realm!"

Jia Yi's face turned pale and she was anxious, Ming Lang's aggressiveness kicked up a notch and his entire body's fur stood up. They knew that currently the situation was terrible for them, Jia Yi only left around 4 minutes worth of time left to be summoned out, 4 minutes was not enough time for her to take down an intelligent rebirth high-level realm beast. Ming Lang is only at the Ascended high-level stage, he was unable to beat the beast even with the help of Jia Yi within 4 minutes.

An Ascended high-level stage beast and a rebirth low-level stage beast, it was only one stage of a difference, yet this difference was like the distance of heaven and earth, worlds apart. Liuyun and Feng Hanyan was only at the profound high stage realm, they were completely useless against the beast.

"Liuyun we better run! This opponent is currently way out of our league!"

"I agree master!"

Liuyun nodded at their words and grabbed Feng Hanyan, they sat on the back of Ming Lang, who was the fastest in the entire group, even Jia Yi was unable to contend against his speed. Ming Lang used his fastest speed and dashed across the forest wanting to escape, Jia yi re entered Liuyun's conscious to regain some bits of her strength.


After just travelling for a few minutes, Ming Lang crashed into a barrier formation. The two who was sitting on his back fell off and recoiled backwards.No one knew about the formation and it ended up injuring Ming Lang who was running at his fastest speed, his wolf head was bruised and it bled everywhere, his eyes were upturned and white and it seemed that his skull was badly damaged.

"Ming Lang! Damn it!"

Liuyun quickly checked on the current situation of Ming Lang, his skull was slightly fractured and he was suffering from internal bleeding, symptoms of concussion and fainting. Liuyun hurriedly yet skillfully applied treatment, with the storage ring that Wo Zhao Ni gave to Feng Yang Zhe, he was able to pre prepare some medicines and bring them along.

Liuyun let Ming Lang back into his soul realm to recover and turned to look at the direction of the danger. His face was completely blacken with anger and his fist was clenched so hard that his nails pierced through his skin, forcing some of his blood out. He knew all too clearly that this was a scheme by someone, the random monster herd, a rebirth stage beast appearing at the outskirts of the forest and finally the formation that even an ascended high-rank beast couldn't even breakthrough with his full strength.

If this wasn't a clear scheme then what was? If this wasn't a clearly well-planned trap in order to kill them then Liuyun would immediately commit suicide by smashing his head using a block of tofu!

"Yan'er, can you unlock this formation?"

Liuyun turned to the only person that he can ask for help currently, Feng Hanyan. She took lessons with her mother, who was an inscription master, and learnt everything she could about formations.

Feng Hanyan looked at the formation and nodded.

"I can! But this will take me at least an hour to decode due to the ridiculous amount of inscriptions on it!"

"I will buy you the time you need."


Feng Hanyan worriedly shouted out Liuyun's name, what Liuyun suggested yes was the only path to survival, but it was a reckless one. Liuyun and the beast was 3 realms apart, not even saying 3 but even a single difference in realm was tantamount to a baby fighting against god! Yet Liuyun wanted to face something that was 3 realms apart?!

"Yan'er! We have no choice! I have no knowledge in formations! You are the only one!"

"Liuyun... Fine! But remember we can't die here okay!"

"I won't I still have a Phoenix girl to marry after all!"

Normally Feng Hanyan would blush at his remarks but she didn't this time, this might be the last few words that they will ever say to each other, how can she be mad at them. Feng Hanyan immediately started to decode and deconstruct the formation while Liuyun nervously waited for the beast to come.

"Roar! Human… Die… Kill!"

A gigantic beast appeared, with a large muscular frame and a long tail. This beast was very familiar to Liuyun, he learned about it a long time ago. An Ape-like beast with a large frame, coated with luxurious fur all around his body as if it was a coat armor.

It was the Longevity Ape.

"Ha...ha...ha…. We might be completely screwed today."