Face slapping Liuyun

"What the fuck!! Were you healing him or giving him your divine blessing! How can one breakthrough from the Spirit stage low-level to the ascended stage with just 3 needles?!"

This was an unprecedented feat that Liuyun had performed in front of them, not even the medicine sages of the ancient era were able to perform such a feat, yet they were able to see something like this happen so suddenly.

Lin Chen looked at this hands in disbelief and excitement, he turned to look at Liuyun who at the moment, looks to be a deity in his eyes. He kneeled down and quickly thanked Liuyun as if afraid the latter would suddenly disappear in front of him and he would never ever get the chance to do so.

"Thank you young…. No medical sage Liuyun! You cured me of my injuries and even raised my cultivation level. This Lin Chen swears, if medical sage Liuyun ever needs help in the future, this one would traverse through mountain blades and fiery hell to be by your side to serve! But, I will only help if the enemy is not the Lin Clan or any of my loved ones!"

A cultivator oath is even more serious than an ordinary person's oath. If a cultivator ever breaks an oath, they will be damned by the heavens and be struck to death by the tribulation punishment lightning. Liuyun felt a sense of warmth within his heart and he nodded his head.

He turned to look at the guard who originally emitted a powerful aura to stop him, now stunned in place. When the latter saw Liuyun look at him, he no longer held a sense of disdain for him rather even a hint of admiration could be seen in his eyes.

"I'm sorry for ever blocking medical sage Liuyun's way to save young master! Please do save him!"

With his arrogance gone, the guard quickly let Liuyun in and Liuyun whispered the treatment method to cure him. The guard had even more respects for Liuyun and when the latter wasn't looking, he cupped his hands towards him in gratitude.

Lin Chen decided to be the guide for Liuyun and he brought him over to the Young Master's manor.

"Medical sage Liuyun, do you know anything about the Lin clan at all?"

Liuyun truly did not know anything at all about the clan, he only came here to earn money and did not really pay attention to them at all.

Lin Chen knew that Liuyun was completely clueless about his face so he took the initiative to explain it to him

"The Lin clan rose to become a great clan in just 100 years, their heritage is low as compared to the other great clans but no one dares to mock them due to the Clan head's power. The clan leader is a rebirth high-level cultivator and he is soon to break through into the fate realm. He has an older sister who married off to an unknown clan but she doesn't come back often."

"I see…"

"The clan leader has 3 sons and 1 daughter. The oldest brother is called Lin Xiu, he was once the head of the clan. Now it is passed on to the 2nd brother who is called Lin Yu and the youngest of all 3 brothers is called Lin Cheng. The daughter of the clan leader was adopted but she has shown surprising talent so she is one of the pillars of the clan."

"What happened to Lin Xiu? Why was he demoted from the clan leader role?"

After saying so, Lin Chen had a horrible look on his face, as if it was something truly hard to say. But he decided to be honest and actually tell Liuyun about it.

"This… Is because… He was killed while on a mission for the sect. Young master Lin Xiu, a few disciples, and young master Lin Cheng went on a mission to hunt for monsters but they were ambushed by monsters. Only the young master Lin Cheng returned but he explained everything about the situation and even brought back young master Lin Xiu's corpses. So as the 2nd oldest and also the wisest of all 3 brothers, Young patriarch Lin Yu was named to be the successor of the clan!"

"... Something like that happened huh…"

Without noticing, they arrived at the entrance of the manor. Lin Chen explained everything to the guards outside and they let Liuyun in.

Liuyun thanked the guards and entered the room alone, the room was darkly lit and a man laid on the bed unconscious. His skin was white and delicate while his face was pretty and good looking if he didn't know beforehand that the Young master Lin Yu was a male he would have probably assumed him to be her.

He was about to test his pulse but a resounding voice boomed and hurt Liuyun's ears.

"Hmph! Why is a kid even here! Get lost before I personally punish you myself!"

A grand and old voice rang out and an elderly man appeared from the door, he pushed Liuyun out and humphed at him. Liuyun was slightly mad at the old man and he asked with his eyes sharpened.

"Who are you?"

"Hmph! Ignorant brat! Have you never heard of this one's great name? This one is called Fang Lin! The great medicine sage of Azure city!"