Old Head

'The great medical sage Fang Lin?'

Liuyun was surprised to see his appearance here, he knew about the identity of the medical sage Fang Lin. Fang Lin is considered to be one of the world's best doctors currently and the lives he saved over the past few decades has shot over hundreds, his skill with medical treatment as well as knowledge over herbs allowed him to receive the title medical sage from the king of Azure city.

The medical sage title wasn't just for show. During a war, just the appearance of a medical sage on the opposing side can cause an entire country's downfall. That's why a medical sage is so well revered by both the citizens and the country.

'Looks like the Lin Clan has paid quite a fair bit of price of treat the young master Lin Yu…Is the situation truly so serious that they are actually forced to call upon Fang Lin?'

Liuyun couldn't help but about that since he clearly knew about Fang Lin's personality.

Fang Lin was an eccentric person with a reputation regarding his horrendous temper. Once, he killed a random person just because that person accidentally bumped into him. Although the man died an unjust death, Fang Lin was not unpunished due to him bearing the medical sage title.

Liuyun held Fang Lin in contempt, he was also a doctor and although he killed people, he never harmed the innocent. Yet as a grand medical sage, Fang Lin actually killed indiscriminately just based on his mood. Such a person did not deserve to be a doctor and Liuyun looked at Fang Lin coldly.

"Hmph! Stupid kid, you are lucky this daddy is happy today so I won't kill you, Get the fuck out now if you do not want to anger me."

"Shut up already, blab blab blab have you never stopped talking in your damn life? You are just a stupid old fucker that knows kiddish medicine so why are you showing off your gay aura for!"

Liuyun was tired of listening to Fang Lin and he decided to shut him up with some words.

Fang Lin was too arrogant, drowned in his success and fame, he long got used to people following his orders without complaints. He originally thought Liuyun would do the same after knowing his name and releasing his aura, but never did he imagine Liuyun to actually talk back to him.

"You… Brat!"

"What now? The great medical sage going to resort to violence just because you can't win a war with words? Go back to school and learn some decent words!"

Something snapped within Fang Lin, his eyes turned red with anger and he clutched his hands tightly. His breathing was rough and his face was blackened.

"I will kill you!!!"

Fang Lin suddenly jumped to attack Liuyun, the latter expecting his attack quickly dodged him. The so-called medicine sage Fang Lin was only a spirit stage cultivator despite training for over 50 years. This was because he immersed himself in medicine and did not cultivate too much. As one who survived even rebirth stage beasts and cultivators, Fang Lin seemed to be trash in Liuyun's eyes.

Liuyun moved his body slightly to his right, yet this subtle movement was able to make Fang Lin miss his punch and Liuyun countered the attack by punching him back in the guts.


"Old head, you cultivated over 50 years and only this strong? Damn you are one useless fool…"

"Damn… Damn you! Lin Shi! If you do not want your son to be treated then you best get the fuck out for this daddy and help me kill this bastard!"

As soon as Fang Lin said so, a figure flashed by Liuyun and landed in front of Feng Lin. His face was filled with sorrow and he bowed down to Feng Lin.

"Please! Save my son! I will do anything you say so please save my child…"

"Hmph! Kill that boy for me!"


The figure turned back and looked at Liuyun, Liuyun managed to get a good look and his face and saw that it was dashing. His face had no excess fats and was even the gentlemen type of face, his eyes contained regrets and sorrow.

"I am sorry… It is for my child…"


"Hahahaha! Die and repent in hell boy!"

Liuyun was silent throughout, he analyzed the figure who came into the room and was about to attack him. Judging by how Fang Lin called him, the figure was the clan head, Lin Shi.

Liuyun was completely calm even within the midst of danger. He smiled and confidently proclaimed.

"I can cure your son's poison, you don't need to beg this old head. If you want I can immediately prove my capabilities."


Lin Shi didn't know how to respond to this, he just blankly stared at Liuyun.