Request of Liuyun

Calculated with your fingers? You calculate shit with your fingers! Fuck you! if you can calculate how the herbs you have will produce such a result, then even mathematicians can become a medical sage! Feng Lin wanted to bash in Liuyun's face seeing such a condescending smug on it, he held in his rage and closed his eyes to calm himself down before walking up to Lin Yu to test his pulse.

Normal pulse, no abnormal blood flow nor blood clotting. Body temperature normal level, stable breathing, zero signs of poison remaining and no damage to physical or mental body… In fact, the body is even stronger than it used to?!

Feng Lin's head was covered in sweat and his held contained shock and confusion. He couldn't believe what he was seeing right now, in just barely over an hour, the boy whom he treated as a joke actually cured a poison that he himself couldn't. The great medical sage title? Ha! What a joke, compared to this freak of nature what does being a medical sage mean…

Feng Lin wanted to so badly find a hole to bury himself into, remembering about how he treated a godly doctor like Liuyun so arrogantly. Liuyun saw his reaction and sighed in disappointment. To be honest, Liuyun was curious about the level of the medical sages in this world and meeting Feng Lin truly was an eye-opener for him. Never did he imagine how trash like him can actually become a medical sage.

"Are you seriously a medical sage? Maybe you are actually a fake and the real medical sages are much better than you?"

Hearing his words, Feng Lin coughed out a mouthful of blood. You fucker… I am truly a renowned medical sage, I am even one of the best medical sage in the world. You are just an abnormal monster, don't compare the likes of us to you, please… Regrets filled Feng Lin and he wanted to smash his head into a concrete wall now, he lost to a kid merely 11 years old and lost both his wealth and herbs. If he could, he wanted to turn back time and slap the old him dead.

"Little brother Liuyun… I thank you for your help at saving my son, as promised I will forever be your backer if the heavens are about to fall I will be the one to hold it up for you!"

"Thank you Clan Master Lin, your promise is wasted on someone like me but if the time does come where I need your help, I will ask for it."

"Hahahaha! Bold and confident! You are someone this one admires. Now then… Oh great medical sage Feng Lin, since you have oh so kindly lost to little brother Liuyun will you pass on your legacy and inheritance to him?"

His words made Liuyun chuck a little and Liuyun did his best to hold in his laughter. Legacy and inheritance, doesn't that make it as if Feng Lin was already one step into his grave? This was pure humiliation towards Feng Lin.

As expected, Feng Lin's was infuriated by the words of Lin Shi. His face turn red with anger and his eyes held a deep hatred towards the two that embarrassed him today. He couldn't stand the looks of them anymore, taking out another storage ring, he threw it to Liuyun and then ran off.

Liuyun scanned the content inside the ring and his eyes opened widely in happiness, inside it was 30 million gold taels. This was a large sum even for a clan like the Lin clan and the Feng Clan, yet now it was in Liuyun's hands, how can he not be happy?

"Ugh… Where am I?"

Suddenly, a weak yet soft voice appeared behind Lin Shi and Liuyun. Lin Shi, hearing that nostalgic voice, dropped whatever he was holding and rushed to be by the side of the owner of the voice. Liuyun was calmer as he expected the man on the bed to wake up by now, he slowly trod along and arrived by the bed.

Lin Yu finally awoke from his comatose and blurrily opened his eyes. Lin Shi's excitement and happiness couldn't be concealed, but he held it in and hurriedly helped his son to sit upright. He gently hugged his son and patted his back, as if afraid that Lin Yu will once again close his eyes and return back into his comatose state.

"Da...d? Why are you hugging me like this… What on earth happened to me?"

"Yu'er, ah Yu'er… You finally woke up after 3 years. Dad has been so worried that you will leave me like how you mom and big brother did…"


Lin Yu was touched by his father's gentle embrace, his father used to be a kind and silly man when they were younger. But when their mom was killed, he suddenly turned into a different man. Every day they were forced to undergo strict and harsh training, and even when they were injured badly, Lin Shi did not care whatsoever. As his son, he used to hate him once, but he realized that everything was all to prepare them for the future.

"That's right… Yu'er, this is your savior who cured you of the 7 Chaos Elemental Poison. His name is Liuyun, probably without his help, you would have died in just 2 more days."

"My benefactor?... I see, This Lin Yu thanks little brother Liuyun for saving me."

"No problem, I am doing this only for a mission for the Imperial Arms sect."

"Oh? Little brother is also from the Imperial Arms sect?"

Surprise at the fact that this little kid Liuyun saved him, Lin Yu was now more surprised that he was actually his little junior disciple. Liuyun was also shocked by this fact when he accepted this mission he did not know about Lin Yu's identity.

"Anyways you can thank me later… Clan Leader Lin, I need your help regarding an urgent matter."

"Ho? What is it?"

"I need you to help me find a person, his name is called Wo Zhao Ni. Sect elder of the Imperial arms sect and also someone who tried to kill me."

Liuyun began to talk about the incident that had happened, obviously changing the details slightly and not mentioning about Jia Yi, Ming Lang, and Shi Xi Wei. Hearing about everything, Lin Shi face turned into one of anger and the surrounding walls started to crack under his pressure.

"Wo Zhao Ni, you almost killed my son's savior which would have resulted in my son's death… Great! Servant! Call upon all of the intel squad to search for a person called Wo Zhao Ni!"

Lin Shi was furious and Liuyun couldn't help but be in awe of his power, as expected of one who made his clan into a great 4 clan in Azure city… His powers are amazing...