Staying over

"Little brother Liuyun, it is already late outside so why don't you stay for the night."

"Thank you Clan leader Lin, but I have something to do before I can rest easy."

Lin Shi's eyes held a mysterious glint when Liuyun finished his sentence, he showed the latter a smile that was not a smile and calmly sat down on the chair beside Lin Yu's bed. Slowly drinking a cup of tea, he responded to the words of Liuyun.

"Are you talking about Wo Zhao Ni? Don't worry, I already made arrangements."

Liuyun was slightly surprised that he immediately relaxed his body, he knew Lin Shi wasn't an idiot and that the domineering man knew what he was about to do. Indeed, Liuyun wanted to silently assassinate Feng Lin. It was due to the danger of leaking out the news of his '1000 immunity poison body' and also to prevent Feng Lin from taking revenge.

Lin Shi must have understood what Liuyun was going to do to Feng Lin the moment he mentioned about his special constitution. Even if Feng Lin had no plans to kill or even leak news about Liuyun, he would still be killed by him. To Liuyun, it was better to cut off the roots of trouble before it sprouts. If Feng Lin does leak news of his 1000 immunity body, his daily life would be ruined and he will face the danger of being attacked everyday by greedy people who want to capture him for his special ability.

Lin Shi smiled gently at his savior and then helped Lin Yu to lie down. Liuyun cupped his hands towards Lin Shi and did not hold a cold look on his face anymore.

"Then I will thank Clan Leader Lin for his kindness…"

"You don't need to thank me, after all, you saved my son's life. It is something you deserve, okay then, I will call some servants to help you prepare a room."

Lin Shi walked out and started to head back to work, Liuyun sat down on the chair and look at the tired Lin Yu who was also his senior brother.

"You must be feeling tired? Senior brother."

"Yeah I am, I feel so dizzy and my body feels really fatigued. But, this is still better than dying…"

Lin Yu held determination within those blurry eyes of his, an expression of happiness and excitement was shown on his face, even though he was lying on the bed and unable to move. Liuyun sighed a little and stood up, his palm rested on the abdomen of Lin Yu and he began to channel in Life energy into Lin Yu's weakened body.

Lin Yu felt as if his body was being rejuvenated by the moment and his eyes no longer seem as if they lost light. He slowly began to feel the sensations of his muscle and nerves, his senses began to return back to him and the originally weak patient sat up by himself.

"What on earth is… Junior brother Liuyun, what did you?"

"This is one of the abilities of a 1000 immunity body, we can help one recover faster by channeling our life energy in."

"Life energy?! Junior brother stop it! Don't use your life just to heal me!"

"... Senior brother Lin… I think you misunderstood me… Life energy means the richest and purest healing energy which I harnessed from nature. Definitely not my life essence energy itself…"

Lin Yu was speechless while Liuyun was stunned, in his mind, since when did he ever sacrificed his life just to heal someone? It was going to kill him plus there were side effects from that. Meanwhile, Lin Yu was slightly embarrassed after misunderstand his junior brother, his face turned red with embarrassment and steam could be seen billowing out from his ears.

"...Junior brother Liuyun… THAT WAS MISLEADING AS HECK YOU KNOW!"

Lin Yu calmed down after hearing that Liuyun was not sacrificing himself for him, he still was slightly embarrassed though. He arm locked Liuyun and made his hands into a fist before he started to drill Liuyun's head.

"Ow! Senior Brother! Please stop! It hurts!"

"Don't worry! It will only hurt for a while… Hehehehe this is what you get for tricking me!"

"Hey, it was Senior brother's fault for misunderstanding me though!"

"Still dare to talk back to Senior Brother? Hahaha! You will suffer for that."

If anyone was watching them, they would think it was a warm hearting scene of an older brother showing his affection for his little brother. Liuyun was the little brother being teased slightly while Lin Yu was laughing 'drilled' Liuyun's head with his fist.

Liuyun didn't seem to resist much though, he had a strange feeling of happiness slowly growing inside him. The way Lin Yu was acting, made Liuyun happy as even in both of his lifetimes until now, he did not have any other siblings at all. Lin Yu was true… Acting like his older brother.

Now… the doors were closed but the sounds of their interaction could be heard clearly outside.

"Oh my god… This is such a deli… I mean Shock!"

"Yeah! I didn't think that young master Lin and the guest that Clan Master Lin had such a relationship… How hot… I mean shameful!"

"Now that Young master lin has woken up… We will most likely have to start to serve the new guest as well… It will be such a treat… ehem, pain…"

3 maids stood outside of the door as the placed their ears on it, they were degrading Lin Yu and Liuyun who were inside, but their nose had blood flowing down it...