Oath under the Sun and Moon

They stopped their actions after 5 minutes, their clothes slightly ruffled and they were slightly exhausted. It was no wonder… Lin Yu only received a partial amount of Life energy and hadn't yet fully recovered, Liuyun was busy channeling some life energy into Lin Yu to prevent him from being even more tired than he was supposed to be.

Liuyun returned back to his seat after helping Lin Yu to lie down on his bed and the two was obviously much closer after that slight dispute.

"Hahaha… I don't know why but Junior Brother Liuyun makes me feel very close to you, it was as if that you are like family to me…"

"I feel the same way as well Senior Brother Lin."

Lin Yu went into a deep ponder after hearing Liuyun's words, after a few seconds, he looked back at Liuyun but this time with an excited gleam shining in his eyes. He ordered a servant to quickly bring wine to him and 2 additional cups. Liuyun wondered what they were about to do when suddenly, Lin Yu tried to stand on his, which shocked Liuyun.

"Senior Brother! Please rest on the bed! Your body is still weak from the poison and you haven't recovered yet!"

"It's fine Junior brother Liuyun… No little brother Yun'er…"


Lin Yu held Liuyun strongly and hugged him tightly, Liuyun was completely confused at what was going on, before Lin Yu released his embrace and looked at Liuyun.

"Liuyun… Would you become my little brother?"


Lin Yu continued to struggle out and eventually reached the doorsteps of his room, the sun was about to set and the moon was barely visible in the sky. The fatigued and weak man came down on his knees as a servant ran up to him with the wine he asked for.

He poured a cup of wine and beckoned for Liuyun to come by his side, the latter did so obediently and kneeled as well. If Liuyun did not know what Lin Yu was about to do, then he was a complete idiot and an extra foolish one at that. He also took a cup a wine and pointed it to the moon above.

Lin Yu was satisfied at this and he pointed the wine to the sky as well.

"From this day onwards, I, Lin Yu will take Junior brother Liuyun to be my sworn brother. And from this day forward we will share both our joys and sorrows. I will be his family, his hope and no one will ever dare to slight my little brother regardless whether they belong to the heavens or hell. Under the witness of the everlasting sky of light and dark. I make this vow! If I violate this oath under the night sky, I shall be struck by the cruelest and most torturous divine light! My soul shall dissipate, never to reincarnate!"

Oaths are taken really seriously in this world, such a powerful vow, even Liuyun feel touched by it. Lin Yu basically gave his word to suffer through life and death for Liuyun. Even if it was the gratitude of saving his life, it proved his sincerity.

Even before coming into this world, he had suffered a lot. His true love died and he worked his hardest to be a doctor to heal every disease in the world, he didn't truly love his family and friends… Now in this world, he had a warm serving family but he himself had no true family at all.

Liuyun desperately held in his tears, his eyes turning slightly reddish and his lips turned slightly upwards. He then held his cup strongly, his voice held in the authority and power he doesn't normally use and he himself made a vow.

"I, Liuyun will become big brother Lin Yu's sworn brother. From this day forward, we shall share our sorrows and joy. I will become big brother Lin Yu's family member, his family is mine and mine will be his. Under the holy blessings of the moon and sunlight, I hereby swear to forever stay as older brother Lin Yu's little brother, never betraying him. If I break my oath, I will die a dog's death! My soul shall be struck by the heavenly lightning and forever disappear!"

After Liuyun finished his oath, they drank their wine and Liuyun Kowtowed to Lin Yu. From this day forward they are brothers for life, they will depend on each other.

At this moment, Lin Shi appeared right behind them. He was notified by a servant about his son Lin Yu's order to get wine, worried that Lin Yu was going to ruin his health, he rushed over. But what he saw brought a smile on his face, the boy that he admired and his son vow to be sworn, brothers. How can he not be happy? He understood what the wine was used for and decided to let his son be selfish this one time.

"Hahaha! Little brother Liuyun… No Yun'er, from today onwards we are family, you can call me father if you want to!"

"Yes! Father! Adopted Son, Liuyun greets Father!"

"Father… Should we go get little brother Lin Cheng and little sister here?"

"Hm, we should huh… Men! Get the 3rd young master and young mistress here! Tonight we shall feast!"