Ingenuity of Liuyun

Shi Xi Wei was stunned by the learning speed and comprehension speed of Liuyun. He knew that the latter was a man from another world through his memories, but regardless his abilities were completely on the level of a demon. It was too terrifying…

Liuyun didn't seem to notice the inner conflict of Shi Xi Wei as he checked out his armor, he was amazed by it and he kept glossing over it as if it was his precious baby. This was going to be his partner in battle, his defensive lifeline which will grow with him as he experiences the wonders of the world. His eyes gleamed a glow of happiness, his blood boiled with excitement and he channeled in even more death energy in order to compress his armor.

"What are you doing?!"

Shi Xi Wei was shocked at the actions of Liuyun, he ran up to Liuyun and wanted to stop him. Liuyun didn't hear his shouts though, he was already immersed within his concentration and began to condense his armor. He realized the full potential of this ability and was completely awestruck by the profounds within the Withering Divine Craft battle technique. The creator of the 4 techniques is truly godlike beings! They can create such a divine skill and this is only at the Heaven Tier… How powerful and profound the immortal tier must be…

Liuyun compressed his armor so thinly that it was barely visible to the naked eye, afterward he made 3 layers of the same armor and layered it over each other. It stuck to each other like glue and had a clear glow to it. After he finished making the layers of armor, Liuyun stopped crafting his armor as he felt his energy to sustain it wouldn't be enough… 3 layers were currently his maximum, unless if he was forced to play complete defense then it would be a different matter. He opened his eyes up and noticed the floating Shi Xi Wei's mouth agape and almost touching the ground, his face was completely black and he was speechless.

Liuyun curiously looks at him and waved his hands in front of the dumbfounded soul.

"Oi… What happened to you?"

"Ah! Fuck! This daddy was actually too stunned by you that I actually lost my composure."

Having long lost his image as a legendary top tier cultivator, Shi Xi Wei embarrassedly coughed and admitted his mistakes. His face turned sterned and he looked directly at Liuyun's armor.

'An armor with 3 layers over it… A reflection glow that normal armor of death energy would never ever produce… Holy cow, this little kid actually managed to make a true armor just using his death energy… But it seems that it runs on death energy, so other people can't wear and use it.'

The fate stage cultivator pointed towards the abdomen of Liuyun's body and sent a small beam of light, a few seconds later, Ming Lang appeared from within and dumbfoundedly looked around.

"Stupid wolf! Attack that moron with all your might!"


"Do it now! Before this daddy torture you to death… Don't worry, this is something required to help your master."

"... Alright fine… Master, please pardon my rudeness!"

Ming Lang received his commands from Shi Xi Wei and obediently followed his commands, as the latter once said. He was one with Liuyun, they were one entity… So he was basically following his master's orders to attack his main body.

"Heavenly Wolf King Slash!"

Ming Lang condensed all his energy on his claws and slash down at his master, Liuyun's body received the blow and somehow managed to stand its ground. Liuyun was completely fine and he had no injuries whatsoever, seeing this Ming Lang's eyes almost popped out of his body. He was an ascended high-level cultivator yet he couldn't do anything against that blasted armor of his own master… Who was only a spirit stage low-level cultivator?

"Master?! Are you okay?"

Nevertheless, Ming Lang still rushed up to his master and licked his face to show his care. Liuyun laughed at how puppy-like Ming Lang was acting and the former patted the latter's head signifying he was alright.

Ming Lang was slightly embarrassed at the head patting but he didn't brush Liuyun's hands off. But, he was still stunned by the defensive prowess of his master's armor. To allow one who was only in the spirit stage realm to resist an ascended stage realm cultivator's attack with ease, it was truly a treasure.

"Alright Liuyun, dissipate that armor, you are just wasting death energy already…"


"What?! It was created by master's energy only?!"

Originally the wolf thought it was only a treasure but hearing it was from Liuyun's energy, he suddenly felt the same feelings as for how Shi Xi Wei felt initially. This was the difference between a genius and a commoner, even the difference in power means nothing to them...