Stepping stones

While the soul and wolf combo was over there in a corner coughing out blood in frustration, Liuyun already started to craft his weapon with his death energy. With an image of a sword in his mind, he started to calculate the length and weight as well as the design of the sword. Death energy began to surge within Liuyun's body and it was gradually channeled outwards, forming the shape of the sword.

Its blackish aura seemed to absorb the life out of the living creatures within 10 meters of Liuyun, everything within this 10 meters of Liuyun began to wither and die. The energy formed the hilt first before the energy broke up and formed the sword, Liuyun concentrated really hard and condensed energy within the sword. The blade of the sword began to be refined and sharped, the energy began to solidify like how the black armor of Liuyun took into a physical shape.

10 minutes later, the energy surrounding the sword dispersed and from within an elegant long sword appeared and reflected the dazzling light of the sun. The sword was coated with a purplish dark black and it was around 90cm long, Liuyun opened his eyes once more and his aura changed. His dispersed aura now seemed to contain a sharp killing intent, no longer it was an aura that made himself look bulky. It was calmer, more refined and this aura even made Shi Xi Wei shiver for a moment.

"Damn this monster… after creating a sword out of his own energy he actually formed his sword intent…"

Shi Xi Wei was clearly disturbed after noticing that Liuyun actually formed sword intent, how can he not… He knew how powerful sword intents are the most. Weapon intents are formed only when one reaches a certain level of understanding regarding their weapons, it was the defining factor between the common man and a genius. Most people are unable to even reach the sword intent state for their entire lives, but Liuyun did it! On his first try of actually comprehending the weapon intent…

End me now… Life is too unfair…

Liuyun looked at his sword gently and caressed it. He swung it around a few times and it created ripples in the air, Liuyun was satisfied with his creation and wanted to find an opponent to battle.

He turned to look at Shi Xi Wei, the latter seemed to understand his intention and nodded his head, giving him permission.

"I will go find some beast to fight…"

"Alright, but be back in 1 hour… You still need to be back in the Lin manor."

"I will."

Liuyun dashed into the forest and headed for one of the deepest parts of the outer area, hoping to find some beast to face. After traversing for 10 minutes, he found a cave and he confirmed inside to have 100 beasts, each of them confirmed to have at least a base cultivation of spirit stage. If it was back then before he broke through to the spirit stage realm, he would have avoided it if possible due to the dangers. But now he broke through to the spirit stage realm and even had the newly obtained abilities of his armor and sword, he feared nothing that was below the rebirth stage.

The cave was filled with blood devouring bats and even the weakest among them was a spirit stage middle level beast. Liuyun swiftly created his armor and sword before charging right into the territory of the bats. Being disturbed by this puny human boy made all the bats angry and the countered Liuyun back with numbers, all of them had bloodthirsty eyes and it seemed to only hold Liuyun as fodder.

"Heh, only a bunch of imbeciles with no sense of danger at all… Your species harm the human race, devouring one's blood and consuming their bodies… There is no way in hell I will let you all harm any more humans!"

Liuyun held up his sword and began his slaughter rampage, under his blade, all the bats were swiftly killed without mercy. The bats tried to dodge the blade slashes but Liuyun was too skillful with the sword, he would always somehow move his body in a way that would cut through the bats.


"Shut up and die!"

The screams and cries of the bats resounded out throughout the night and within just 30 minutes, most of the bats within the caves died and only a few spirit stage high-level bats remained. Even so, they were badly injured.

"Kekekeke! Human, you dare to harm our minions?! This King will show you the true meaning of hell!"

A sudden voice rang out and a gust of wind appeared in front of Liuyun, from within the gust appeared 3 monsters. One of them had bat-like wings but yet seemed to be in human form, another was a half snake half human with scales colored red, the last one was a fierce white tiger.

Liuyun recognized the 3 enemies in front of him. The Vampire Bat King Zhi Lei, the Lamia Xun Qi and the white tiger beast Mo Fei. They were the kings of the outer area of Starfall forest… they had a cultivation strength of Ascended High level each, with 3 of them here Liuyun did not find himself fearful. Rather he was finally delighted to find some powerful stepping stones…