Time limit on his armor

"Boy, what are you laughing at huh?! Did you shit your pants due to fear? Kek Kek Kek Kek! Don't worry, once this daddy is done with you, you won't even be able to feel fear anymore… Hehehe…"

The Vampire Bat King Zhi Lei mocked teasingly. He was scanning Liuyun and seeing that the latter did not even budge a bit, made him think that Liuyun was too scared to even move. The other two as well, they were also laughing madly as they spat out taunts. But Liuyun stood there motionless not even replying a single breath, they all scorned Liuyun and soon lost interest in a prey that did not even resist. They surrounded him and was about to attack.

What they didn't know was that Liuyun was actually busy gathering his energy and formulating a battle strategy. Since the three idiots were so kind to actually let him recover his strength, so why not? He reached his maximum capacity in one minute and was ready to do battle.

"Hey, you all had your fill?"

"Huh?... Oh, you can actually talk, hehehe finally we can have som…"

Zhi Lei was about to continue to talk but suddenly, he felt a chill run down his spine and his instincts immediately told him to flee. He stared at Liuyun for a few seconds, the latter suddenly disappeared and reappeared in front of him. In those few seconds, he somehow donned on a blackish armor and swung a dark blade in his way.



Liuyun slashed forward but Zhi Lei reacted quickly and managed to dodge his swift strikes. Zhi Lei backflips and quickly shouted to the other two in desperation.

"Oi! Brother Mo, little sister Xun! We need to band together to kill this freak! He is too powerful for me alone!"


The previous attack that Liuyun did already make the Lamia and the White Tiger beast on guard and they no longer had a condescending look anymore, it was replaced with one of seriousness and killing intent. They couldn't fool around, Liuyun could catch them off guard with his speed and probably even kill them if they weren't careful.

"You are not getting away!"

Liuyun gathered death energy in his legs and charged forward at Zhi Lei, he wanted to fight the 3 monsters without his speed. Although he could easily end the fight with just his speed alone, he himself knew that his sword skills and experience in close combat was lacking. He wanted to take the time now to train it up, to prevent himself from losing to someone who could be as fast or even faster than him.

Xun Qi formed some hand seals before firing some fireballs at Liuyun. Seeing this, Liuyun couldn't help but think to himself… Fuck, even a lamia can use a Fireball Jutsu? Damn did she come from the Naruto world or something?! He let his concentration fall for a moment, this opening was noticeable for the Vampire Bat King and The white tiger beast. Their eyes gleamed in killing intent and they used their fastest speed to charge at Liuyun, wanting to injure or even kill him with the attack.

Liuyun quickly snapped out of his thoughts and focused on the battle once more, he swiftly dodged the incoming charge by jumping upwards. Thinking that the armor will cause him to be too lax as he fights, he dissipated the energy required to maintain it and only his sword was left.

Seeing how Liuyun's armor suddenly disappeared, The Vampire Bat King Zhi Lei thought that Liuyun had a certain time limit to use the armor, he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Brother Mo, Little sister Xun! The brat probably can't use that armor for too long and now is our chance! If we can hold out until the sword disappears… We can win!"

Liuyun felt as if crows cawed and flew across his head, in his mind he was thinking whether The Vampire Bat King was an idiot or not… He just did not want to use his armor and somehow it led to him thinking that Liuyun had a time limit on his weapons. Sure he had a time limit, but at the pace, he was using his energy it will last him until he dies of old age.

It couldn't be blamed on Zhi Lei though, he was facing a monster that could easily kill them all in an instant. Yet Liuyun took his time and all of a sudden his armor disappeared, it brought about a faint sense of hope within him and he wanted to take the advantage now that Liuyun was 'weaker'.

Liuyun did not bother to even correct Zhi Lei's mistake, he ran up to him and swung his sword skillfully. Zhi Lei engaged with him with a close combat fight and he used his vampire claws, he parried wildly and even struck Liuyun from time to time. Mo Fei also joined in the fight and started to use his claw to damage Liuyun, Xun Qi was at the back supporting them by creating earth walls to minimize the damage that her friends are taking.

After 20 minutes… Liuyun was covered in blood and wounds, the same goes for the three monster beast. Panting vigorously, all of them stopped fighting for a moment and looked at each other coldly.

"Hmph! Brat we can't beat you nor can you beat us… Leave now! This battle is meaningless!"

"Listen to what big brother says and quickly leave! Mo Fei, you tell him too!"

"Rgh… Leave… Brat!"

Liuyun shook his head in disappointment, he decided to end the fight now as he did not have enough time left if he left any later. Summoning his armor, he coldly looked at the 3 monsters… Whom currently had their mouths agape and face blackened…

What the fuck?! How can you still use your armor?! Didn't you reach your time limit on it?! Don't tell me just 20 minutes was enough for you to use it again?!

Liuyun noticed the dumbfounded look on their faces and realized that he forgot to explain it to them.

"Oh… I just wanted to fight with my sword, I was training and getting some experience… In truth, my armor can be used for an unlimited amount of time… As long as I have enough nature energy. Plus my consuming rate is pretty low…"

Hearing his words, the three monsters wanted to faint and vomit out blood. What the fuck… This whole time you were toying with us?! The one who wanted to die from embarrassment most was Zhi Lei. He himself concluded that Liuyun had a time limit and he was wrong…

Liuyun shrugged his hands and resolutely wanted to kill them… Over the years the number of humans they killed and tortured were uncountable, he did not want to let such monsters continue to harm the human race's livelihood.

Using his speed, Liuyun disappeared and reappeared again at the back of the three monsters, He did not look back at the monsters before dissipating his armor and sword before leaving the cave.

Lines appeared on the necks of the 3 monsters, their heads fell off and blood splurged everywhere. Dirtying the cave dyeing the walls and floor with corpses and blood. They did not even manage to scream in pain before dying, it was the mercy that Liuyun gave them before their deaths…

Liuyun headed back to where Shi Xi Wei and Ming Lang were before heading back to the Lin Clan's manor.