No one can threaten her

It was 4 am in the morning when Liuyun returned, he quietly snuck back into his room and changed into clean sets of clothing before laying down on the comfy bed. Liuyun was seriously exhausted after the skill and combat training he did. The moment he surrendered his body to the soft bed, he immediately fell into a deep sleep. Sleeping gently and without a single snore escaping his mouth, the only thing was heard was his soft and steady breathing.

Shi Xi Wei appeared out of Liuyun's body, he looked at the latter with pain in his eyes. Shi Xi Wei experienced Liuyun's talent first hand and he couldn't help but feel some laments in his heart.

If only he was born earlier during my time… Then we, the Shi clan might have survived the fearsome attacks of the Divine Judgement hall… In this time even though I may be dead, but I still won't allow you all to harm the mainland ever!

The eyes of Shi Xi Wei turned cold just remembering about the Divine Judgement hall, he turned to look back at Liuyun and he couldn't help but reach out to gently caress the latter's forehead. His hand slipped through Liuyun's physical body, Shi Xi Wei let out an aged sigh before he retracted his arms. He returned back into Liuyun's body and decided to call it a day.

The next morning…

Liuyun woke up refreshed and immediately started to cultivate, he suddenly felt his body was about to break through to the middle stage of the Spirit realm. He decided to hold it in first, it was only recently that he broke through to the spirit realm and if he breaks through now, he will face future problems with his foundation.

Once he was done training, he took a shower and cleaned himself up before heading to the dining room to have a family meal with his new family. The morning meal was a simple meal consisting of a light clear yet rich soup, a chicken based porridge with some grilled fish. A relative easy meal for a morning, perfectly suited for most households.

They began to eat slowly and Liuyun ate elegantly as well as a nobility. The Lin family did not notice it yesterday but Liuyun did have an aura as if he belonged to a noble clan, yet his clothes and attitude seemed to say otherwise.

"Liuyun, are you heading back to the sect soon?"

Lin Shi couldn't help but ask Liuyun, the latter knew the former wanted to interact more with him so he replied.

"I will be staying with everyone for 2 more days… Then I will return to the sect since I have someone waiting for me back there."

"Ho? Little brother Yun has someone waiting for him? Is it a girl..? Hehehe"

Lin Su Chen couldn't help but tease Liuyun, the latter's face turned into a sweet expression just remembering the girl of his dreams. His expression was not one of cold which he used when he first met them, it was so mellow and filled with love that seeing this would make someone really want to punch him so badly. Lin Su Chen was just joking with him but seeing his expression, she couldn't help but exclaim.

"It is real?"

"Yes… I have someone waiting for me, her name is Feng Hanyan. She is the mistress that I am serving but we have sworn to marry each other when we get older…"

'Sworn for marriage… Mistress… Feng Hanyan…'

There was a sudden silence in the room, but it was broken by the resounding shouts of the other family members.

"Eh?! You are engaged?! You are just 11 this year! Little brother Yun you better consider this! Don't sacrifice your future just for on… blergh"

"Little brother Yun! Tell this sister more about your love story! Didn't expect little brother to be a carnivore at such a young age! Hehehe"

Lin Yu was in the midst of warning Liuyun to be sure about his future, to prevent himself from being a slave to women but he received a punch from Lin Su Chen and fainted with foams in his mouth. Lin Su Chen rushed up to Liuyun and wanted to listen to some juicy gossips

Lin Shi and Lin Cheng just continued on to eat without a care but Lin Cheng held a mysterious gleam in his eyes… This did not escape the eyes of Liuyun though, Liuyun at that moment turned Lin Cheng into his enemy. No one could threaten the life of Feng Hanyan, not even his new family!

Liuyun hid this from everyone though and just weakly smiled back at Lin Su Chen.

"Big Sis… I will explain everything later… How about we continue to eat first?"

"Hmm… Fine then! But remember to tell me later the juicy details yeah!"