Liuyun's schemes

Liuyun awkwardly smiled it off and continued to eat, the others did not pester him any longer and did the same, soon they finished their meals and headed off to do their own things. Lin Shi went back to clear his paperwork; Lin Yu went to rest; Lin Su Chen went to the forest to train, Lin Cheng went off somewhere and only Liuyun was left in his room.

Liuyun only had 2 days left before he was going to head back to the Imperial arms sect before he goes, he needs to rid the world of Lin Cheng. He was pondering how to do so when suddenly the voice of Jia Yi appeared in his consciousness.

"Liuyun, I suggest you force Lin Cheng to make a move… You only have 2 days to prove that he is a wolf in sheep clothing and he is a very patient man. He would most likely start his plans after you head back to the sect, once again poisoning your big brother…"

"I know… That's why I sent Shi Xi Wei out to spy on him, he will report back to me if Lin Cheng would do something suspicious… Even so, I plan to trick him…"


A mysterious smile appeared on Liuyun's face, it was a smile yet not a smile. It could make others shiver just by looking at it, Jia Yi no longer questioned him but she was still interested in what Liuyun planned to do.

Liuyun took out some herbs and a small furnace from his storage ring, Dragon Poisoning Scale herb; Nightshade Venom; White SnakeRoot Saliva; Lotus bloom 100 seeds. He threw all of the herbs in together and refined them, normally it was impossible to refine different herbs at different timings with only one furnace. But Liuyun managed to solve the problem for it, by separating the space in the furnace and allocating different temperatures for it, he can make it so that there are different temperatures in the furnace. It will allow for multiple refining of herbs, although what he was doing was actually pretty much godly.

The amount of concentration and control over one's energy was hugely important, even for Liuyun his limit was only 5 herbs at a time and it was already taking a toll on his body. Liuyun was sweating all over and his breath was ragged, he was feeling faint and even at times, his eyes turned blurry. But he couldn't stop refining it the normal way… It was required for his herbs to have no impurities within, or else he would be unable to make the pill.

'...For Yan'er's safety and Big brother Yu's life, I must succeed!'

Liuyun somehow managed to form the pills and he collapsed on the floor momentarily, feeling the burden and backlash of overworking himself. He crawled and grabbed hold of the pills, placing them in a porcelain bottle that he always carried around on him. Inside the bottle he counted to be around 12 pills, after 3 minutes he recovered and exhaustedly stood up.

"What is that pill's effect?"

Jia Yi's curiosity got the better of her, she was a 1000-year-old dragon but she was still amazed by Liuyun's pill forming skills.

"Heh… This is just to give big brother an immunity to poison forever… With this pill, he can not get poisoned! I am planning to make some for everyone I know soon…"

Liuyun happily walked towards Lin Shi's room, upon arriving at the doors of the room, he knocked on it. From within Lin Shi's voice rung out and he gently asked.

"Who is it?"

"Father, it is me! I have something to talk to you about!"

"Hm? Come in."

Once he got permissions to enter the room, Liuyun opened the door and shut it when he entered. In the room was mountains of paperwork that Lin Shi was clearing up, Liuyun couldn't help but feel a sense of fear for paperwork…

'Once I get married to Feng Hanyan, I hope we just settle in some peaceful area and no one to bother us…'

Liuyun walked up to Lin Shi and passed him the porcelain bottle.

"Father, have one of this pills."

"Hm? What does it do?"

"This is something I made for Big Brother Yu and everyone else! This will make you all immune to poison forever!"

"What?! Immunity to poison forever?!"

Hearing Liuyun's works, Lin Shi jumped up from his seat in shock. Then he suddenly calmed down and looked at Liuyun with happiness in his eyes, he got used to Liuyun's crazy abilities and now something like this was normal.

He then thought about the timing of why did Liuyun pass him the pills and his eyes turned dark. A murderous intent emerged from his body but he immediately kept it in, just the pills alone was enough for him to understand Liuyun's plans…

"I know what you are trying to to do… Don't worry I will help out."

"Thank you, father…"