Feng Hanyan's situation

Jia Yi was the first to speak up and she did not conceal the slight feeling of disappointment within her words.

"Liuyun, you are seriously too weak… Both in your cultivation and predictions, although you were impressive when you managed to trap Lin Cheng into a dead corner and forced him to confess the truth, you failed to think even further. If you have just thought a little more carefully, you would have guessed that Lin Cheng was only a pawn, a disposable one at that. If he was left without alone without something or someone to silence him, he can eventually be a threat."

Once she finished talking, Jia Yi sighed once more in helplessness and took more sips of her tea. Shi Xi Wei shook his head and did so too, he set the cup on the table for a second and only muttered one word before returning back to drinking his warm tea that a servant had prepared for Liuyun a while ago as Liuyun was asleep.


This one word, with the additional explanation by Jiayi, caused Liuyun's face to turn red in embarrassment and feelings of guilt eventually filled his mind. He despondently looked down at the ground in disappointment, in his heart he knew… They were right, if only he had thought even further, he would have realized that the other party would have installed some secret technique to prevent Lin Cheng from leaking news. If only he had done so, his family wouldn't have been injured. This was a setback for Liuyun and he couldn't help but regret the actions that he did.

Jia Yi, seeing Liuyun understanding her meaning, calmly nodded her head and finished her tea before disappearing back into the body of Liuyun. Shi Xi Wei did not follow after her, rather he himself got up from his seat and walked towards Liuyun. Straightening his hands, he condensed a small amount of Soul energy onto it and gave a hard karate chop on Liuyun's head. Liuyun yelped in pain and held on the area where Shi Xi Wei chopped him, he immediately looked up at Shi Xi Wei with slight anger and confusion in his eyes.

"Hmph. You finally looked up huh…"


"Although you might have been a reincarnated being, you immersed yourself in medicine back in your previous life and in this life, you only had 4 years of experience. To only use 4 years to try to reach the standard of mastermind planners in this world? It's a joke and an impossible feat, be proud that you managed to reach your current level in only 4 years… I must have lost my mind the moment I died, to give advice to another person."

Liuyun was astonished at the sight of a slightly embarrassed Shi Xi Wei, hearing the latter's words made his eyes almost pop out from his face. Was… Was he encouraging me? Hahaha…So even Shi Xi Wei can have a cute side after all!

If Shi Xi Wei ever knew what Liuyun was thinking about, he would have immediately wanted to punch the living lights out of him. While Shi Xi Wei previous life's enemies would have wanted to vomit in disgust and cough out blood, cute?! You are calling the cold-blooded demon who was an asura-like figure back in their generation not something like Demon Lord or God himself but Cute?!

Liuyun chuckled slight which caused Shi Xi Wei to look at him curiously, the former shook his head and opened his mouth.

"Thanks… For trying to cheer me up, I really appreciate it."

"...Why don't I understand what you are talking about? I was just stating the truth after all. Anyways stop this nonsense and breakthrough, your foundation was strengthened by the explosion earlier as well as your training in the cave already solidified your foundation."


After Shi Xi Wei finished saying his part, he then disappeared back into Liuyun's body and the latter sat down to start to break through. Liuyun gathered energy within his dantian and slowly pushed it up all the way to Yang Men point, this was a dangerous process for most cultivators was a dangerous task, the Yang Men point was at the bottom of the head so if the breakthrough fails the cultivators die.

This was not a problem for Liuyun, who has all of his acupuncture points opened up already. All he needs to do is to have enough energy to push and fill the point itself, so he quickly gathered all the energy with the energy whirlpool technique he created. The Dual polarity of Life and Death manual revolved within him and slowly started to merge together. In the end, Liuyun broke through after just 3 hours

Liuyun was satisfied with his breakthrough and he went to sleep. Hoping to have another dream about Feng Hanyan and their love life in the future, what he doesn't know was that Feng Hanyan at this time was also thinking about the same thing as him.

She was on the verge of breaking through to the spirit stage realm and was struggling to break past the barrier. Her forehead was filled with sweat and her face had an expression of pain. She about to fail to the breakthrough when she suddenly thought about Liuyun, she couldn't die for his sake and their future together. With this in mind, she managed to breakthrough...