Trouble just comes knocking on the door

During the time Liuyun headed off for a mission, Feng Hanyan was in her room trying to break through to the Spirit Realm. Energy in the atmosphere swirled around in the room and it was like the formation of a mini tornado, slightly dreadful yet mysterious. At the bottom of the energy tornado, Feng Hanyan was absorbing all of it within her dantian, the burst of energy rushed to the dantian of Feng Hanyan and began to construct her Spiritual castle.

The process she built her Spiritual castle with was the same as all cultivators, bottom to top. Feng Hanyan had her eyes closed tightly and her whole body was completely dripping with sweat, breaking through no matter which level, was a rigorous and tiring process. Luckily for Feng Hanyan, she had a strong mental will which was hard to find within her age.

Feng Hanyan wanted to become stronger to help Liuyun, to be his partner in battle and not only a burden. This drove her to woke tirelessly at cultivating and finally, she managed to step onto the threshold. The spiritual castle that she was making, was slightly smaller than Liuyun's and rather of it being black, it was reddish orange.

Life is nothing without power, without power she can't stand side by side beside Liuyun. Feng Hanyan desperately needed to break through here and now, if not she will never ever catch up with Liuyun anymore. Her arms and legs were shivering and Feng Hanyan's face gradually turned worse by the minute, she was experiencing a hellish pain of having her Spiritual Castle being formed and it felt as if her whole body was being ripped apart.


The pain got worse and a sharp jab was felt in the legs of Feng Hanyan, she coughed out a mouthful of blood and almost exited her cultivation state. Luckily her willpower was enough to drag her forcefully back into her spiritual castle, the castle she was building was materializing and it was almost completed.

'Liuyun… I am going to be with you for life!'

The only thing in Feng Hanyan's mind was Liuyun's heroic figure as he bravely stood out protecting her, from the despicable Hei clan. She did not want that to ever happen again and it forced her to breakthrough her limits.

The energy in the air calmed down and slowly returned back to normal, it was all dissipating and being absorbed into Feng Hanyan's dantian and assembling into her bloodstream. She broke through to the spirit realm, her body was much stronger and the amount of nature energy within her was much larger than before.

Feng Hanyan opened up her eyes and weakly stood up, she was tired and her movements were sloppy. Yet, even so, a bright smile appeared on her face and it was obvious she was excited.

"I broke through! Yes! Now I can also be as strong as Liuyun!"

She giggled childishly and opened her windows to look at the sky. It was night time already and Liuyun has been gone for 2 days, she was starting to miss him. She hoped that Liuyun would be home soon, the latter was currently in the Lin Manor preparing his baggage and he sneezed slightly.

"You sick?"

Jia Yi asked out in an indifferent manner, Liuyun touched his nose slightly and giggled.

"Nah, it's just a little girl wishing for me to be home soon I guess…"


"... Nothing, I will need to rush back home first thing in the morning to see a certain little princess…"

Just as how Feng Hanyan was missing Liuyun, the latter was missing her too. He was rushing and quickly prepared everything back home and prayed that morning comes earlier.

*Bam* *Bam*

Somone was furiously knocking onto the doors of Feng Hanyan, it abruptly woke her up from her dreamy slumber and her eyes were slightly bloodshot. Feng Hanyan was shocked up and she was completely infuriated with the person knocking so heavily on her doors.

"Feng Hanyan you little bitch! You better come out now or we will destroy your room door!"

"That's right Feng Hanyan! Get the fuck out now for this daddy and let's settle some old scores!"

Feng Hanyan was already angry at them for disturbing her peaceful night, yet they even started to shout for her and even called her a bitch. She couldn't think straight and immediately rushed out of the room.