Forceful Strength

"Hmm? What's with that face? Hahaha! Have you decided on surrendering to me? Don't worry, I will give you back to your Liuyun after we are done 'educating' you…Hehehe."

Hei Zhou took Feng Hanyan's face of disappointment to be one of fear and cowardice, his arrogance soared and he regained his confidence. Taking out the blade that his father gave to him, he performed a few hand signs infusing Nature energy into his sword. A dark energy coated the sword and Hei Zhou held the sword with a sneer on his face, Feng Hanyan had no reaction to the actions of Hei Zhou and calmly looked on as the latter 'performed' in front of her.

"Feng Hanyan, back then you didn't expect to actually find yourself in such a situation huh! Blame the heavens for your horrible luck in meeting your death today, don't worry… I will send Liuyun to you later. Hahahaha!"

Hei Zhou was excited to finally take his revenge from before and trash talked Feng Hanyan maniacally, his irritating voice resounded throughout the room and even Feng Hanyan, who normally was calm tempered couldn't bear to hear his voice any longer.

"Are you done yet? Your mouth is so loud that even heaven will shatter into pieces just by listening, you already look like an ape and your mouth is even more annoying than one… Are you sure you are human and not a monkey?"


"Your intelligence level is seriously limited… After all, I said and you still did not understand that I was mocking you? Go back to learning the basics, you might just be able to fill something inside that non-existent brain of yours… Heck, even a vegetable is much smarter than you."

Originally Hei Zhou was still in the midst of his happiness, after seeing that he was able to get his revenge soon. But the words of Feng Hanyan infuriated him to the point that he wanted to vomit blood out. His eyes turned red and his unconcealed killing intent grew even stronger.

This girl, he must make her die under his hands now or his name is not Hei Zhou!

Hei Zhou charged forward and coated himself in an armor of energy.

"Hei clan's battle technique! Energy Armor Coat!"

The nature energy of Hei Zhou's started to cover his vital points, but it was not like Liuyun's Withering Divine Craft technique. It did not completely create an armor with the energy that Liuyun could, the energy was completely unrefined and it was only like a black fog in the form of a coat that was acting as his Armor.

If Liuyun was here to see the fake knockoff that Hei Zhou made, he would have spat in disgust at the latter.

Hei Zhou was almost about to reach Feng Hanyan, his body suddenly split into 3 and all of them slashed downwards at her.

"Hei Clan's battle technique, Fallen Shadow Split!"

Feng Hanyan's eyes opened up slightly and seeing the sword coming down on her swiftly, she turned slightly more serious. She infused her energy into the Heavenly Phoenix Blade, she parried all three swords with just her one blade and knocked back the duplicates as well as Hei Zhou together.

Hei Zhou was surprised at the power that Feng Hanyan showed and he quickly stopped attacking recklessly.

She has enough power to deflect me even though I used 50% of my entire strength… How powerful is she?!

The look of condescending on Hei Zhou's face disappeared and he suddenly recalled about how Feng Hanyan killed his followers so quickly that even he did not react in time. He couldn't help but look at Feng Hanyan in shock, in 3 years that they did not see each other… She was already stronger than him even though he was older and cultivated longer? No! He can't accept that! The Hei clan is one of the most powerful clans in the world! He can't be defeated by someone like Feng Hanyan!

He took out a black pill and immediately consumed it, his strength rose to become ascended low stage. Feng Hanyan had to become serious, although he was much weaker than most ascended low-level stage cultivators, he was still an ascended stage cultivator even if temporary. Feng Hanyan was unable to defeat ascended stage cultivators but against someone like Hei Zhou, she was still able to barely defeat him if she was careful.

She began to apply some reinforcement enchantments on her body and sword. Preparing for a hard battle that she was going to have.