Reign over in the Battle

"Blessing of the Phoenix Flare, Body Reinforcement Fire, Purifying Flame Body."

Feng Hanyan cast some formations and her body was now stronger, she was immune to poison and her body had a faster regenerative capability. She looked at Hei Zhou and with an intent to kill him, raising her sword and she showed the two sharp ends of her sword.

"Hehehe... Little girl, you are going to die here today and I won't let you off even if you beg me to!"

"...Shut up monkey and let's battle already."

"You will regret the words you said here today!"

Hei Zhou gave out a battle cry and charged at Feng Hanyan, the latter parried his blade and the ground beneath her rumbled and cracked. Feng Hanyan was sweating and her arms hurt, her fingers were already bleeding slightly just from the force of the sword slash and she desperately held in the blood that she wanted to cough out.

'What a powerful blow, I can't take much more of it even with my reinforcements... I need to increase my speed!'

Feng Hanyan chanted out a few words and summon out fireballs, she directed the fireballs at Hei Zhou. It exploded on him and caused the hold on his blade to weaken, she took the chance and quickly slid her sword against the edges of Hei Zhou, immediately jumping backward after doing so.

She looked at the burning ball of fire which covered Hei Zhou but she did not let her guard down, her attack wasn't strong enough to even injure him slightly. The fire dissipated in mere seconds and as expected, Hei Zhou was still standing strong with not even a single wound on his body.

"Hahaha! Your attack was pathetic! It did nothing to me, you have to do better than that!"

Hei Zhou sneered and jabbed his right foot bad, he condensed all his energy on his blade and it seemed as if a tornado was formed on his blade. It was a darkish spiraling energy, it held destructive forces and Feng Hanyan's eyes turned into a downwards slant.

'This is dangerous... I am not sure if I am able to handle that power...'

Feng Hanyan felt the overwhelming pressure from the spiraling energy and her guard as well as instincts were all pushed to the maximum. Her heart panicked slightly but she did not show it on her face, she clutched her hands strongly and made a decision within her heart. She breathes out a sigh, her stress and worries followed it as well and her heart calmed down. Feng Hanyan thought about the figure within her heart and mind, his worried face made her giggled slightly and she smiled brightly.

"Liuyun will be so angry if I fail... Hahaha, well I guess I must make it work here!'

Feng Hanyan's eyes were resolute and filled with determination, she closed it and began to form hand seals as she chanted out an incantation.

"The world was born with fire and formed with water, yin, and yang balance the universe. Life and death were predestined but to break through the heavens we have the flame of destruction..."

Hei Zhou was shocked seeing the actions of Feng Hanyan, an ill omen formed within his hearts and he was fearful.

'Damn it! What is that attack!? I can't let it hit me or else I am doomed! The one who attacks first have the advantage!'

Originally he wanted to charge his attack to the maximum and immediately attacked her after doing so, but Feng Hanyan was pressuring him with her mysterious, calm actions and his instincts screamed out to him to kill her now.

He dashes at the speed even faster than light and in just a mere instant, he was already halfway through his attack. Which was going to slice Feng Hanyan in half... Feng Hanyan still did not move at all and the blade immediately came into contact with her skin.

White blade went in and a red blade came out...

However, it was not the blade of Feng Hanyan that came out from Hei Zhou's body, but rather it was Hei Zhou's sword who came out of Feng Hanyan. It cut her into half, his blade came in from the left stomach of her and exited out from her right chest. The next instant, Feng Hanyan's two halves laid on the ground and not moving anymore.

Hei Zhou panted heavily and looked at the corpse of Feng Hanyan in terror, he knew that she was dead already and that she was actually about to kill him... But he won! He did it and killed her!

"Hahaha! You underestimated me! If only you weren't so arrogant and actually destroyed my future with your boyfriend Liuyun!"

Laughing maniacally, Hei Zhou was happy and turned around to walk away from the corpse of his fallen enemy, he did not want to stay any longer and wanted to leave as fast as possible. He walked a few steps and his followers immediately walked behind him.

He did not notice, Feng Hanyan's mouth was still moving and she muttered out a few sentences before fainting with a smile.

"As...The Rebirth of time... The Heavenly"

Her body, as if they were magnets, started to attract each other and fused together. Her body was being repaired by the minute and she was on the ground with her body intact. Moments later, she woke up and coughed out a mouth of blood. She stood up and silently held her sword.

Disappearing using the speed that she was most confident in, she appeared right behind the unguarded Hei Zhou and stabbed him in the neck. The latter was instantly killed and right before he died, he had no clue what just happened.


"Ah?! H...How?!"

The followers were all shocked and their eyes were about to pop out from their faces.

Feng Hanyan looked at them coldly and said.

"Phoenix Rebirth Revival, a family technique that allows us to revive once a day. But this will cause the user to exhaust half of their energy..."

The followers all dumbfoundedly looked at Feng Hanyan and they wanted to find a block of tofu to suicide into. What the hell, a revival a day with just half of your energy?! Damn what monster! They were all screwed!