Return of Liuyun

Feng Hanyan brushed off the blood on the sword and coldly looked into the fearful eyes of the followers of Hei Zhou. They were so scared of the current Feng Hanyan, who seemed to be giving off an aura of an asura. One of them even peed in pants in fear, the disgusting stench drafted throughout the room and it's smell even entered the nose of Feng Hanyan, making her frown in displeasure.

Seeing her frown, everyone else turned even more fearful and eventually they began to run for their lives.

'A monster like her exist, how can we even survive now! We need to run away fast!'

This thought was the same for all the followers of Hei Zhou, they just wanted to escape now and no longer ever mess with the flaming asura in front of them. Though if they were clear-minded and actually thought about it carefully, they would have realized that Feng Hanyan was actually really weak now and it was the best chance to actually kill her instead of escaping. But it was not meant to be as no one thought of it, their judgments were clouded by fear.

Feng Hanyan knew that revealing her secret technique, was the moment that she decided everyone within the room would die. She channeled in energy in her Heavenly Pheonix blade and prepared to use her favorite move to end the battle, the Phoenix searing rend.

"Phoenix searing rend!"

The flames spread out and gradually enshrouded the area in front of them, all of the minions immediately realized a huge blast of fire energy speeding up and catching up to them, their eyes, originally filled with happiness and a glimmer of hope was now filled with despair. The flames caught up to them and all of the people around them were caught in the blast.


"It burns..."


Screams of terror and fear resounded out in the room, in a few moments, silence returned back and with it residue ashes from the fallen victims under the blades of Feng Hanyan. Feng Hanyan after using her final attack slowly collapsed forward. She was about to hit the ground before a warm, gentle arm reached out towards her and supported her.

Feng Hanyan did not need to open her eyes and even in her exhausted state, she knew who it was. Her expression was no longer cold and anger like how she showed to Hei Zhou and his followers, it was a bright and warm smile... A smile that only one person could see.

"You did great... I'm sorry to come back so late."

"No... As long as you are back, it is okay... Liuyun."

Liuyun's black clothes fluttered under the wind and his eyes were filled with sadness, he truly had made his beloved suffer. He should have just brought her along, if not Feng Hanyan wouldn't be this weak now. The world has no medication for regrets, even if he wanted to return back to the time before he left, it was impossible. He was still grateful that Feng Hanyan was still alive...

Liuyun looked at Feng Hanyan with gentleness and pressed her Tai Yi point, Feng Hanyan felt a burst of sleepiness appear with her and she weakly fell asleep within the arms of Liuyun, her face was so relaxed that even Liuyun couldn't help but give it a small pinch.

"You ah... Making me worry like so, don't worry I will cure you and clean up the mess for you."

Liuyun gently sat her down on the ground and his face no longer looked warm, it was filled with coldness and sharpness that one would find it hard pressed to find it in an 11-year-old boy. He returned to look at a few spots behind Feng Hanyan and quickly made 5 swords, before throwing it and killing the enemies hidden within the bushes.

He gave a mini snort and picked Feng Hanyan up, laying her in bed to recover. Taking out the medicine he kept within his storage ring, he fed some to Feng Hanyan.

"I killed off the people who knew about your ability... Little monster, you should never tell anyone about it ever again okay?"

Feng Hanyan was still sleeping and it was unsure whether Liuyun meant it for her or was he murmuring to herself. In any case, he was back and they were together once more, stronger than ever.