Volume 4: Chapter 13: True Leader (Part 4)

"An eagle type demon…Member of Ras clan, huh? Interesting, I thought I made sure that every member of that clan had perished. It seems I was not thorough enough."

Shengyn shrugged his shoulders and sighed.

"You have led humans to attack my home, destroyed my clan, and slaughtered my family. That night, I barely managed to survive, but I remembered your face, yes, that face I have dreamed so long to squash into pieces…"

A blue eagle type demon, with a burned scar upon the left side of her face, Kokjan Ras was facing off against him.

Now she pointed her left index finger towards Shengyn.

"You killed my father, 56th Demon King, Akil Ras!"

Now, Shengyn's lips twisted into a snake-like smile.

It was as if he was mocking the demon that came here for vengeance.

"I see" Kokjan's hands clenched into fists.

"I shall avenge my clan, my family, and my father. I shall let them rest in peace by sending you to your grave."

The gigantic wall of water behind her now swirled into tentacle-like extensions. It was obvious, she was here to fight.

"Or I will send you to yours" Shengyn calmly walked towards his enemy.

Immediately, Kokjan began her attack, by shooting jets of water towards Shengyn, who proceeded to skillfully dodge each one of the pressurized water streams.

He dodged one, jumped over one, and rolled over to avoid water blasts.

Making sure to avoid every obstacle in front of him, Shengyn confidently marched on towards his foe, but a few steps before he could reach her, he sensed danger lurking behind his back.

A gigantic wave of water appeared right behind him out of nowhere.

'I see, so those water blasts were not meant to incapacitate me, but recombine into a sneak attack from behind, clever girl.'

Shengyn couldn't help but compliment his opponent for her strategy, many of his foes preferred to use brawn rather than brains, which is why having a challenging opponent was a rare treat.

Big wave was too close to avoid and with the mana sealing cuffs on, he could not access his demon eyes or any of his magic.

Collision was unavoidable.


"YOUNG MASTER!!!" Shaula screamed at the top of her lungs as she saw 'Ren' engulfed by a small lake's worth of Holy Water.

"As such, my vengeance is complete." Kokjan finally beamed a confident smile. She was sure 'Ren' had no way of avoiding being killed by Holy Water.

"At last, Father, I have avenged you!"

"Young master…no…" Shaula's hands were trembling as she was looking down towards the ground, thinking that 'Ren' has perished.

"Well, water does not taste any better than before if you ask me…"

To her horror, Kokjan heard a voice sound out.

There he was, her enemy, drenched from head to toe in Holy Water, but otherwise completely unharmed.

"Impossible, you should be dead! Why aren't you dead!?"

Ordinarily, a demon would receive massive damage just by touching Holy Water, and 'Ren' ended up in contact with so much Holy Water that it should have dissolved him outright.

Kokjan herself was very vulnerable to Holy Water, making sure to not let it touch her when she used her mana to manipulate it.

"I can ask you the very same thing, but that will not get us anywhere, will it?"

As he slowly walked towards his foe, Kokjan manifested swirling disks of water and proceeded to launch them.

Each one could cut down a tree with ease in one shot, yet Shengyn easily dodged each one of her water disks.

Kokjan now began a barrage of attacks, but Shengyn simply kept dodging them while walking forward with the same bored expression.

"Come forth, my water dragon!" Kokjan attempted to use the superior version of Level 5 Spell: Water Serpent.

Only a single water dragon could be made with this spell, unlike the water serpents where she could manifest multiple at the same time, but what it lacked in quantity, water dragon made up in quality.

It consumed a huge amount of mana, but Kokjan did not care, if it could get the job done, so be it!

A gigantic water dragon with a head of three meters in diameter, manifested, it proceeded to immediately attack Shengyn, intent on cutting through him with its razor sharp claws and teeth.

"I suppose it is time for me to get a little serious."

Right before the water dragon hit him, Shengyn extended his right hand in front of him.

Instead of striking him, the water dragon was frozen in place, like a puppet whose strings have been cut.

"What are you doing, water dragon? Attack! Attack!"

"Begone" With a flick of his wrist, the water dragon popped into countless drops of water that now proceeded to splash down on the ground.

"No…No, this can't be happening…"

Shengyn was coming closer and closer.

Kokjan manifested water serpents, but they met the same fate as the water dragon, they dispersed just a few seconds after she manifested them.

"Stay away!"

Kokjan activated her demon eyes, using a skill she could only access couple of times a day, she sent out a mighty wave through the air.

It should have sent Shengyn flying backwards, but instead, he withstood it by planting his feet on the ground, pushing back against the wave and with a motion of a hand, the air wave was dispelled.

'He can nullify power of my demon eyes too?!'

Kokjan made a desperate attack, pressurizing a small amount of water; she proceeded to launch it at Shengyn at point blank range.

This attack is nearly useless over long distance, but over a short distance, it was strong enough to pierce through several inches of steel.

However, its power was not its greatest attribute; it was the speed at which Kokjan could perform the spell is what made it truly deadly

She was confident that he would not be able to do anything against such a fast attack.

It should have cleaved through his body like a diamond tipped arrow.

Yet, much to Kokjan's horror, the pressurized water lost its power and form as soon as it got within two inches of Shengyn's body.

Now the water was floating in the air in bubble form, with Shengyn clearly in control of it.

"Using small amount of mana to control pre-existing water instead of creating your own in order to conserve mana, very clever….but not good enough. Let me show you how to properly control mana!"

Using the left Kokjan's left over mana within the water, Shengyn took control of all the water around him.

Countless bolts of swirling spears made of water were now floating behind him. Each spear looked like a mini-tornado, waiting for a moment to strike.

"No…it can't be…"


Swirling water spears now proceeded to unleash themselves in an overwhelming barrage.

Forced to defend herself, Kokjan manifested a shield of water, upon which the spears harmlessly landed.

But then, Shengyn appeared out of nowhere and proceeded to punch Kokjan right across the face, sending her flying backwards.

Using her wings, she managed to avoid another punch coming towards her, but the ground she stood on just a second ago was completely demolished by Shengyn's punch.

Utilizing her extreme physical strength, Kokjan grabbed and launched two boulders at Shengyn, one in each hand, but Shengyn simply punched each one, resulting in countless debris falling everywhere.

Shengyn relentlessly pressed on as Kokjan ran out of attacks and her mana was nearly completely depleted.

Now that he was so close, Kokjan attempted to fly up high, but Shengyn jumped up and knocked her down towards the ground after which he proceeded to grab on to her while smashing her across the surrounding large rock formations, one after another.

Finally, he let go, launching her, making her crash on the ground with a sound of a broken twig.

Now, it was time to kill.

Shengyn reinforced his hand with earth type mana, preparing to land the critical blow, this time; he would make sure she dies.

But before he delivered the critical blow, Kokjan managed to stand up and jump into the mirror she manifested with Holy Water.

And now she was gone.

"She ran away with her tail tucked between her legs, huh, oh well."

Shengyn couldn't care less if someone got away, sooner or later she would show up again, and then Shengyn would make sure to end her.

"Young Master! Are you ok?" Shaula now swooped down and examined 'Ren', but was hesitant to touch him due to the fact that he was covered from head to toe in Holy Water.


"But, I don't understand…how did you remain unscathed after she dowsed you with so much Holy Water?" Shaula couldn't help but ask.

"Oh, that? Holy Water can only kill those of pure demon blood; I am only a part demon."

"What? What do you mean?" Shaula couldn't help but utter when she heard 'Ren' say that.

"Exactly as it sounds, anyone with human blood is practically immune to Holy Water; at least the effects are not as severe." 'Ren' said with such nonchalance as if it was no surprise to him.

'I can't believe it, the more time I spend with Young Master, the more I understand I know next to nothing about him, he says he is part human, which means…Master Ymit married a human?'

Shaula couldn't help but open her mouth in shock.

But looking at 'Ren' being unharmed, she could only breathe a sigh of relief.

'But, even if that's the case, maybe it is for the best.'