Volume 4: Chapter 14: True Leader (Part 5)

'I know I wanted young master to take his position and goals seriously. I know I wanted him to be a strong and responsible leader, but this….'

Shaula watched in horror as 'Ren' proceeded to tear wings off of his latest unfortunate victim, a bat type demon who attacked them.

The bat demon was screaming as 'Ren' was mercilessly tearing his flesh off piece by piece, and by the end of it, the bat type demon completely passed out.

'…This is too much!'

She knew now for a fact that he always hid his true nature around Tengu clan members, but now he was letting himself completely loose, and that in itself was so scary.

Shaula couldn't help but imagine herself, a succubus demon who is descended from bat demons, being torn to shreds by 'Ren's' merciless claws.

The more time she spent with him, the more afraid she was.

His murderous aura is practically oozing out of him.

'Does his appetite for causing pain and suffering know no limit?'

It seems like 'Ren' got a lot of pleasure out of beating the living life out of his enemies.

He was laughing like a maniac, every time other demons attacked them, which was too often, he would beat them down to a bloody pulp, even without using his own mana, he gave them brutal beat downs.

By not using mana, he gave them far more painful death, when he used crow's claw, at least they would die after a single blow, instead of being squashed into a bloody patty.

"Let's go"

"Y-yes, young master" she swallowed her fears, following her young master who seemed to revel in the thought of slaughtering as many demons as possible.

* * *

"Oh no, it's him"

"Leader; is that…"

"I am afraid so"

"What should we do?"

Aris Noi had two subordinates beside her; three of her subordinates were killed due to falling into Holy Water after transportation towards the grounds of Second Trial.

It was a cruel test, but such was expected of the trials, at least in Aris Noi's mind.

"Run, you cannot beat him, I will hold him off as long as I can"

"But leader…"


She commanded them, seeing their leader's sacrifice before them, two of her subordinates sadly obeyed.

"Ren Karatengu. Maybe it is fate that our paths have crossed again, but this time….this time will be different."

Aris Noi, Sun lion demon, her tail was shivering from fear, but she steeled her resolve.

She activated her demon eyes and within an instant, her form disappeared from sight.

* * *

"Strange" Shengyn walked forward.

His eyes could not see anything before him, but his honed instincts were screaming danger.

He recalled Master Morphus's words.

'Eyes deceive, but instincts always tell the truth. See not with your eyes but with your entire body.'

It was a description of developing a sensory ability, in other words, sensing mana within surroundings.

Shengyn closed his eyes and proceeded to pounce upon what seemed like free space.

With a stolen sword in his hand, he slashed at nothingness.

However, instead of passing through the air without harm, there was a clash of blade upon blade.

Someone definitely was here.

Then, he felt the earth shudder underneath him, he sensed that this someone was using earth magic to levitate large amount of earth.

He opened a single eye, and he saw that the earth around him was missing huge chunks, but he saw no earth levitating.

'I see, invisibility user, huh, fine, I will play along'

Invisibility was effective on those who relied on sight alone, but Shengyn knew better than trust his vision.

With his eyes closed, he dashed towards his enemy with extreme speed, dodging the invisible earth projectiles being launched at him.

He sensed a projectile heading right towards him, it was too close to dodge, which is why he proceeded to slash it with the sword, splitting the earth projectile in half.

Shengyn sensed that his opponent was no longer in front of him and the vibrations within the ground were strange.

Now, the invisible attacker emerged from the earth, fully expecting Shengyn to be unable to dodge due to her completely concealed form.

But instead, he countered the slash of her blade with his own and proceeded to kick her away for a good measure.

"But how?!" Her plan was perfect, he shouldn't have been able to her sneak attack coming, but he countered her perfectly.

Aris Noi simply could not compare to Shengyn, Hand of Death; the man with far more experience in field of fighting. Especially due to the fact this was by far not the first time he was fighting against an opponent with such ability.

Though, he did note that she was the first opponent to use invisibility not only on herself but on her surroundings as well.

After he kicked her away, her invisibility was dispelled.

At that moment, Shengyn threw his sword at her, pinning her right hand to the large boulder behind her.

And now, he proceeded to continuously punch her.

First punch

Second punch

Third punch….

….Tenth punch….

No matter how much blood was spilling on the ground, Shengyn did not have any intention to stop.

Grabbing her by the hair, he slammed her head repeatedly upon the ground.

Now, on top of her, he kept punching her, with no end in sight.

Then he heard a scream.

"Young master, that's enough! She is already defeated!" it was the voice of his current companion, the succubus demon.

* * *

Shaula watched as 'Ren' battled someone she could not see, but from his actions, she understood that this someone was using invisibility magic.

When 'Ren' dispelled the attacker's invisibility, Shaula immediately recognized that demon.

She briefly met her during the First Trial, it was the demon that Ren had taken prisoner and afterwards let go along with her clan members.

But now, instead of showing any measure of mercy, Ren was brutally beating her senseless, he already defeated her, what he was doing now was no longer necessary; it was excessive to say the least.

His bloodlust horrified her, the more she saw it the more afraid she felt.

'I know it is your true nature, but please, this is going too far, it is too much…'

"Young master, that's enough! Please stop! She is already defeated!"

She screamed out, she could no longer watch this atrocity before her.

She could only beg for him to stop.

But now, his cold gaze was focused on her.

"As you wish"

Holding the half dead demon by the throat, he threw her damaged body to the ground, making her land painfully on her back.

Shaula looked in horror at the brutally beaten demon before her.

She was in terrible shape, is she is not treated immediately, she would die.

What 'Ren' said made Shaula gasp in disbelief.

"Thank you for your help, but I can handle it from here on out" He took off the cuffs around his hands.

"Your assistance is no longer required, later" with a flash of dim light, 'Ren' was gone.

Now, Shaula was left alone with an injured Sun Lion demon.

"Fear not, I will not let you die, you will not die, you will not die…."

Shaula chose to use her magic to heal this demon, even if she was an enemy, she could not just watch this anymore.

She was scared, scared of her leader, so scared of what his wrath was capable of.

While healing the injured demon, Shaula begged within her heart to the Great Ones.

"Even if it is a lie, please go back to being a silly fool, even if it's deceit, I would rather see your ludicrous laughter than this cruelty. Please, young master, go back to the way you were before, please…" she couldn't help but cry as her thoughts raced within her heart.