Volume 6: Chapter 2: Beginning of Trial

Since the Draco clan joined the Tengu clan, there were two more demons that were going to participate in the Third Trial.

As far as the group goes, it consisted of 14 demons in total: Ren, Orin, Akjan, Sukesir, Sirinke, Karli, Toro, Aijasyl, Shaula, Kizilkoz, Lowa, Gema…and Lotus and Rocco Draco.

Rocco: 'If lady Lotus perishes, then our alliance with the Tengu clan will be ruined. No matter what happens, even if it costs me my life, Lady Lotus must survive'

Ren: 'Wow, even more demons I am supposed to lead. This is just great'

Master Korgan's words echoed through his mind.

Master Korgan: "The one who leads the clan bears a heavy burden unlike any other. A burden so heavy that most demons would not step up to the plate. A leader is not the mightiest demon or the most dangerous one, but the one who looks out for the well-being of his people. The fact that you do care is what separates you from the rest of them, the demons leading other clans, most of them seek only power and domination, but what the true king seeks is neither. Never forget that"

* * *

Shengyn: "A war? What do you mean there is a war!?"

He was currently communicating with one of Master Morphus's personal gargoyles.

They were imbued with a degree of sentience and were linked to the mind of their creator. Thus, when the creator was busy, talking to a gargoyle would be same as communicating with their creator.

His ring responded: "Apologies sire, gods have taken action sooner than we expected. Their forces attacked our bases in the human world of Alem"

Shengyn: "What of Master Morphus? Is he all right?"

Ring: "Master Morphus and the other Divine Lords are currently leading the struggle against the forces of human heroes commanded by gods"

Shengyn: "I see. I will transport myself to the human world right away…"

Ring: "Please refrain. Master Morphus has given you a direct order to stay in the demon realm and not return to the human world"

Shengyn: "What madness it this!? If there is a war, they will need my help as soon as possible!"

Ring: "It is Master Morphus's orders. Until a member of Divine Lords or Master Morphus himself arrives, you are to remain in the demon realm"

Shengyn: "Are you kidding me?!"

Ring: "You showing up in human world would compromise our safe base. In the worst case scenario, we will use demon realm as a place to teleport away and hide from the reach of gods. But if you were to appear here, the gods will be able to trace your path of travel between the worlds and aim their eye upon conquering the demon realm. If this happens, we will have nowhere left to run"

Shengyn: "So basically, I am supposed to stay here to keep this place a safe zone for the future"

Ring: "Gods cannot trace if someone leaves their world for another, but they can trace if someone goes from another world into theirs"

Essentially, Shengyn had no choice but to remain in demon realm, otherwise the escape route of his allies was compromised. He begrudgingly accepted his master's orders.

Shengyn: "What does Master Morphus want me to do?"

Ring: "Mainly to wait, but if possible, establish some sort of foothold upon the world you are in, sire. Gain authority over the inhabitants if possible, and establish a working relationship with them, in a sense, have some degree of control over natives so that in the future they can be of use to us"

Shengyn: "Essentially, demonstrate my power and take control of them, correct?"

Ring: "If possible, affirmative"

Shengyn: "Tell Master Morphus that I will do what I can. If everything works out, I will slay my way to become the Demon King"

Ring: "Understood, you message shall be conveyed"

* * *

Another set of portals appeared before the demons participating in the Trials.

But this time, the portals emerged from the ground, made entirely out of earth.

Not knowing what was ahead of them, the participants proceeded to bravely enter those portals.

They could not have known that this would be the toughest trial yet.