Volume 6: Chapter 3: Meeting of Demon Lords (Part 1)

Korgan: "It has been a long time. Rangon, Shin, Sacronus, Gindan"

Five Demon Lords had gathered for a meeting.

Under the 56th Demon King, Akil Ras, there were a total of seven Demon Lords.

One of them, Rorin Draco, had met a rather tragic end while trying to invade the world of humans. His clan ended up suffering as a result, and unbeknownst to the other Demon Lords, the Draco clan now was now a subordinate clan to Tengu clan.

As for Jaulon Altyn, he was not invited for obvious reasons….

Now that Korgan was face to face with the remaining four Demon Lords, he couldn't help but feel as though it was 1 vs. 4 situation.

Representing Aiu Clan of Bear demons, Demon Lord Rangon Aiu.

Representing Palak Clan of Owl demons, Demon Lord Shin Palak.

Representing Kanat Clan of Bat demons, Demon Lord Sacronus Kanat.

Representing Kumis Clan of Snake demons, Demon Lord Gindan Kumis.

Each one was like an exaggerated representation of their type of demon.

Rangon was tall and shaggy, resembling a walking mountain of hair, covered by armor. His fur used to be brown but now it was greyish white from age. His beard covered his entire face, making only his dark, bead-like eyes visible.

Shin Palak, on the other hand wore form fitting sapphire blue attire on her. Since she was a bird-type demon, her body was naturally slim, with large wings protruding from her back. Notably, the feathers on her wings looked like countless knives.

Sacronus Kanat was wearing a black and red suit. Out of all of them, only he had a rather fatalistic demeanor to his appearance. With a small pipe in his mouth, wearing gloves on both of his hands, he gave off the aura of an impeccable gentleman. As a bat type demon, his eyes did not fare well under sunlight, so he had them perpetually closed, relying only on his ears to navigate. He gave off the aura of an elderly gentleman, with a hint of overwhelming depressive gloom.

Gindan Kumis wore rather seductive attire on her. With a portion of her chest and leg area exposed, it was obvious her clothing was designed to seduce. Snake demons were known for their exceptional beauty, not unlike succubus/ female bat type demons. A long scaly tail was slithering behind her.

Gindan: "It sure has been, Korgan"

Korgan: "My, my, Gindan…You sure let yourself go…."

Members of Kumis clan possessed a rather peculiar trait, the ability to change their gender for mating purposes. Originally, all snake demons are born genderless; most likely a defense mechanism to prevent the extinction of their species.

As far as Korgan remembered, Gindan used to be a male demon, but apparently now she was female.

Gindan: "Not as much as you, Korgan. You used to be a mighty, hot-headed warrior, but now look at you, just an old man, past his prime"

Korgan: "Well, we don't all age the same, do we, Gindan?"

Some demon types had extremely decelerated aging, which was why Shin Palak and Gindan Kumis looked much younger than their fellow Demon Lords. But their appearance was nothing compared to Jaulon Altyn, who seemingly did not age a day for over fifty years.

Gindan: "Perhaps not"

Korgan: "Let me guess, you couldn't find yourself a suitable female, so you had to become one yourself?"

Gindan: "A change every now and then is not a bad thing, Korgan"

Korgan: "At the very least, I am still me, rather than a drag queen"

Gindan: "Who are you calling drag queen, you one armed…."

Before Gindan could pounce on Korgan, Rangon Aiu stepped in between them, stomping on the ground hard enough to release a shockwave.

Rangon Aiu: "Enough. We did not come here to have a feud among ourselves"

His words were calm enough, but his actions made it clear he meant business.

Korgan: "Then we can start with who initiated this meeting?"

Gindan: "That would be me"

Korgan: "Huh?"

Gindan Kumis: "Don't look at me as though you don't know what this is about, Korgan Karatengu! This mess is all your fault to begin with!"

Korgan: "What is she talking about?"

Sacronus Kanat: "Beats me"

Shin Palak: "No clue"

Rangon Aiu: "*Shrugs*"

Gindan: "Altyn clan invaded my territory and conquered it. Our clan was crippled at their hands. No doubt, Jaulon is trying to establish his might"

Korgan: "That guy huh, if you got a grudge with Jaulon, it is understandable…still…what does it have to do with me?"

In response, Gindan proceeded to pull out a tiny snake out of her pocket.

It looked like an ordinary garden snake, but its eyes were made of rubies.

A magical device used for espionage.

Gindan: "Maybe not directly, but the root cause is still you"

The ruby eyes of the snake now created an image made of transparent light.

What appeared was a recording of a battle between a mighty Phoenix demon and a Crow demon, both using their True Demon Forms.

Crow demon and Phoenix demon clashed against each other in a battle that defied imagination.

Korgan: "*Eyes wide open* This is…"

Gindan: "A report from one of my spy serpents, of a battle that happened just a couple of days before Altyn clan attacked my clan. More likely than not, Altyn clan attacked us in order to gain higher ground, after being provoked by a crow demon. There is no denying it, Korgan that was your kid's doing"

Korgan: "That is interesting"

Gindan: "Don't act like you didn't know. It is obvious you had him do this in order for Altyn clan to take out their wrath on us. Was my clan not enough for you? So who is it going to be next, Korgan?"

Korgan: "As far as I am concerned, this has nothing to do with me or my clan"

Gindan: "Jaulon is going to come for all of us; it is just a matter of time. But if we give you and your clan to him on a silver platter, he will spare us"

Korgan: "And you seem to believe that I am going to come quietly?"

Gindan: "Of course not"

With the four Demon Lords surrounding him, there was no room for escape.

Gindan: "Give up Korgan; even if it's you, it's a 1 against 4. You stand no chance"


A pillar of flame burst next to Korgan, extending into the sky. A flame type teleportation and a very advanced one at that.

As the flames settled down, the form that manifested from within the flames was that of a ferocious Dragon type demon, Sento Draco.

Sento: "Now, it is 2 against 4. And personally, I like our odds"

Korgan: "What are you doing here?"

Sento: "You looked like you were in a pinch, so I thought it was high time I stepped in"

Gindan: "Who are you?"

Sento: "Allow me to introduce myself, my fair lady. I am Sento, Demon Lord of Draco clan, and a subordinate to Tengu clan"

Sacronus: "*Activates demon eyes* A Demon Lord indeed. And so young…"

Rangon: "But his power speaks for itself. Out of the two of them, he is definitely the more powerful one…"

Shin: "A rather handsome one too"

Gindan: "I was not aware of Draco clan gaining another Demon Lord level demon, and a subordinate to Tengu clan? Have you no pride?"

Sento: "Pride gets you nowhere in life. But begging for mercy does. So what will it be, my lady?"

With their combined strength and skills, Korgan and Sento were more than a match for the four Demon Lords.

Sacronus: "We did not come here to battle. We came here to talk"

Sacronus's presence was like that of a ghost; his words were as cold and piercing like icicles.

When he intends to, he would open his eyes to emphasize his point.

Rangon: "Agreed. A civil discussion would be a better idea"

Shin: "As cowardly as ever, I see. Oh well, might as well"

With Sento's timely arrival, the meeting shifted in Korgan's favor.