Volume 6: Chapter 4: Meeting of Demon Lords (Part 2)

Relationship between the Demon Lords was never good to begin with.

The air was filled with perceivable tension.

They may have held the same rank and were on the same side, the side of demon-kind that is, but they were no allies.

With the entire matter of all of them being former competitors for the throne, they still held a sense of unfulfilled rivalry towards each other.

During the last Selection, all of them faced off against one another, but only one demon emerged victorious.

Akil Ras, now known as the 56th Demon King, was the winner of the last Selection.

But that victory was not achieved alone.

He had an ally he could count on.

Back then, facing the onslaught of the furious demons, Akil Ras would not have been able to take the throne had it not been for his sworn brother, Korgan Karatengu.

From young age, Akil of Ras clan and Korgan of Tengu clan were inseparable. They did everything together: training, working, fighting, etc.

An eagle and a crow developed a strange bond, like two birds recognizing each other as siblings.

Their relationship was not unlike that of two brothers.

Back then, Akil was the sole child in his family while Korgan was alone due to losing all of his siblings to Altyn clan.

They developed a bond partially out of loneliness and the desire to have a brother they could rely on.

As such, Korgan was Akil's most loyal ally.

It did not matter which one of them became the king, if one managed to have the chance, the other would support him to the end.

And that was exactly what happened.

In order to let Akil to move forward, Korgan stood held back the oncoming demons.

In his youth, Korgan was more than a match against the future Demon Lords, all except one.

Jaulon Altyn fought with overwhelming strength, but Korgan refused to give up and held his ground.

While he was not as strong as Jaulon, Korgan compensated for his lack of power with his mastery of skills and unbreakable resolve.

Jaulon was more powerful of the two, but no matter how much damage he received, Korgan refused to back down.

In the end, Korgan held Jaulon back long enough for Akil to emerge victorious and be declared the 56th King of the Kalkan Kingdom.

To a prideful Phoenix demon that saw only himself as fit to rule the kingdom, this was an insult unlike any other.

Ever since then, Jaulon held a personal grudge against Korgan for taking away his chance of becoming the king.

As for the other Demon Lords, they also held a grudge against Korgan, but unlike Jaulon, they did not possess the power to fight Korgan one-on-one.

Among the Demon Lords, Jaulon was easily the mightiest, with only Korgan brave enough to face him. Others may have been powerful by demon standards, but they were no match for either Jaulon or Korgan.

As far as Jaulon was concerned, aside from Korgan, the Demon Lords couldn't dare to face him.

Even in his old age, Korgan was not a demon that could be underestimated.

Which is why, they decided to confront him together, to give themselves the edge in numbers.

This way, they were confident that Korgan would have no choice but surrender to them.

Sadly, their machinations were thrown off the track by the timely arrival of Sento Draco.

Now they were sitting across the table from each other.

Since their plan of ganging up on the one armed crow demon was now obsolete, they were no longer allies, in a strictest sense.

It was an every demon for himself situation.

The table and chairs were teleported to their location by Shin Palak's magic.

Shin, as a member of Palak clan was an owl type demon, a blue feathered one at that. Rather than a demon in her late sixties or early seventies, she looked like a beautiful woman in her late twenties or early thirties.

After coming to a meeting between the Demon Lords, Shin was a little disappointed that the male Demon Lords had aged not so gracefully.

Much to her dismay, the one Demon Lord she hoped to see again, Gindan Kumis, was now a female.

Shin hoped to see Gindan in his male form, still looking young and virile, but instead she was greeted by a strange yet familiar looking female demon.

She was so taken by surprise that she barely managed to keep her face from showing her emotions. But on the inside, it was obvious she was a little shaken after seeing Gindan as a female demon.

As for the other male Demon Lords….they did not look too good.

Korgan aged a little gracefully, but he clearly gave off the vibe of a veteran grandpa. Missing an arm did not really do much to help his looks.

Sacronus was even worse, resembling a shriveled corpse wearing a suit. He was always a depressive type; even his clothing sense could only be described as fatalistic. The fact that he is a bat type demon did not help the matters.

As for Rangon, he was a walking mass of hair. Enough said.

The one Demon Lord that would age the slowest, Jaulon Altyn, was of course, not invited to the meeting. As far as everyone was concerned, Jaulon was currently their common foe, a powerful one at that.

Dangerous enough for all of them to fear his wrath.

Imagine her surprise when Sento showed up out of the blue.

Young and virile Dragon type Demon Lord and handsome one to boot.

Immediately, Shin tried to lightly flirt with him, but Sento's attention was currently elsewhere.

As a Dragon type demon, Sento had a natural attraction to demons with reptilian roots.

So, it was no wonder he was currently mesmerized by Gindan's scales.

Gindan in turn, noticed his lustful gaze, and returned it with a sly smile, winking at him flirtatiously.

Unlike Korgan, who held his head high, Sento could not get his mind out of the gutter.

Sento: "You never told me you knew such a hottie, Korgan. Can you introduce me to her after the meeting is over?"

Korgan: "*Sighs* That is Gindan Kumis. She, like the others, is a fellow Demon Lord"

Sento: "Really? She looks so much younger than others"

Korgan: "Don't be deceived. She is five years older than me. And when I met her last, she was male"

Sento: "What? Please tell me you are joking?!"

Korgan could literally see Sento's heart break right before his eyes.

Right when Sento thought he had found a good mating partner, he ended up hearing such an unsettling fact.

The shock caused Sento's head to hang limply from his neck as Sento wallowed in his disappointment and despair.

Korgan: 'Wow. Ren told me about Sento writing his 'love novels', but I did not think it was this bad. Poor guy'

Another demon's sexual frustration is one sad thing to watch.

Sacronus: "Let the meeting begin"