Volume 6: Chapter 13: Power (Part 2)

Toro: "How did this happen!"

Lowa: "You really have to ask??"

Gema: "Trying to eat one of them was obviously a horrible idea!"

Toro: "I couldn't help it! I was starving! Cat's gotta eat!"

As a feline demon, Toro had a rather big appetite. Not having food for a single day was enough for him to do something extremely foolish.

Before Lowa and Gema could stop him, Toro attempted to hunt and eat a member of the wildebeest tribe.

Unfortunately, wildebeests usually travel in large herds. This herd was no different.

What was happening right now could be described in two words.

Crazy stampede.

If they slowed down even just a little, they would get trampled to death.

Using her wings to fly up, Gema beckoned to her comrades.

Gema: "Grab on to my legs!"

Both of them did exactly that, just in time before they could be squashed under wildebeest hooves.

They were scary enough in their humanoid forms, in their animal forms, they were terrifying.

Flapping her wings as hard as she could, Gema flew higher and higher, bringing her two companions to safety.

Eventually, she made a landing on a tall tree.

Lowa: "I think we lost them"

Toro: "Yeah…Thanks Gema…Ouch!"

His thanks were met with Gema karate chopping him on the head.

Gema: "Do not do anything foolish like that ever again"

Toro: "I deserved that"

After finally managing to get away from the beasts, the trio ended up sighing in relief.

Each trial of the Selection was worse than the previous one.

The first trial was in the mountainous terrain and fragile tunnels. Being buried alive there was an easy task.

Second Trial was a death trap filled with Holy Water, a substance lethal for all demons. Even inhaling the evaporated fumes was enough to cause demons to pass out.

And now, the Third Trial was a place where wild beast tribes reigned supreme.

Overpowering them was out of question.

Their sheer size made it not even a contest.

It would be like asking a cat to fight a tiger.

They may both be felines, but there was a huge difference in strength, size, and power.

Combined with their strength, the beast tribes boasted a ridiculous resistance against most magic. Unless you were close to Demon Lord level, the only thing you could do was run for your life.

Toro: "What exactly are we being tested for?"

Lowa: "Who knows? Great Ones never make their intentions clear"

Toro: "Maybe it's just some sick joke? Think about it, like some form of messed up entertainment with demons running towards their deaths?"

Gema: "I don't want to hear that from you. The trials themselves are straight-forward enough. It's the demons participating in them that make them so deadly to begin with"

Toro: "What's so straight-forward about them? If anything, I am more and more confused with each one!"

Gema: "First trial addressed our unity and made it necessary for demons to work together. Second Trial tested our ability to adapt to a dangerous environment. Similarly, the Third Trial seems to be a test designed to expose us to dangers outside our kingdom, sort of like an eye-opener for what is to come. It is like showing the future king what he will have to face as part of his job"

Toro: "Sounds rather deep. It seems you had a lot of time to think this over"

Gema: "Naturally"

Lowa: "Uhm, guys….over there!"

What they saw was a very strange sight to say the least.

The green haired demon looked very familiar.

Running beside her was someone with light blue hair and a lupine tail and a demon with draconic features. Strangely, the dragon demon was not flying, most likely due to one of the wings being broken.

Toro: "Lady Aijasyl, Lady Karli and….mistress Lotus? Oh goodness…"

Chasing after them were at least 50 flightless birds, each one about five meters tall.

It seems like the three of them had the terrible luck of encountering the highly aggressive ostrich tribe.

Their powerful legs made chasing after demons a rather easy task.

Lowa: "Are they going to be ok?"

Gema: "*Sighes* Who knows? Young Master, where are you?"