Volume 6: Chapter 14: Power (Part 3)

As a society, demon-kind was no different from that of human-kind, at least in a sense that there were always leaders and followers.

In case of demons, that concept is taken to the logical extremes.

Aijasyl knew for a fact that demons like her, or a half-demon in her case, needed a leader.

Without a leader, demons were weak, uncoordinated, and pathetic.

There needed to be someone to nurture them, to guide them, and to unite them. Not anybody was fit for such a task.

By now, Aijasyl was aware just how much of a difference the presence of a leader could make for a clan.

Even if he is only semi-competent.

Aijasyl: 'Only his demon half knows what he is doing… I wish that was a sick joke…'

Master Korgan's words echoed in her head.

Master Korgan: "When he is in his demon form, you can rest assured, he will have the situation handled. But when he is in his human form….please keep him safe, Aijasyl"

Apparently he had absolute faith in Ren's demon side, but his human side…not so much.

Aijasyl: 'How the heck am I supposed to do that when we got separated?! Master Korgan, I am so sorry!'

Nothing ever worked out as it is supposed to. Her current circumstances were no exception.

The third trial was worse than the previous two.

Yes, during the first two trials they did have to worry about the local wildlife and such, but this time… it was too much.

Getting chased by beast tribes was not a pleasant experience to say the least.

Aijasyl: 'I am his mentor. It is my duty to make sure he is safe…Oh, Akjan, I hope you are with him….Uuuuh…'

Out of all the participants of Tengu clan, Akjan was easily the strongest. With her as his bodyguard, Ren would be safe and secure. Aijasyl just hoped that this was the case.

Still, it was not like Ren was completely helpless.

As far as martial arts were concerned, Ren already surpassed her, if not in power, at least in terms of skill. It was obvious that he tried his hardest to compensate for his lack of might.

But in everything else, he was completely deficient.

His shenanigans traumatized the Tengu clan's head chef to the point that she was now afraid of what to expect next from him. Just a week ago, he came in with gigantic carnivorous plants, claiming that they were delicious when deep fried in oil. She nearly got eaten by them.

If left alone, Aijasyl had no doubt that he would do something ridiculous.

So the duty of teaching common sense to the young master of Tengu clan fell on her shoulders. It was a very heavy burden. Emphasis on very.

Still, knowing that Master Korgan trusted her enough to handle this made her feel proud. After all, Master Korgan was not just Ren's teacher, but hers as well. If a demon in his clan wanted to learn, Master Korgan was eager to teach.

Though when it came to teaching certain subjects… Master Korgan was not proficient, mostly due to his old age, which made him occasionally mix up certain things like historical events. Considering his age, it was rather understandable.

So, as Ren's mentor, Aijasyl had to step up her game.

Demon History, geography, etiquette, dance, and music…the list of things he lacked was endless. And her efforts at trying to make him learn were largely fruitless. He did somehow do rather well when it came to language, gardening and calculations, but not much else. And when she meant that he was terrible, that was putting it mildly.

When it comes to communicating with demons, he was too casual. This worried Aijasyl to no end. She couldn't help but picture Ren and Bukka clan's leader drinking tea together right after they had a fight to the death.

Even if he managed to make things work out until now, what if something went terribly wrong?

Shaula's tale of how Ymit Karatengu simply disappeared one day without a trace was unsettling to say the least.

Aijasyl: 'What if the history repeats again? Just because I couldn't be there to make sure he is ok?! Stop thinking about it, me! What would father say?'

'My daughter, you worry too much. Have a little faith in your friend'

She was not sure if she was hallucinating, but for a brief moment, she felt as though she was looking at her father. He was dead for so many years now, but for a moment, when she let her guard down and not thinking rationally, she was speaking to him.

Aijasyl: "Yes, papa"

Karli: "Who are you talking to?"

Aijasyl: "Ai! Don't sneak up on me like that!"

Just like that, the image of her father disappeared and Aijasyl's eyes opened to reality.

Karli: "I called out to you at least three times by now, but you kept talking to yourself. Were you in trance or something?"

Aijasyl: "I was not! Hmph!"

She turned away, if only to hide her tomato red face of embarrassment.

Karli: "You're one weird demon. I guess everyone in Young Master's family is weird"

Aijasyl: "I am not….his family is not weird!"

Karli: "Not even his so called brother?"

Aijasyl: "…."

Karli: "Bingo"

Aijasyl: 'Does this demon enjoy teasing others or something? Though, she is not wrong…'

Aijasyl: "He is…a complete weirdo"

Doran Tengu, Ren's adoptive brother and a Darkling, he was a very strange fellow.

When she met him, she tried to shake his hand.

Instead, much to her horror, he proceeded to lick it instead.

Just remembering it gave her the shivers.

Aijasyl: "Absolutely disgusting"

Karli: "Wow. He really creeper you out, didn't he?"

Their third companion was currently in the sky, watching over everything with a bird's eye view.

Lotus Lua Draco…Ren's fiancée.

The word awkward fit her situation rather well.

When this trial started, everyone from Tengu clan ended up separated.

By some strange luck, the three of them were transported to the same location.

Since all three were technically on the same side, they chose to stick together.

But to say that the relationship between the three of them was rough would be an understatement.

Only Aijasyl was an original member of Tengu clan while the other two ended up joining due to different circumstances.

Karli's clan disbanded (Ren's fault) and by various circumstances, she and her brother ended up joining Ren's clan. But Ren ended up making her condition for joining to be planting his seed, in other words, conceiving his children as his concubine.

Lotus's circumstances were similar, with her declining clan's future dependent on her status as Ren's fiancée.

Aijasyl followed Ren because she saw him as her leader, but the other two did not have much choice on the matter. It was the only way they could survive.

Had it not been for that crow demon, their paths would have likely never crossed each other.

The only reason they knew each other was because of Ren.

Impact of his actions was unbelievable.

If it weren't for Ren, Tengu clan would have either been destroyed or disbanded by now.

Before he came, Tengu clan had lost its two previous leaders, one after another, and Master Korgan was on the verge of giving up on living.

But when the young crow had revealed himself, everything started to change at a lightning pace.

Tengu clan was no longer declining, in fact, it has absorbed so many demons into it that it was safe to say that it has become one of the most prominent clans.

With two demon lords and many powerful demons among their ranks, Tengu clan's current might was comparable if not greater than Ormek clan of Spider demons, Kumis clan of Snake demons, and Bukka clan of Ox demons.

Just having a leader meant the difference between decline and development, even if he was only half-competent.

But compared to Kumis, Kanat, and Altyn clan, Tengu clan was still severely lacking.

Kumis clan possessed a land filled with rare metals and mana stones. As far as precious resources go, they were among top five in the kingdom.

Kanat clan members possessed unique magic type that increased ten-fold during the night. They were not to be trifled with.

And last but not least, the Altyn clan.

Their leader, Jaulon Altyn, is the most powerful Demon Lord, second only to the late Demon King. His son and successor, Zirc Altyn, is said to be as if not more powerful than Jaulon. Not to mention the fact that Altyn clan boasted the largest military power out of all the clans. And they also happened to be the richest clan. No matter what area, Altyn clan was superior to everyone else.

Had there not been trials, Aijasyl was confident that Altyn clan could have simply taken over by force.

But due to the restrictions placed by Great Ones (namely that ones who completed the Trials in the past were forbidden from entering), made it possible only for young members of Altyn clan to enter. While Altyn clan had many strong members, most had already participated in the past Trials.

That is exactly why; unknown to Aijasyl, Altyn clan suffered such huge losses during the Second Trial, at the hands of Ren no less (he still has no clue).

Out of fifty five Altyn clan members that chose to participate, only 7 managed to make it to the Third Trial.

Tengu clan was not exactly safe either.

As far as Aijasyl knew, all the odds were against them.

It was a miracle they even managed to make it this far.

Aijasyl was terrified to think what would happen to the Tengu clan if something happened to Ren.

Their clan needed a leader. She needed a leader.

Granted he was not a prodigy like Ymit. He had pretty big shoes to fill.

Ren was not a perfect leader. Not by a long shot.

But he was the leader that they needed.