Volume 5: Chapter 39: Black Dragon

Runfar: 'Déjà vu. A feeling of having a repeated experience. Yes, déjà vu, that sums it up perfectly'

Before him and Camilla was a wounded black dragon, its wing torn through, making it unable to fly. Apparently the castle guards managed to shoot it down while it was still in the sky, making it crash land in the forest.

For a moment there, he worried it would be Aida, the red dragon, but seeing the dark scales of this beast, he sighed in relief.

It was not the same dragon after all.

Camilla: "Camilla was not sure whether to consider it a good news or bad news but Camilla knew that it was definitely worth reporting about. At the very least, Camilla hopes so"

Runfar: "No worries, thanks for telling me. Even if you hadn't, I would have had to deal with it sooner or later, and I would rather take care of it sooner"

Camilla: "Very wise approach, milord"

Runfar: "Oh, you flatterer"

With a pleasant smirk, Runfar walked towards the dragon.

Runfar: "Hoy! Hey there, Mr. Dragon! How do you do!"

Black Dragon: "Don't you dare come closer, human! I shall burn you to ashes!"

As far as Runfar was concerned, the Dragon was talking with a gruff, yet feminine voice, but to Camilla, who could not hear the voices of dragons, it sounded like unintelligible growling and snarling.

Runfar: "Now a mister, but a Miss. Dragon, heh? Burn me to ashes, you say? In that case…"

With an unexpected bravado, Runfar delivered a punch to the dragon's face, making the dragon fall over.

Luckily, this dragon was not really that big, about twice the size of a horse, so his hand could still reach its head.

Black Dragon: "YOU DARE!"

Runfar: "Just quit it with this nonsense, will you!?"

Runfar grabbed the dragon by the snout, preventing it from spewing flames.

Runfar: "I am having sort of a rough day, so I will not be repeating myself. I am not here to harm you, I am here to help. And if you so much as attempt to do something fishy, I will cut you up and serve you on a silver platter, got it?"

Even Camilla, who could not understand dragons, could swear that he heard a rather audible gulp.

Black Dragon: "I-I-I u-u-understand"

The Dragon's voice was lower, trembling, and far more hesitant.

Dark Lord sure had a presence befitting his name, strong enough to frighten a dragon with words alone.

Even if the dragon was so far out of his league, Dark Lord could still put it under submission with his fiery spirit. Granted, this dragon was far smaller than Aida or Dragon papa, so it was obvious that she was much weaker than them.

Runfar: "Good, in that case…Camilla, do you have my sewing kit?"

Camilla: "Yes, milord. Right away"

Black Dragon: "What are you going to do to me?"

Runfar: "First of all, I will fix up your wing. Could you please make your flesh softer so that it can be pierced with a needle?"

Black Dragon: "How can I be sure you will not take advantage and kill me?"

Runfar: "Because if I wanted you dead, you would already be dead."

Black Dragon: "All right, you have a point"

Runfar: 'By now I am oddly prepared for this sort of things….'

With a needle in one hand and the thread in the other, Runfar started to sew the damaged wing back to its original form.

He spent a good three hours repairing it, making sure everything was aligned just right.

Of course, under ordinary circumstances, they would have been sighted right away, but because Camilla was there, they were all placed under a mass concealment spell, allowing Runfar to do the deed uninterrupted.

After he was done, Runfar wiped the sweat off his brow.

Runfar: "It's finished. If you don't put too much pressure on it, it should let you fly again"

Black Dragon: "I don't understand. Why did you help me?"

Runfar: "Let's just say I did it on a whim, nothing more"

Black Dragon: "You are one strange human being"

Runfar: "I don't wanna hear that from you, scale head!"

Black Dragon: "Regardless, thank you"

Runfar: "Get out of this kingdom's territory as fast as you can, I don't need any unwanted attention from the knights"

Black Dragon: "Of course, but before I go, might we exchange names? I am called Sino; I am the servant of Earth Dragon Lord"

Runfar: "Runfar, a pleasure to meet you. Now scram!"

Strangely enough, the dragon obeyed him right away.

Camilla: "What in the world did Camilla just witness?"