Volume 5: Chapter 40: To Each His Own Curse

Navek: "I am begging here! Please just do it!"

Sariu: "No way! Not in a hundred years! Not gonna happen!"

Runfar: "Dare I ask what is going on here?"

As soon as he came back to the Sevilles Mansion, he was met with a rather strange sight.

Navek was currently tied up and hanging off the tree.

Before leaving, Runfar had Sariu learn a simple protective spell from Lukalis, , which she apparently used on Navek.

Sariu: "Nur…I mean, Master Runfar!"

Navek: "Runfar! Buddy! Could you please tell this girl to hurry up and kill me? I heard from that Camilla dude that she can kill anyone or anything she touches, so I thought I was in luck"

Sariu: "Master! Please tell him that I would never do such a thing!"

Runfar: "That's all right. Sariu, please kill him"

Not the response she expected, at all.

Sariu: "WHAT?!"

Runfar: "Trust me, you might be surprised"

Sariu: "Gulp. Ok…If master says so…."

Hesitating a little, she placed her hand on Navek's face.

A few seconds passed.

Runfar could clearly see a dark shadow wrapped around her hand, invisible to everyone but him. That was the embodiment of her curse, the monster that lives within her body, hungering for the life force of the living.

Navek: "Uhm, shouldn't I be dying by now? Am I doing it wrong?"

Sariu: "It can't be…You are the same as master…."

She looked at Runfar, perplexed at the situation before her.

Runfar: "Not exactly. Watch this"

Without a hint of hesitation, he slit his throat with the crystal dagger.

Of course, he was aware he would attract unwanted attention if he did this out in the open, so he had Camilla cast a spell that made them temporarily invisible to the outsiders.

Sariu: "NUR!!!"

Runfar: 'Why does she always slip up and use that idiot's name?'

Navek: "Quiet the showoff, aren't you?"

But within a few seconds, Runfar's body was back to normal as if nothing had happened.

Navek: "Isn't that my curse, per chance?"

Runfar: "It is. There is one more thing I wish to confirm"

Runfar proceeded to tap Navek's forehead.

Then, he took ten steps forward before beheading himself.

When he opened his eyes again, he was back to where he started, right before he took those ten steps.

There was no doubt about it. This was the Curse of the Past, not Present.

Navek: "So watcha wanna confirm?"

Runfar: "I already have. Sariu, you might want to hear this out as well"

Sariu: "Yes, master"

Runfar: "You see, each one of us possesses a curse. Sariu, the curse of Life, or should I say, Hunger for Life. Navek, the curse of the Present. And yours truly, the Curse of the Past"

Sariu was one of the few Runfar trusted enough to tell about his curse.

Runfar: "From this I can confirm couple of things. Firstly, people with curses cannot affect the other people with curses, they cancel out."

Runfar: "Secondly, equivalent curses can switch hosts."

Sariu: "What does master mean by equivalent curses?"

Runfar: "It is simple, really. Navek and I were cursed by the same goddess, so our curses might not be the same, but as far as their properties are concerned, they are interchangeable. They can be exchanged with physical contact. Which is why…Navek, let's try not to touch each other."

Navek: "Got it"

Sariu: "But your curse did not get switched with mine"

Runfar: "I suspect that is because you and I were cursed by different gods"

Sariu: "Oh…"

Suddenly, the voice of the head maid sounded out.

Mirabelle: "Sariu! There you are! I have been looking all over for you! I need your help!"

Sariu: "Right away, Mira senpai!"

As soon as Sariu left, Navek spoke.

Navek: "So, she can pretty much kill anyone other than two of us, huh?"

Runfar: "Not exactly. Her curse drains life force and soul upon contact, very much like my undead mana drain, but much faster."

Navek: "Can she be used to kill heroes?"

Runfar: "Sadly no. It can kill normal people just fine, but those with higher level of power can resist it, and it seems like those with blessings or curses are outright immune"

Navek: "Still, she is very dangerous. Why do you keep her around?"

Runfar: "I would rather not have needless casualties when they can be prevented. Plus, I like her company."

Navek: "Is she your lover?"

Runfar: "No. Just an old friend"

Navek: "Wow, not a moment's hesitation. You sure the feeling is mutual? I saw the way she looks at you"

Runfar: "Doesn't matter. She and I are people living in different worlds, and I would much rather not have her enter my world, for her own good"

Navek: "I see. So you are a guardian of sorts, for all these people, huh"

Runfar: "Not intentionally"

Navek: "So what's next on the agenda, boss?"

Runfar: "I am going to pay a little visit to a certain Fortune Teller that happens to be goddess in disguise. Wish me luck"

Activating his ring, Runfar teleported away.

Navek: "Yep, no doubt about it. He is one crazy nutcase"

After living for so long, Navek thought he had seen all types of people, but he had never seen someone as brazen and bold as this man.