Volume 6: Chapter 12: Dream Eater (Part 2)

The Dream Eater looked up, momentarily stopping its motion of trying to tear off Nur's head.

Dream Eater: "A split personality?"

Nur: "You! You are that Shadow!"

Dark Lord: "I go by Dark Lord now. And it seems you are in quiet a pinch"

Dream Eater: "No matter, more for me to feast upon!"

It proceeded to hold Nur down with one arm while the other arm extended towards Dark Lord.

Dark Lord: "That's where you are wrong. Begone"

Right before the Dream Eater's arm touched him, the arm was set aflame. It was a beautiful fire that was purple and blue in color.

The flame quickly spread across Dream Eater's body, scorching it non-stop.

It was a rather quick process, taking only about ten seconds, but during those ten seconds, Dream Eater screamed in agonizing pain as it was literally cooked alive.

After the ten seconds have passed, the Dream Eater's body was reduced to dust, falling apart, allowing Nur to stand up.

Nur: "How did you do that?"

Dark Lord was getting surrounded by packs upon packs of Dream Eaters. Apparently now they were going to use their numbers against him.

Yet Dark Lord's face expressed nothing but a confident smile.

Dark Lord: "This is the realm of dreams"

The Dream Eaters, readying their claws, fangs, and tentacles, proceeded to attack.

Dark Lord: "In here, I am a god"

With a snap of his fingers, the Dream Eaters were reduced to nothingness, one after another.

No matter how many of them came at him, Dark Lord overpowered them with ease.

As soon as they saw most of their kind exterminated, the rest of the Dream Eaters retreated from Nur's Dream Realm.

Dark Lord: "Good riddance"

Dark Lord: "This was quite fun. I could get used to this. Now then, it is about time we had ourselves a little chat, my unwanted bunkmate"

As Dark Lord made a simple gesture with his hand, chains materialized out of thin air.

The chains proceeded to bind themselves on Nur's limbs, before forcefully pulling him back.

Now, chained up, Nur was at Dark Lord's mercy.

Nur: "Are you going to kill me?"

Dark Lord: "I wish I could. But unfortunately, the two of us are the two sides of the same coin"

Nur: "There is no way you can be part of me"

Dark Lord: "Even after seeing this mug, you are not convinced?"

Aside from different eyes and outfit, the two of them looked identical.

Nur: "Free me this instant"

Dark Lord: "I am afraid no"

Nur: "Let me go!"

Dark Lord: "Make me"

As Nur scowled at him, Dark Lord chuckled.

Dark Lord: "You can't, can you? Even in your own dream world, you are powerless. Weak, helpless, and at the mercy of your own alter-ego. Rather fitting fate for you, is it not?"

Nur: "If this is dream world, why I can't do what you can?"

Dark Lord: "Because the strength of your will is inferior to mine"

Nur: "Why are you doing this?"

Dark Lord: "To be the only one in control, of course"

Nur: "That is it? You wanted my body so much; you would steal it from me?"

Dark Lord: "Nur Finnerman. Honestly, you had far more time than me to use this vessel. But what did you actually accomplish during that time? The answer is nada, nothing. Time and again, you proved yourself to be a pathetic human being, always at the mercy of those with power"

Dark Lord: "And now, that is exactly what is happening right at this very moment. The reason you are powerless here is because your will is weak. Only the one with stronger will can stay dominant. The only reason you managed to take over was because I took a little nap"

Nur: "You can't do this! This is my body!"

Dark Lord: "It is my body too. If you want it so much, then take it. If you can't, then you don't deserve it"

Nur: "I will get you for this!"

Dark Lord: "Try your best, Finnerman. If you can break free and beat me, that is, then this body is all yours"

Dark Lord snapped his fingers.

Immediately, Nur was encased in three metal caskets, all bound by chains on the outside.

Dark Lord: "Until then, adieu"

With a chuckle, Dark Lord left the Dream Realm, waking up in the process.

Dark Lord: "Now that was a pleasant dream"