Volume 6: Chapter 13: Return (Part 1)

Desolai: "Every being has two conflicting yet connected sides. Human scholars refer to them as Ying and Yang. They are eternally connected but are each halves of one and the same"

Nur: "Conflicting?"

Desolai: "Indeed. It is rare, but not impossible for someone's Ying and Yang to end up separated. More often than not, one side will become dominant while the other will stay hidden deep within"

Dark Lord: "Why am I remembering this now?"

Dark Lord: "Anyways, I do not want to see that Finnerman any time soon"

Life was anything but a pleasant journey until now.

Bit by bit, piece by piece, he kept losing everything, until he ended up at the lowest point.

Now, he was a monster, a construct of pure evil.

And Dark Lord accepted that role without hesitation.

In his situation, many people would have chosen the route of giving up and letting the fate be their guide.

Very few would have persisted and tried to become the protagonist of the story. Dark Lord referred to as stereotypical heroes.

A hero would have kept trying even when his efforts were a futile. He would have wanted to protect everyone while always sacrificing himself.

Dark Lord: 'What a waste of effort'

While the path of a hero was admirable, ultimately, it was a foolish one.

Who he wanted to protect or cherish don't exist in this time. Even the version of her that exists in this period is not the one he knew.

As far as those he wanted to protect, Dark Lord had nobody….

Maybe that was not exactly true, but he paid it no heed.

But the biggest reason Dark Lord refused to become the hero of his story was because he was well aware that he was one of the pieces in the eternal chess board of gods.

What he wanted was not to be the victorious piece, but to step off the chessboard. And then give a piece of his mind to the one responsible.

Dark Lord proceeded to stand up before heading out of the house. Apparently Jude already left, so there was no point in staying there.

As he kept walking, pondering his thoughts, Dark Lord found a trail of grey feathers.

They looked very familiar for some reason.

Dark Lord: "Don't tell me…"

Following the trail of feathers, Dark Lord now found himself before a bush. And behind the bush was exactly what he expected.

An angel.

Or more accurately, a Reaper.

Dark Lord: "I knew it"

He has spent so much time cleaning up after Desolai, so he could easily recognize an angel feather if he ever saw one.

But this Shinigami was not Desolai; that much was clear.

Her hair color for one was disheveled and messy color of purple and green. Certainly a weird one.

Dark Lord: "A normal person meets an angel of death only once, and it is after he dies. For some reason, I keep meeting angel after angel, and I can't seem to find a way to croak. If you think of it like that, my entire life seems like one big joke"

And he was the punch line.

First it was Desolai, then Mrakus, then Morphus, and now this one.

Dark Lord: "Just how many angels am I going to meet before I find a true end?"

Apparently she broke one of her wings and ended up unconscious.

So, in Dark Lord's eyes, she was a winged person with skeletal features, and green and purple hair.

Nothing suspicious about that?

Dark Lord: "?"

She has a leather pouch on her and inside he could see a notebook.

Dark Lord: "Might as well take a look, since you are not complaining"

It was a log book, of all the people she was going to reap.

Dark Lord: "Such a long list...Well, I am kind of responsible for many of them…."

But then, his eyes caught sight of something rather disturbing.

Dark Lord: "Are you kidding me?"

Then, he heard a loud male shriek.


Dark Lord: "*Sighs* I know that voice"