Chapter 116: Secret Admirer 1

Three heads turned toward the source of the voice.


"Chen Chen!"

"Uncle Chen?"

The three women called Wu Chen simultaneously. Then, they were looking at each other as if they couldn't believe how synchronized they were.

"100 marks for synchronization! Perfecto! This Master of Unicorn approved" Yi Fei suddenly spoke and gave thumbs up to both Wu Chen's mother and Ying Yue, ignoring the upset looking guy who just came to their table.

Wu Chen felt as if he was purposely isolated by the women. His mother schemed against him so that he won't be able to have lunch with his girlfriend and his girlfriend was busy giving thumbs up to other women without greeting him – or at least showed that she was happy to see him.

"I don't know what you are talking about. Your dad must have missed you so much that he was determined to have lunch with you. It has nothing to do with me" The truth was, Wu Chen's mother never scheme against her own son. She just casually mentioned to her husband to have lunch with their son since they have not met for quite some time.

Wu Chen had nothing to refute against his mother. He continued on standing on the side, trying hard to think of a great comeback when Yi Fei asked him to sit down beside her. It was as if all of the things he planned had vanished in an instant.

"Uncle Chen, why are you here? Are you here for the exhibition too?" Ying Yue was familiar with Wu Chen. Since she was always following Jun Liu, sometimes she met with Wu Chen too. But today was the first day that Ying Yue met Wu Chen's mother.

At first, Ying Yue was shocked to know that the beautiful older lady who was with Yi Fei was Wu Chen's mother. They didn't look similar. Ying Yue thought that Yi Fei and the beautiful auntie were related.

A waiter came to take their order and it seemed as if the waiter was bewitched by the number of good-looking people that sat on the same table.

"Where's your uncle? I'm here to eat lunch with my girlfriend" Wu Chen took the menu from the waiter and started pouring orders. The waiter jotted down their order and walked away from the table.

From what Ying Yue knew, both Wu Chen and Jun Liu were single. At some point, Ying Yue even thought that Wu Chen and her uncle was a gay couple. They spent time together, mostly only the two of them. It was hard not to question their sexuality.

So when Wu Chen said that he was there to eat lunch with his girlfriend, Ying Yue was skeptical.

"Oh really? Where's your girlfriend?" Ying Yue really wanted to know whether Wu Chen really had a girlfriend or not.

Wu Chen smoothly draped one of his hands on Yi Fei's shoulder and the other one was doing a helping hand gesture towards Yi Fei as if he was announcing that Yi Fei was his girlfriend. Wu Chen didn't say anything because he knew that Yi Fei would clear out the situation for him.

"Ta-Dah!" Yi Fei opened her arms wide.

"It is I, Shen Yi Fei, the girlfriend of the almighty Wu Chen. Thou shalt not be surprised by this revelation!" Yi Fei patted her own chest.

The whole time, Wu Chen's eyes never leave Yi Fei. Sometimes, this girlfriend of his would act like an idiot but surprisingly, he was never bored with her antics. While looking at Yi Fei, Wu Chen automatically smiled.

Ying Yue couldn't believe that the cold person that she always greets as 'Uncle Chen' would be the boyfriend of the cool sister Fei she got to know a few hours ago. Ying Yue felt that her sister Fei deserved someone better than a cold guy like her uncle's best friend.

"My son looks stupid with that smile…" Wu Chen's mother who was seated next to Ying Yue murmured something that Ying Yue barely heard. "But it suits him. Don't you think so?" Wu Chen's mother turned to Ying Yue and smiled.

Upon seeing the smile from Wu Chen's mother, Ying Yue didn't voice out her opinion. She didn't really know Wu Chen that much too. It would be unfair for her to judge people or whom they should and should not be with.

Out of blue, a voice with an angry tone came from behind them.

"Yue Yue"

Jun Liu came to their table while holding a dragon's tail. NaNa was beside Jun Liu and had guilt written all over her face.

"Hello, auntie, Wu Chen, and Yi Fei. Sorry everyone but Ying Yue needs to go now. Yue Yue, come with me" Jun Liu was upset that Ying Yue went off without informing him.

"Hi, Ah Jun." Yi Fei was unusually excited." What's the rush? We are about to have lunch. Why don't you join us? Ying Yue already place an order for her food"

Jun Liu wanted to decline but Wu Chen and his mother insisted that Jun Liu should have lunch with them so he had no other choice than to accept their invitation. So the seating chart for the table was Yi Fei, Wu Chen and NaNa on the right side; Wu Chen's mother, Ying Yue and Jun Liu sat on the left side.

"Why are you holding NaNa's dragon tail?" Yi Fei was naturally a curious person. When everyone was seated, she couldn't help but ask.

Before Jun Liu could answer, NaNa spoke first. "I want to help Ah Jun to search for Ying Yue but this tail is very troublesome. It keeps getting on the way and sometimes, people stepped on it. It makes our search party became slower so Ah Jun holds it for me so I could move easily" NaNa nonchalantly explained the whole thing like it was a normal occurrence.

"Wow! So chivalrous. Chen Chen, you heard that. Ah Jun helped NaNa to carry the tail around. They are getting along very well, right?" Yi Fei raised her brows a few times as if sending a signal to Wu Chen to agree with her.

Wu Chen saw the signal but he didn't say anything about it since Jun Liu told him previously that he didn't have any feeling towards NaNa. Wu Chen pretended not to see the signal sent by Yi Fei and leave Yi Fei hanging with her statement.

Wu Chen's mother who saw the whole thing wanted to smack Wu Chen's head. How could he ignore his girlfriend like that when the girlfriend asked for back up?

To make up for her son's stupidity, Wu Chen's mother played along with Yi Fei.

"Now that Yi Fei mentioned it, I also thought that they get along well. Not bad. Not bad" Wu Chen's mother raised her brows to Yi Fei.

Wu Chen just observed the raising eyebrows exchanged between his mother and his girlfriend. They spent time for a few hours and now his mom was playing around with Yi Fei already? Wu Chen wanted to reprimand Yi Fei to not be naughty when a brown bear mascot approached their table.

The brown bear mascot was holding a bouquet of roses on its right hand and a pink cotton candy on its left hand. It came to their table and went straight to NaNa.

"Hi, PedoBear. You still remember me?" Yi Fei waved to the brown bear. The brown bear ignored her and proceeded on handing over the roses and cotton candy to NaNa. Then the brown bear walked away without saying anything.

Yi Fei looked really offended. Wu Chen thought that Yi Fei was offended because she was ignored by the bear.

Wu Chen patted her back. "Usually, the mascot is not allowed to talk. Don't take it to your heart".

Yi Fei looked at Wu Chen like he had said something absurd. With a serious face, she said:

"The bear gave away free candy. It is true after all. But I'm not satisfied ar… How come the bear asked me to pay for the cotton candy when it gave one to NaNa for free? This is so unfair"