Chapter 117: Secret Admirer 2

Shortly after the brown bear left, a waiter came to take Jun Liu and NaNa's order.

The bouquet of roses and cotton candy was still on the table. There was a white card on the bouquet of roses.

NaNa looked at it, and it was all in Japanese characters. Yi Fei was trying to look at it too, but her neck couldn't reach over to see what was written on the card.

"NaNa, the flower and the cotton candy are suspicious. Don't eat it" From her seat, Yi Fei tried to advise NaNa.

Yi Fei was still sulking over the partial treatment of the bear. She tried to make the bear as the bad guy, but her plan backfired on her.

"Isn't that the same bear where you bought the cotton candy we have eaten just now?" Ying Yue asked with an innocent face because she wanted to know.

Wu Chen threw a questioning look to Yi Fei. Yi Fei laughed awkwardly before saying that she was kidding. Yi Fei then asked NaNa about the roses and the cotton candy.

"Wait. Wait. Let me guess." All of the people on the table waited on Yi Fei's wild guess. It was always fun when Yi Fei wanted to guess something. She will always have a theory that was different from other people. Sometimes, Wu Chen wondered if her brain was structured differently from the rest of them.

"These roses and this cotton candy must be sent by your secret admirer. Even though I cannot read Japanese but I can guess" The rest of the people waited patiently.

"NaNa-Sama, you are shining brightly like the sun. Please be my girlfriend. Or something like that I guess". Yi Fei was only playing, but Ying Yue said that she had a friend who could read Japanese. So, Ying Yue snapped a picture of the card and asked her friend to translate it for her.

Surprisingly, the translation was not that different from what Yi Fei's guess was. It was written "Keep shining, beautiful one. NaNa-Sama, please be my girlfriend".

All of the people on the table were surprised at Yi Fei's guess. Yi Fei was making up the whole thing; she didn't think that her guess would be right.

"Auntie, what do you think about this? Should we let this off?" Yi Fei asked Wu Chen's mother for her opinion because she was the elder.

Wu Chen's mother smiled because she didn't know what should be done at the moment. Yi Fei then moved to Wu Chen. "Chen Chen, should we find out the sender?" Unfortunately for Yi Fei, Wu Chen didn't answer her too since their food came.

All of them ate their lunch heartily. It was a rare occasion for Wu Chen's mother to eat with a lot of people and most of them were even younger than her. She could see that everyone got along very well. Her cold son looked slightly better after he had a girlfriend.

As for Yi Fei, Wu Chen's mother was happy with Wu Chen's choice for a girlfriend. She could get along well with Yi Fei, and that's that. Movies and dramas always portrayed a bad relationship between a mother and daughter in law; they couldn't get along well.

But she got along really well with Yi Fei. Now, she only needed Wu Chen to get married quickly and gave her grandchildren.

Ying Yue and Jun Liu finished their meal slightly faster than the rest because Jun Liu needed to send Ying Yue to her piano class somewhere near the convention hall. Since it was lunch hour, the traffic condition in City K was congested because of the peak hour. So Jun Liu needed to head out early.

After bidding their goodbye, Jun Liu and Ying Yue left. NaNa handed over the cotton candy to Yi Fei because she didn't like cotton candy but Wu Chen intercepted the candy.

"You said that the brown bear and this candy are suspicious, remember?" Wu Chen wanted to tease Yi Fei. Yi Fe had this crestfallen look in her face like a kid who was denied entry to an amusement park.

Wu Chen's mother excused herself too because she needed to solve some issues in her boutique. Wu Chen wanted to tease and hang out a bit with Yi Fei, but his mother pulled him along with her. Wu Chen's mother handed over the intercepted cotton candy to Yi Fei and pulled Wu Chen away with her.

NaNa and Yi Fei decided to hang out a bit in the restaurant until it was time for NaNa to return to her booth. Yi Fei moved over to the left seat to seat the opposite of NaNa.

"NaNa, where is your tail?" Yi Fei thought that Jun Liu left the tail on the seat, but it was nowhere to be found.

"I think, Ah Jun brought it together with him. He left in a hurry; I didn't even see if he was carrying something with him" NaNa said matter-of-factly.

"He must be too used of carrying it around with him just now that he continued holding it for you even when he needed to send Ying Yue to her class. He is quite a gentleman, doesn't he?" Yi Fei tried to probe, but NaNa didn't say anything. She was just smiling.

Yi Fei always sees a smiling NaNa, but there was something different about her smile today; today her smile was soft.

NaNa wanted to text Jun Liu to ask about her tail, but she couldn't think of suitable wording for her text. While NaNa was thinking, Yi Fei's phone rang and Yi Fei took the call. Yi Fei's mother asked her to go back home. NaNa knew that Yi Fei's parents were very protective of her.

Yi Fei wanted to hang out more with NaNa but since her parents asked her to return home, she excused herself, and that left NaNa alone in the restaurant.

Sitting alone in the restaurant, NaNa didn't care about her wording anymore. She sent her text to Jun Liu, and after five minutes, Jun Liu called her to meet in the basement parking. NaNa went to the basement parking of the convention hall while carrying the roses.

Jun Liu texted NaNa of his location in the basement parking. NaNa went to the direction given by Jun Liu and saw that a black Audi A4. NaNa was contemplating whether she went into the right direction and slowly, the car window rolled down to reveal a cold looking Jun Liu.

"Your tail is on the backseat. I forgot to put it down when I went over to send Yue Yue. You're lucky; the traffic is not that bad just now or else, you have to return to your booth without your tail" Jun Liu pointed to his backseat.

NaNa didn't go to the backseat. Instead, she went over to the other side of the car and opened the door to the passenger seat beside Jun Liu. She entered the car and sat there comfortably.

"Let me sit for a while" NaNa leaned to the seat, closed her eyes and hugged the bouquet of roses. "This is my favourite car. If I get my driving licence later, I'm going to ask my mom to buy one."

"Good for you. Now, your tail. I need to go" Looking at the bouquet of roses that NaNa was hugging lovingly, Jun Liu felt vexed. It was just a bouquet of flowers, but it gets to him.

NaNa opened her eyes and looked at her tail at the backseat and then looked at Jun Liu. "Just ten more minutes. Let me sit here for just ten more minutes. I want to feel the nice air conditioner in your car. Outside is very hot, my makeup will melt".

Jun Liu didn't answer so NaNa had to use her puppy eyes."Just ten minutes. After that, I'll go out. Please…Pretty please…" NaNa closed the distance between her and Jun Liu. This time, Jun Liu looked at her.

Jun Liu used his forefinger to pushed NaNa's forehead to distance herself from him. But the more he struggled, the closer she gets to him.

"Chong NaNa, don't play around." Jun Liu gave up in pushing her because she wouldn't stop, she will just get closer. Then again, if he didn't do anything, NaNa will still get close to him.

No matter what he did, he was still on the losing side.