Chapter 132: Kiss 1

When Wu Chen let go of Yi Fei, Yi Fei breathed heavily because they kissed passionately and she couldn't catch her breath. The deep, ragged breath looked sexy on her, so Wu Chen leaned over towards Yi Fei to kiss her again, but Yi Fei stopped Wu Chen from doing so.

"Chen Chen, we should control ourselves" Yi Fei put her hand on Wu Chen's chest to stop him from kissing her again.

Wu Chen laughed and fixed Yi Fei's fringe that got messy after the kiss. He thought that Yi Fei was the funniest when she tried to act like an adult.

As if on cue, Yi Fei's phone rang.

"Hello. Yes mom. Yes, Yes. Okay, mom. I'm with Chen Chen. Okay, mom. Okay." Yi Fei was very serious while talking to the phone. Wu Chen took the opportunity to hug Yi Fei from behind while Yi Fei was talking to the phone.

After a few minutes of talking on the phone, Yi Fei finally hung up the phone.

"Chen Chen, let's go back. My mom is looking for me" Yi Fei tried to disentangle herself from Wu Chen, but Wu Chen hugged her even tighter.

Usually, Yi Fei was the one who played around with everyone, but right now, Wu Chen felt like playing with Yi Fei. He leaned towards Yi Fei's ear and whispered seductively in her ear.

"I'm not going to let you go home for today. We are going to get married anyway. Let's do IT today."

When Yi Fei heard that Wu Chen was mentioning 'it' to her, she got nervous, and she tried even harder to extricate herself from the tight embrace. But to no avail, Wu Chen did not budge.

"Chen Chen, don't be like this. I'm not ready ar… We are not married yet. My dad will kill you if you do something to me" Yi Fei stopped struggling because she couldn't get away from Wu Chen.

Wu Chen laughed loudly and let go of Yi Fei. He made Yi Fei turned to face him and knocked her head lightly. Still, after all this time, Yi Fei was still a little pervert. Wu Chen did not even mention what 'IT' refers to but the little idiot in front of him made an assumption of herself regarding what 'IT' is.

"I'm not doing anything to you. Your mind always wandered to bed stuff, are you sure you don't want to have a sexy time with me?"

For Wu Chen, the topic of sex is normal for him, but for Yi Fei, that topic is a big thing for her. Yi Fei's parents were conservative and very protective of her. So sex before marriage is not allowed. Her face reddened when Wu Chen mentioned sexy time. How could she look straight into Wu Chen's eyes at the moment?

Seeing that Yi Fei looked down with a red face, Wu Chen felt that the teasing was enough for now. He didn't want to scare Yi Fei. He patted her head and lifted her face.

"Fei Fei, I'm not going to do anything to you if you don't want me to. I don't want to get killed by your dad. I want to live so that we could get married" Wu Chen caressed Yi Fei's cheek.

A smile formed on Yi Fei's red face when Wu Chen assured her that they are not going to do anything. Yi Fei held Wu Chen's hand and pulled him towards the door.

But before they could step out of the door, Yi Fei suddenly stopped and started looking at every corner.

"Why are you stopping?" Wu Chen asked.

"Do you really not have any hidden camera installed in this room? Aren't you supposed to record your proposal so that the next generation can watch how you proposed to me? And then you can tell our kids like 'so kids; this is how I proposed to your mother' like the TV series How I Met Your Mother?" Yi Fei touched her chin and began scanning the whole room.

Wu Chen did not think about filming the proposal because it was a closed event only for the two of them. Not even his family knew that he is going to propose to Yi Fei because if he told his mother, his mother would try to get involved in the planning and possibly ruined the whole things with her idea.

"Sorry, no camera. Are you disappointed?" Wu Chen tried to find a trace of disappointment from Yi Fei's face, but he couldn't see any.

"There's no camera and the ring might not be enough for you… But hey, I am finally yours. All of me belongs to you" Wu Chen tried to cheer Yi Fei up in case she was disappointed that the proposal was not recorded but what came out from Yi Fei's mouth was not something he expected.

"Since when are you not mine? You have always been mine" Like a Queen, Yi Fei announced her right of the ownership of Wu Chen's heart.

Without any warning, Wu Chen leaned over to Yi Fei. "And you, MINE" Then, he kissed her passionately.


When NaNa came out from the door, Jun Liu was leaning on his car, waiting for her. Jun Liu smiled when he saw that NaNa was out of the house.

Ying Yue was already at the backseat, so NaNa took the seat beside Jun Liu. She felt awkward because this is the first time she'll go out with Jun Liu as a couple. When NaNa looked at Jun Liu, he was acting like he usually did. He started the engine, and the car started moving.

The awkwardness did not last long because, from the backseat, Ying Yue tried to make conversation with NaNa. After a few minutes of talking, the awkwardness dissipates.

NaNa and Ying Yue talked about a lot of things that Jun Liu didn't understand. He never tried to get involved in the conversation because Jun Liu thought that it was not a good idea since he was not familiar with the topic of cosplaying, anime and KPOP idols.

The time went by quickly because of the conversation. NaNa and Ying Yue were not even aware that they reached the residential area where Ying Yue lives. Jun Liu stopped the car in front of a big white house.

"NaNa-Sama, do you want to come in?" Ying Yue wanted to talk more with NaNa so she invited her to come into her house but seeing her uncle had a dark expression like a child that got his toys snatched by someone, Ying Yue did not have high hope that NaNa will agree to her.

"Not today. Maybe next time. I have something to do today" NaNa declined politely and waved towards Ying Yue. The car started moving again, leaving Ying Yue standing still outside the house.

Ying Yue waved back towards NaNa, and she entered her house excitedly. She wanted to tell her mother about her uncle's new girlfriend.

"You have something to do today?" For the first time after meeting Jun Liu, Jun Liu asked her a question first. NaNa was happy for a small thing like this.

"Yes, I have a date with you" NaNa smiled at Jun Liu who was driving. She decided that she will be forward with her words and her feeling.

Jun Liu didn't say anything to her, but there was a small smile carved onto his lips. While he thought that teasing was fun, he liked it better if NaNa is forward with her words.

"You look good with the ring. Don't take it off" Since NaNa spoke directly now, Jun Liu decided that he will also talk directly.

NaNa nodded as a sign that she agreed with Jun Liu. Her nervousness faded slowly because she felt as if both of them were conversing like how they were before, with the addition that Jun Liu now was responsive towards her and he asked a question too.

"Do you mind if I go into the company to deal with a few issues first? We could go for dinner after that" Jun Liu wanted to start their date as soon as possible, but the situation in his company needs to be resolved first.

NaNa looked at her watch and saw that it was only a quarter after two. Since she had her lunch with Yi Fei and Ying Yue already, she had no problem with Jun Liu going to his company first. Work is essential after all.

Jun Liu drove to his company, and both NaNa and he went straightaway to his office.

Along the way to Jun Liu's office, there were a lot of males looking at the couple. They acted as if they never seen a woman before.

When NaNa reached the office, Jun Liu told NaNa that she could sit on the sofa while he dealt with some issues. He handed over his laptop to her so that NaNa could surf the internet or do whatever she wants to entertain herself.

"Ah Jun, why are the people outside look at me weirdly?"NaNa opened the website to watch her anime, but she couldn't forget the look people thrown at her when she walked side to side with Jun Liu. She asked him a question without even glancing at Jun Liu.

"This is the first time they saw a woman in the company. Women are not allowed in here. You are the first one" Jun Liu answered her question without glancing at her too. His eyes were on the file in his hand.

The two were communicating without looking at each other.

"Why?" NaNa was busy watching her anime. The laptop was on her lap.

This time, Jun Liu put the file down and looked at NaNa. Sensing that someone was staring at her, NaNa turned her head towards Jun Liu's direction.

They were staring right into each other's eyes. Jun Liu stood up and went over to the couch and sat next to NaNa.

"Isn't it obvious? I like you. You are my girlfriend." Jun Liu felt that something was missing when he looked at NaNa.

NaNa blinked a few times before realization came down to her. So, she was the first woman to come into the office because she was Jun Liu's girlfriend. Her heart fluttered when she thinks about the word 'first.'

"I like you too" NaNa smiled at Jun Liu and showed the ring on her finger towards him.

Jun Liu closed the gap between them and stared right into NaNa's eyes.

"I have been thinking about this a lot since that day in the parking lot..." Jun Liu removed the laptop from NaNa's lap and put it beside him on the sofa.

"NaNa, do you want to kiss?"